Cao Yunjing even thought that he had some kind of hallucination.

Anyway, he felt that today's Deng Sijia and Feng Qian were really different.

Yang Tianyu is still the same, as long as he starts to dance, his expression becomes very focused, and then he can't stop at all.

Looking at his posture, if no one called him, he would probably jump to the point of collapse.

Cao Yunjing's expression was very strange.

It doesn't matter how well you play basketball, but dancing is pretty good.

You like dancing so much, or you guys can just do it.

Anyway, Cao Yunjing told Yang Tianyu directly while he was resting.

"You are going to be a dance student! You must have a better future as a dance student than a sports student!" Cao Yunjing spoke to Yang Tianyu in a straight line of course, too lazy to be euphemistic. "And how good it is to dance! Girls who dance well are welcome! In the future, you will still be Don't worry about finding a girlfriend!" are not worried...

I'm quite sad.

Cao Yunjing thought about it in the future, if he stayed at the Jiangnan Police Dog Training Base every day, he would have to deal with the dogs, and it might not be that easy to find a girlfriend.

And because of the special nature of work, Cao Yunjing may feel that he is looking for a girlfriend to be a policewoman.

will catch that...

But if it annoyed her, he would press him down there with a snap.

The dog came to help him.

clap clap clap...

It was all pressed by his girlfriend...

A good man doesn't fight with a woman, no matter how we say it, we have practiced with Tian Xiao.

If it wasn't for the fact that this place was too small to be used, I would have to give you... a knock.

Ahhh...the bad day...

Cao Yunjing resolutely decided that if he really wanted to find him, he had to find someone who would sit in the office, but he must not be a front-line person.

Just when Cao Yunjing was thinking about it, Deng Sijia and Feng Qian on the side also came over and said, "Cao Yunjing is right! Yang Tianyu, you are really talented in dancing! If you are a dance student, you must be more talented than you are a sports student. future!"

Feng Qian also nodded and said, "This is an affirmation from the top students of Beiwu!"


Yang Tianyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while, but he didn't directly refute.

He didn't expect that in just one week, he felt like a roller coaster in his heart.

I was a little conflicted at first, but I met Ji Coco.

I was a little worried about being ridiculed by Cao Yunjing and others, but as a result, these people supported themselves as dance students.

In this way, it seems that he is too naive.

It's been tangled up until now because of what happened when I was a child.

Thinking of this, Yang Tianyu couldn't help scratching his head, "Let's see the situation! After you said this, I found that I really seem to be suitable for being a dancer!"

"That's right!" Cao Yunjing hurriedly added, "Besides, your mother is from a cultural troupe, isn't it normal that you have a talent for dancing? And if you learn to dance, your mother is a professional dancer and can also guide you. , how wonderful!"

"And didn't Lao Chen tell you to try to learn dance? Anyway, you must be right to listen to Lao Chen. Don't you think Deng Sijia just listened to Lao Chen and was admitted to Beiwu?"

Deng Sijia coughed, "Then I have to rely on my own efforts to get it out, okay? But there is nothing wrong with Cao Yunjing's words. Lao Chen is also thinking about our future. Although sometimes Lao Chen's direction is a bit biased, but Lao Chen is generally The directions you point to are very suitable for us.”

"And now the facts have proved that the direction that Lao Chen helped us to guide is indeed correct. Look at Liu Yuchen, that is all recommended to National Defense Science and Technology University."

Feng Qian asked, "Then why hasn't Lao Chen given me the whole package?"

Deng Sijia rolled her eyes, "If you continue to be as lazy as before, Lao Chen will definitely not be able to bring you back!"

"At least you have to be diligent, don't you?"

Feng Qian said okay, I'll be more diligent in the future, and decisively shifted the topic to Yang Tianyu, "Yang Tianyu, hurry up and change to a dance student! Let Lao Chen give you the whole walk! How good is the walk, you see, Jiajia doesn't have to take an exam, you don't need it yet. In class, Lao Chen doesn't say anything about her!"

Deng Sijia was speechless.

good guy!

This is what you pay attention to!

Forget it, don't bother.

Deng Sijia said again, "Anyway, I highly recommend you to transfer to a dance student, and you haven't started formal physical training yet, so I think this process should be very simple."

Three people surrounded Yang Tianyu and began to do ideological work.

Yang Tianyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry for a while.

"Why do you feel like the three of you have become old Chen!"

Well, the three of them came back to their senses, and suddenly realized that they were gradually being affected by Lao Chen.

After all, Lao Chen also gave them this kind of ideological work before.



Especially when Deng Sijia saw that Yang Tianyu had such dance talent, it was a pity not to learn dance.

"Okay, okay, let's stop this topic for the time being! I have to think about the matter of becoming a dance student, and I have to discuss it with my family!" Yang Tianyu waved his hand and said, "I can't make a decision now because I After learning basketball for so many years, and I really like playing basketball, I suddenly gave up all this to dance, I...I don't know what to say..."

"Use it as a hobby!" Deng Sijia spread her hands, "Now Liu Yuchen is dancing with us every now and then! It doesn't matter! I didn't say that you can't play basketball if you dance!"

"I'll think about it!"

Yang Tianyu still did not dare to make a decision lightly.

This matter will not continue to be talked about for the time being, and everyone continues to rehearse.

The overall dance is almost the same, but Deng Sijia felt that it was almost meaningless to jump out, so she asked the three of them to be judges while she was resting to help see what was wrong.

Attitude is quite serious.

Everyone had no opinion. After the music was not played, Deng Sijia jumped up in front of the three of them.

Deng Sijia danced very hard, and her movements and demeanor were in place, and she didn't know how to describe it. Every movement of Deng Sijia had a very unique beauty. I care, but now when Deng Sijia dances alone, this feeling is very strong.

Cao Yunjing watched Deng Sijia dancing, and couldn't help but muttered in Yang Tianyu's ear, "Tianyu, does Deng Sijia feel different today?"

"Indeed." Yang Tianyu nodded slightly. "After all, Deng Sijia can recommend Bei Wu. If there is no order, how could Bei Wu want to... eh? Hey??? Feng Qian, why do you have a nosebleed!?"

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