In a blink of an eye, it's Friday, and there are six days left before the class reunion.

After rehearsals this afternoon, it's finally the weekend.

Yang Tianyu didn't rehearse today. After all, he has already graduated, and Deng Sijia and Feng Qian were a little unwilling. The two made an appointment to go to the dance studio to rehearse.

After Yang Tianyu returned home, he heard loud music coming from the house as soon as he opened the door.

"Why are you so stupid! How can you step on my feet every day after teaching so many times?"

"I already said I won't dance, you have to pull me to dance!"

"Look at how fat you are now. If you don't dance and do some activities, you will have to get three highs sooner or later! I'm thinking of your body!"

Yang Tianyu saw that it was his parents who were dancing Latin there.

Father Yang Zheng was naturally reluctant, but he couldn't hold back his mother Zou Li's broken mouth.

When the couple saw that Yang Tianyu had returned home, Zou Li hurriedly called out, "Tianyu, your dad and I have already eaten, remember to make your own hot meal!"

Yang Tianyu snorted, and he was no longer surprised.

After putting down the schoolbag, he went to the kitchen to get a big bowl, put all the rice and vegetables in the bowl, took a pair of chopsticks, and ran to the sofa to eat, while eating while wearing headphones to watch Ball game.

The couple then danced their own.

Yang Zheng is numb.

This wife is fine with everything, she just can't be idle!

Dance whenever you have time, but don't have to pull yourself to dance!

As soon as Yang Zheng came back from the company, Zou Li brought him over to learn Latin.

After dancing for a while, I was sweating profusely, so I quickly waved my hand and said, "Okay, okay, it's almost done! I really can't jump, so let me go!"

Yang Zheng waved his hand, slid away quickly, sat on the sofa and took a towel to wipe the sweat from his face.

Zou Li was naturally a little unhappy, "I've been dancing for so long! You're so tired? You should exercise, hurry up, come and dance with me!"

"Forgive me! I really can't jump, and I have to go to the company tomorrow!" Yang Zheng shook the towel in his hand, and when he saw Yang Tianyu watching the game, he shouted, "You want to jump, let Yang Tianyu Pull over and jump!"

Yang Tianyu, who was watching the game, seemed to feel something was wrong.

"Dad, what did you say?"

Before Yang Tianyu could react, Zou Li came to Yang Tianyu, and while pulling Yang Tianyu, she said, "Go, son, if your dad doesn't want to jump, just jump with me!"

"Ah...ah?" Yang Tianyu said quickly, "I'm watching the game!"

"You can watch it anytime! It's not that there is no recording! Let's go, let's go, Mom, I haven't danced in a long time. I finally got a little bit of fun today, and your dad is really a disappointment!"

"Didn't you still dance yesterday?"

"Yesterday is yesterday's share, isn't today's this yet to begin?"

"Mom, can you let me watch the game? Today is the semi-final."

"Yang Tianyu, do you still want pocket money?"


Yang Tianyu had no choice but to bow his head to the capital forces, and was pulled over by Zou Li reluctantly.

"Mom, I haven't studied Latin either!"

"Can't I teach you?"

No way, Yang Tianyu had to learn with Zou Li.

It's just a few simple moves, but I didn't expect Yang Tianyu to dance so well.

"Yes, yes, that's it!"

"Yeah!? Yang Tianyu, you can learn it!"

"As expected of my Zou Li's flesh and blood!"

"Look at it! Mom taught you to dance when you were a child, and has developed your brain and body, so you can easily learn it now! That's the foundation that Mom has laid for you before!"

Yang Tianyu was used to his mother's unstoppable mouth.

Super chatter.

"Yes, yes, I have already learned almost, right?"

"Where is this! You just learned some basic movements. Come on, I'll start teaching you some more difficult ones, and see if you can keep up!"

As a result, half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

Originally, Zou Li thought that Yang Tianyu should not have the patience to learn, but as a result, Yang Tianyu seemed to be a little bit better after practicing.

There was no need for Zou Li to even say it, Yang Tianyu actually jumped up to find the feeling.

Yang Tianyu also fell into it unknowingly, completely keeping everything out of the way, very focused on his movements, and began to jump with the exciting music.

As a result, halfway through the jump, the music suddenly stopped, and Yang Tianyu suddenly came back to his senses, and his movements also stopped.

I saw Zou Li's face full of surprise. Although he said that he only taught Yang Tianyu some movements, Yang Tianyu really jumped out of the combination of strength and beauty.

You must know that even people who have studied Latin for a few years may not be able to pick out this feeling!

Just outrageous!

"Tianyu, you were born for dancing!" Although Zou Li withdrew from the art troupe very early, he never gave up on his foundation. As long as she had time, she would study and study on her own. , so even now Zou Li is a fairly professional dancer.

Naturally, it can be seen at a glance that Yang Tianyu is definitely talented in dancing!

"I knew it, I knew I must be born with this gene!" Zou Li said excitedly, "Tianyu, let's not practice sports, we will practice dancing in the future!"

"Mom, I'm really not interested in dancing!"

"Then I was fascinated by watching you dance just now?"

"Didn't you make me dance? You won't be happy if I'm perfunctory!"

As soon as the words fell, Zou Li subconsciously turned on the music.

Yang Tianyu also involuntarily opened his legs and made a move, and then the whole person was stunned.


"You kid, you don't say anything, but your body is quite honest!"

Yang Tianyu also felt embarrassed.

He didn't know why, but sometimes his body was a little out of control, and when he heard the music, his body couldn't help but get a little restless.

"No more dancing, no more dancing! I'm going back to my room to read!"

Yang Tianyu hurriedly ran away, but Zou Li was full of joy.

She really didn't expect her child to have a talent for dancing, and this talent is definitely not an ordinary talent!

"However, it's strange. Why didn't you see a talent for dancing when you were young? You're at this's not too late!" Zou Li thought that if her son could inherit her dream, then this life would be really worthless. No regrets.

The reason why she quit the art troupe back then was because her body was injured and she couldn't continue dancing at a high intensity.

So she wanted to give birth to a girl back then and take good care of her, but she gave birth to a boy.

But it doesn't matter if the boy is, Zou Li is still training, but the result is that the support is not enough.

Because Zou Li is best at ballet, Yang Tianyu also studied ballet when he was a child.

She also has many photos of Yang Tianyu wearing ballet suits when she was a child.

But because of this, Yang Tianyu was ridiculed by many boys when he was a child, so Yang Tianyu never wanted to learn dancing again, and cut all the dance clothes that Zou Li made by himself with scissors.

This dazzling, so many years have passed.

Zou Li didn't have any hope at all, but she didn't expect that her son seemed to be the one-of-a-kind dance prodigy!

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