Feng Qian's awakening was not unexpected.

After all, Chen Chu had done so much effort before, it would be strange if he didn't wake up.

I just didn't expect something to happen when I woke up.

Chen Chu didn't show any abnormal expression either, but sat down to understand the situation.

A hospital check like this is definitely not going to come up with anything.

The only explanation is that the excitement is too much, causing the capillaries in the nasal cavity to burst.

But this is a very special case, an exception, unless it's a previous trauma or something.

Of course Chen Chu has found the source of the problem.

Under normal circumstances, this would definitely not happen, but now Feng Qian has a special state of being addicted to beauty, and the talent bracelet continues to magnify this special state, so when Feng Qian resonates, her blood pressure suddenly rises. After inquiries, it was confirmed that Feng Qian had frequent nosebleeds when she was a child...

Chen Chu expressed quite a headache.

Because if this trend continues, Feng Qian's nosebleeds may become the norm during this period.

It could be life-threatening, excessive blood loss, etc.

Obviously, Feng Qian is not suitable for talent bracelets at this stage.

So Chen Chu still had to find a way to secretly exchange the talent bracelet.

But now is not a good time.

As Chen Chu expected, no problems were found after the examination, so the doctor could only prescribe medicine, and let Feng Qian keep her mood stable for a while, and come back for a review in a week.

"Mr. Chen, I'm really bothering you!"

"It's okay, it's okay, it's natural for me to come and see the students!"

If not, Chen Chu went to Feng Qian's house. Feng Qian finally stopped bleeding and started to live again.

Anyway, Chen Chu felt that Feng Qian must have seen something more exciting, but this kind of thing is related to the child's own privacy and so on, and Chen Chu must not be able to break it.

After thinking about it, when Feng Qian's mother just made a cup of tea for Chen Chu, Chen Chu said with a sad face, "Parent Feng Qian, Feng Qian's attention has not been very focused these days."

Feng Qian on the side was suddenly stunned.

Um! ?

Although I didn't pay attention once or twice, Lao Chen suddenly sued me at this time, Feng Qian felt something was wrong!

"So during this weekend break, try to keep Feng Qian from playing with her mobile phone. We are all for the children's good, so parents are also asked to supervise."

Feng Qian's mother naturally nodded repeatedly and said yes, and then decisively reached out to Feng Qian, "Feng Qian, give me your phone!"


How could Feng Qian dare to resist, so she obediently handed her cell phone to her mother.

"Teacher Chen, don't worry, I will keep an eye on her!"

"Well, I will find a way to adjust Feng Qian's attention in the near future." Chen Chu looked at Feng Qian with a serious face, "Looking at your performance, if you perform well, it's fine to play occasionally."

Seeing Feng Qian nodding obediently, Chen Chu also knew that Feng Qian must be quite reluctant in her heart.

But there is no way!

Teacher, this is for your safety!

Just hold on for a while.

As soon as Chen Chu left, Feng Qian turned her head and asked her mother for a mobile phone.

"Go, go, everyone, Teacher Chen said, don't play with your phone!"

"Mom, what Lao Chen said is to play as little as possible, not not to play. These two sentences are very different, okay!" Feng Qian hurriedly said, "And what if someone calls me?"

"If you say no, you won't. I'll let you know when I have a call. Teacher Chen is for your own good, so don't be ignorant!"

Feng Qian was naturally depressed.

When it was time for lunch, Sun Qunce returned home, naturally supporting the confiscation of the mobile phone.

Ye Zitong came over to eat again. Hearing this, he was naturally full of schadenfreude.

Without her mobile phone, Feng Qian was simply bored to death.

Computers are not allowed to play, and my mother comes to check every three or five.


Why do you listen to Lao Chen so much!

Feng Qian was playing with a small statue made by Chen Chu boredly when a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

Seeing Ye Zitong sneaking his head out, "Feng Qian, I have a spare cell phone, do you want it?"

Feng Qian's eyes suddenly lit up, but she thought carefully about what conspiracy the auntie was, she shook her head decisively and snorted, "No, I can still live without a mobile phone, auntie, don't cry and be merciful, today is yours. Happiest laugh."

"Look at what you said, I will be unhappy someday!" Ye Zitong raised his eyebrows, "I really don't want it? If I really don't want it, then I'll leave!"

Feng Qian didn't say a word. Ye Zitong looked at it and was about to close the door when Feng Qian's voice suddenly came, "Wait, tell me, what conditions do you have?"

Ye Zitong coughed, "How about you change me to stay in this room for two days?"


I knew it!

Ye Zitong has been wanting to live in this house since Lao Chen's decoration.

Feng Qian didn't know that her aunt just wanted to take a bunch of photos to show off in her circle of friends.

"One night, at most one night!" Feng Qian said, "If there is more, there will be no negotiation!"

"It's fine in one day, the deal! Then you don't come out quickly, I want to change the pillow and quilt cover!"


For this phone, Feng Qian endured it.

After Ye Zitong changed the pillow and quilt cover, Feng Qian decisively reached out, "Where's the phone?"

"It's in the drawer of my bedside table! Be careful, if your parents catch you, don't blame me for not reminding you!"

As soon as Feng Qian turned her head, she hurried to the room where Ye Zitong lived, and opened the chest of drawers.

It is a second-hand mobile phone that has been eliminated.

Feng Qian was stunned, she quickly picked up her phone and looked at it, and found that it could be used normally, and it could even connect to ifi!

my God!

Auntie has learned to be a man!

Feng Qian even thought that her aunt might use an old computer to trick her!

Never thought……

Sure enough, Lu Yao knew the horsepower, and after a long time seeing people's hearts, it was my aunt who loved me the most.

Feng Qian was moved when she heard Ye Zitong's voice coldly from outside the door.

"Sister, brother-in-law, Feng Qian is secretly playing with her mobile phone in my room!"




Ye Zitong, if I trust you in the future, I'll be a fool! !

Feng Qian was so anxious that she hurriedly locked the door, she was so flustered.

However, after waiting for a long time, I did not hear any movement outside the door.


Wait a minute……

Feng Qian couldn't help patting her head and holding her forehead, her parents just went out to do errands.


The surname Ye showed me twice in one minute!

Tolerable or unbearable!

You are unkind, so don't blame me for being unjust!

Ye Zitong was lying on the bed and was busy taking pictures of the house with his mobile phone when he suddenly heard a clicking sound from the door.

Um! ?

When Ye Zitong touched the lock, the door was locked by Feng Qian from the outside.


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