After returning to the room, Yang Tianyu resolutely locked the door.

Not in a good mood.

He does have some resistance to dancing.

It was because other boys laughed at ballet as a sissy when he was a child, so he didn't want to get in touch, and even chose sports such as basketball for this, so that others would never talk about him again.

Even after so many years, there is still something in my heart that I can't let go of.

Although it seems a little childish now.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Tianyu, Tianyu, why did you lock the door?"

Yang Tianyu smiled bitterly, "Mom, what are you doing?"

"You open the door first! Mom will discuss something with you!"

I knew my mom didn't give up!

After all, when Yang Tianyu was a child, he always heard his mother say that he wanted to train himself to be a professional dancer.

Today's jump is estimated to have rekindled my mother's heart!

Yang Tianyu couldn't help patting his head and resting his forehead.

He doesn't know the reason for it lately, but whenever he dances, he feels very special, and this feeling is very addicting, so that sometimes he can't control himself at all.

Is it really an innate talent?

Yang Tianyu felt helpless in his heart, so he had to open the door for a while.

"Mom, if you want me to dance, don't talk about it!" Yang Tianyu said firmly, "It's not that you don't know what an indelible shadow was cast on my young mind because of dancing when I was a child!"

"You child, it's been so many years, why do you remember these things?" Zou Li rolled her eyes, "Those children are just childish, why are you still so childish now?"

"Dancing is a very enjoyable thing, isn't it?"

"Oops! When you're done, go out quickly! I'm going to read a book!"

"Don't worry! Shall we discuss it?"

Yang Tianyu decisively shook his head and waved his hand, "There is no room for negotiation!"

"Mom, can I buy you the latest limited edition basketball shoes?"


Yang Tianyu resisted being silent, glanced at the shoe cabinet on the wall, basically all kinds of basketball shoes.

At a glance, you know that it is an old shoe control.

Even Zhou Feng's bet with Yang Tianyu was made with sneakers, which shows how obsessed Yang Tianyu is.

"Mom, it's a despicable and shameless way for you to use my weakness like this!"

"Two pairs?"


Yang Tianyu couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Mom, what do you want me to do?"

"I just contacted the Latin dance coach I know and signed you up for a weekend class." Zou Li hurriedly said, "I have already paid you the money, as long as you are willing to go, what kind of shoes do you want? I can buy it for you!"


"Five pairs, at most five pairs."

Yang Tianyu slapped the table "Deal!"

Zou Li hurriedly smiled and said, "Okay, tomorrow morning at eight o'clock, I'll take you there!"

After speaking, Zou Li left Yang Tianyu's room in a happy mood.

When Yang Tianyu came back to his senses, he couldn't help patting his head and resting his forehead again.

It is difficult to guard against home thieves by day and night!

Never expected to be pinched by his own mother.

But...the five pairs of limited edition sneakers are really fragrant!

Anyway, it seems that this transaction is not a loss, just dance, and you can get five pairs of limited edition sneakers after dancing!

The conflict in the heart is really... in the face of interests... it's not shit.

As a result, early the next morning, Yang Tianyu went to the Latin dance class with Zou Li.

There are quite a few Latin dance teachers in this class. One of them is quite familiar with Zou Li. She is a woman in her forties, about the same age as Zou Li.

When he saw Yang Tianyu, he couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"Sister Zou, your child's height and physique are really strong!"

"He's a sports student now!" Zou Li laughed.

"Physical, sports students?" The Latin dance teacher couldn't help but feel a little surprised. "No wonder, I didn't expect sports students to be interested in Latin dance!"

"What's so strange about this?" Zou Li didn't care about this at all, and hurriedly asked the teacher to start arranging lessons.

Of course, this course is also divided into three types, basic class, advanced class and advanced class.

Without Zou Li, Yang Tianyu made a short dance on the spot, which was the one he taught yesterday.

Not to mention, when the Latin dance teacher saw Yang Tianyu's sense of strength and beauty, he immediately became interested: "Sister Zou, this child has a future! With this kind of feeling, ordinary people really can't dance! As expected of you. Son!"

Zou Li couldn't help but feel proud, "It's okay, I'll leave this child to you next! I think I'll start with the basic class first!"

"Okay, no problem!" The Latin dance teacher hurriedly responded, her attitude towards Zou Li was naturally quite polite.

After all, he is a big customer!

The fee is paid for the course, one-on-one tutoring.

It just so happened that this Latin dance teacher started teaching Yang Tianyu.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye, and this Latin dance teacher... was stunned.


"Ah? What's wrong? Teacher Li?"

"Did you really just practice with your mother for a little while yesterday?"

"Yes, I haven't been exposed to Latin before."

This Teacher Li can't believe it, he's talking about the basic class. Usually, children who have no foundation come to practice, but Yang can teach it! ?

And every movement is very standard, not to mention, the feeling of jumping out is also very good, even in a trance, there are even some professional dancers!

"You dance with me again."

"it is good."

Teacher Li brought it again.

After she made an action, Yang Tianyu followed it.

The strength of each action is just right, and jumping out is not only not exaggerated at all, but because of the very strong body, the sense of power is really very fulfilling.

Teacher Li is a little stupid.

This learning ability is really outrageous.

She has brought many peers like Yang Tianyu's age before, and even a large part of them are dance students, but even these dance students cannot memorize all the movements in such a short period of time, even You can also feel the jump in place!

What's more, this Yang Tianyu is a sports student!

When the teaching was almost done, Teacher Li let Yang Tianyu practise feeling for himself.

After watching it for a while, Teacher Li hurriedly called Zou Li.

Zou Li was still a little unhappy when she received the call from Teacher Li. She thought it was Yang Tianyu who secretly ran away while practicing, but as soon as the call was connected, Teacher Li said, "Sister Zou, Tianyu's learning ability is too strong. It took him half an hour to digest the courses in my basic class, so why don't we transfer to the advanced class?"

When Zou Li heard this, she was naturally even more proud in her heart.

Our son is a genius who inherited my excellent dancing genes! How can it be treated with common sense!

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