Ji Coco did not continue to ask.

After all, it was just a brief exchange, and the two continued to practice dancing.

As time went by, Ji Keke discovered that Yang Tianyu's learning ability and adaptability were really outrageous!

Before, Yang Tianyu was still stepping on her feet, but after a while, Yang Tianyu has completely kept up with her rhythm and never stepped on her feet again.

Is this a beginner?

Ji Coco was a little confused.

Among her dance partners before, there was one who had studied Latin for almost seven years. However, when she first started to practice dancing, she would often step on her. After practicing for a long time, if there was a tacit understanding, this kind of mistake would not happen. However, She has only danced with Yang Tianyu for about an hour now, and she has not discussed it beforehand. Yang Tianyu can judge what she is going to do based on her small movements.

Full of tacit understanding!

This made Ji Coco both surprised and happy.

It was the first time she had danced in Latin for so many years to meet such a tacit partner!

In a blink of an eye, the Latin class of the day was over.

Ji Keke took the initiative to exchange contact information with Yang Tianyu, and remember to shout if you want to dance in the future.

Yang Tianyu responded, and when he saw Ji Keke's departure, he couldn't help scratching his head and smiling.

What a wonderful girl!

Gentle, generous, and beautiful.

I don't know how much better than the girls in Class 7.

It's quite enjoyable to dance with Ji Coco.

And after learning today's Latin dance class, Yang Tianyu found that he was not bored, and even had a little fun in it.

After returning home, as soon as Yang Tianyu entered the door, Zou Li came to the front and smiled and said, "Tianyu, how is your study today?"


"Come, come, dance with mom!"

"Ah... Forget it, don't you have a bad waist? What if you jump and hurt your waist later?"

"Don't worry, Mom, I know it in my heart. Besides, I'm a professional dancer. How could I be injured so easily?"

To be honest, Yang Tianyu really didn't want to dance Latin with his mother, but he couldn't stand his mother's urging, so he had to be caught by Zou Li in desperation.

After Zou Li prepared the music with great interest, she even put on high heels.

"Mom, don't wear high heels anymore, what if your foot sprains?" Yang Tianyu couldn't help laughing and crying, "Don't mess around with you when you're old!"

"Don't worry, I have it in my heart!"

music together.


That night, Zou Li was sent to the hospital, and Yang Tianyu, who was on the side, helped her mother helplessly.

"I told you not to do anything else, you have to do it!"

Yang Tianyu couldn't control herself a little, and she didn't necessarily stop when she jumped. Zou Li had to jump along, and she twisted her waist unexpectedly. At that time, she was sweating coldly from the pain. .

Another recurrence of an old injury, yes, I have to be hospitalized for rehabilitation.

But after Zou Li recovered, her face was full of joy.

"Tianyu, you dance really well!"

"Mom is really happy!"

"You must keep practicing. Mom believes that you will become a very good dancer!"

"Mom, don't talk a little bit, and honestly go to the hospital for rehabilitation treatment!"

Yang Tianyu returned home in disbelief.

But he seemed to understand his mother's feelings somewhat.

My mother really likes dancing, but she has since said goodbye to her favorite dance because of her injury.

At that time, when my mother chose to leave the art troupe, she must have been very confused and painful, right?

When I was a child, my mother put so much effort into herself, hoping that she would become a professional dancer. Yang Tianyu can now understand a lot of that obsession.

Especially now that he has felt the joy of dancing, he can feel the mood of his mother even more.

Just when Yang Tianyu was thinking about it, Ji Keke suddenly sent a message over when will you practice dancing tomorrow?

Yang Tianyu couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and he forgot about his mother's injury at once, and quickly sent a message to Ji Keke to arrive on time at eight o'clock.

Ji Keke is fine, see you then.

Ji Keke's sweet smile appeared in his mind again.

ahhhhh... latin dancing is so fucking good...


On the weekends, Chen Chu was busy doing things other than knitting bracelets.

The sales department of Fengjingyuan has already notified that they can apply for a loan.

Not that Chen Chu took the time to go to the provident fund to get a loan.

After the loan has been processed, the only thing left is to transfer the account.

After he came out of the provident fund, Chen Chu thought about it and planned to take a look at Feng Qian's situation.

Before the child's talent was determined, Chen Chu was really worried.

Chen Chu called Feng Qian and informed her in advance, but she didn't expect that it was Feng Qian's mother who answered the phone.

"Feng Qian's parent, isn't Feng Qian at home?"

"Mr. Chen, I'm taking Feng Qian to the hospital for a check-up now!" Feng Qian's mother said quickly, "I'm holding her cell phone, and she's taking pictures now."

Chen Chu's face changed, "Why did you suddenly go to the hospital for an examination? Are you sick?"

"No, she has been having nosebleeds today, and she can't stop it, so I quickly took her to the hospital to see what was wrong."

When Chen Chu heard this, he couldn't help frowning.

what's the situation?


Chen Chu hurriedly asked which hospital Feng Qian's mother was in for the checkup, and as soon as he heard it was the third hospital, Chen Chu hurried over there.

As usual, I found the nurse on duty at the counter and took a mask to cover my face, and it didn't take a while to meet Feng Qian and Feng Qian's mother.

Seeing that Feng Qian was pressing her fingers on both sides of her nose, there was no bleeding, but a lot of blood stains could be seen on her clothes.

"Old Chen."

Seeing Chen Chu coming, Feng Qian snorted, but did not dare to let go, for fear of another nosebleed.

Chen Chu said hello to Feng Qian's mother, and then immediately used the teacher's eyes.

Feng Qian

Gender: Female

age 15

Virtue 68

Intelligence 68

Stamina 83

Aesthetic 70

state aversion to learning;

Addicted to beauty (in this state, it is easy to indulge in beautiful people, things, and things, and cause strong resonance and greatly improve aesthetics);

Talent bracelet (after wearing the talent bracelet, you have this state, and the talent effect will be strengthened in this state)

bad habits

Talent Beauty Eyes (This talent cannot be rated and is currently being awakened)

Learning Efficiency 128

Comprehensive evaluation e

Chen Chu fell into silence for a while, and couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

This little girl Feng Qian, I'm afraid that she saw something too exciting, which caused the intracranial resonance to be too strong to cause a nosebleed?

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