Feng Qian didn't realize that she had a nosebleed. When Yang Tianyu said this, she quickly took out a tissue from her bag and quickly plugged her nose. She quickly pressed her two fingers on the sides of her nose.

Anyway, this scene shocked Deng Sijia and others, so what was the thought of continuing the rehearsal, I felt that Feng Qian's nosebleed could not be stopped, so Feng Qian was sent to the school infirmary quickly.

At the moment, Chen Chu is eating in the happy little kitchen. After the meal, he planned to deliver food to the children. As a result, just halfway through the meal, Deng Sijia said that Feng Qian had a nosebleed, which scared Chen Chu until half of the meal. , I hurriedly asked Zhao Yizhou to borrow the car keys and went to school.

It didn't take long for Chen Chu to arrive at the school infirmary, and Deng Sijia and others were all there.

Chen Chu hurried over to take a look at Feng Qian's situation. Fortunately, he was under control. He was rinsing his nose there and smiled at Chen Chu.


You can laugh, I can't laugh.

What's wrong with this kid?

Did you see something you shouldn't see?

As soon as Chen Chu turned his head, he asked what was going on with Deng Sijia and others. Everyone was still confused, so they told Chen Chu about the situation at the time. After Chen Chu heard it, he was really dumbfounded.

Could it be that she got a nosebleed watching Deng Sijia dancing?

It's not that there is no such possibility, because now Deng Sijia is blessed with a charm ring, so now Deng Sijia's every move actually exudes an invisible attraction.

Deng Sijia

Gender: Female

age 15

Virtue 62

Intelligence 72

Stamina 83

Aesthetic 81

State talent insulation; self-improvement; self-monitoring; hard work;

Charm Ring (After wearing the Charm Ring, it will be given to this state. In this state, the Charisma value will be greatly increased, and wearing it for a long time will continuously increase the permanent Personal Charm Point. When it increases to the upper limit of the Personal Charm Point, the Charm Ring will no longer be give any effect)

no vice

Talented E-Class Dance

Learning efficiency 100 (no ornaments state blessing)

Comprehensive evaluation e

The charm ring is originally a very special item, not the same as the talent bracelet, it has growth and reusability.

Even if Deng Sijia runs out and Chen Chu can take it back and use it for the next person.

And charm is something that can't be described in words, anyway, no one thinks there is anything special about it.

But what makes Chen Chu feel outrageous now is that Feng Qian can see nosebleeds even while watching a dance.


It seems that this state of indulging in beauty is very tricky! As long as it is a beautiful person, thing, and thing, it may cause Feng Qian to have a nosebleed!

It's easy to get nosebleeds when you see too many beautiful things, but it's impossible for Chen Chu to let Feng Qian not see things!

However, this transitional stage requires Feng Qian to observe a lot of beautiful things to strengthen her aesthetics and lay a solid foundation for herself.

what should we do?

Chen Chu had a headache.

After thinking about it, Chen Chu decided to give Feng Qian blood.

Anyway, the flow is definitely going to cause nosebleeds. Too much nosebleeds can also cause many problems.

But fortunately, it's during school now, so Chen Chu can basically stare at any time. As for when he goes home, there are people in the house, but it's a little troublesome on the way. But it is troublesome.

So Chen Chu decided to get in touch with Feng Qian's family, and it's best to pick up Feng Qian recently.

After Feng Qian stopped bleeding from her nose, she originally wanted to go back to dance with Deng Sijia and others, but she was stopped by Chen Chu.

"You don't want to dance for the next two days!" Chen Chu hurriedly said, "Anyway, you're almost done rehearsing now, so take it easy, or you'll get nosebleeds later!"

Chen Chu thought for a while, if Feng Qian was not allowed to dance, Feng Qian would have nothing to do, and then he asked again, "Don't you want those two homework-free tickets? Have you drawn them yet?"

It's okay not to mention painting, but Feng Qian's entire complexion is a little unsightly when you mention painting.

I don't know if it's anger or sadness, but the expression is very complicated.

"Old Chen, I... I gave up..." The more Feng Qian thought about it, the more she felt aggrieved, she said with small eyes when she raised her head, "Old Chen, I can't draw it, my hands are disabled... What's wrong with my two hands? If you don't listen to me, what you draw is completely different from what you think!"

Seeing that the child was about to cry with his own hands again, Chen Chu quickly waved his hands, "It's alright, you must not worry now! Teacher, let me tell you, in fact, you really have a talent for painting!"


"Really!" Chen Chu said with a serious face, "Your style is more abstract, especially the one you painted before. I really couldn't appreciate it at the time, but I went back and thought about it carefully and found that this painting is just It's getting better and better!"


"You painted a cat at the time. The style of painting was very magical and abstract. The ears became very long, and the limbs became very distorted. The overall style of painting was even a little dark. Teacher and I immediately reacted. It's actually accusing those who abuse small animals, right?"


"The reason why the cat you drew looks a little weird is actually a cat that has been abused. It hurts to think about it!"

"It's not that you are bad at painting, but that what you express is something that ordinary people can't see at all. Teacher, it took me a while to figure out what you want to express!" Chen Chu suddenly showed a look of relief Look, "I knew that your child is definitely a gifted existence, which is why you continue to paint. I think you may really become a very good painter in the future!"

"Since you have a nosebleed now, don't dance for the time being. Strenuous exercise will also lead to continued nosebleeds. You might as well go back to the classroom and continue painting. Don't worry, just calm down. Art often takes time to settle. of!"


Ah... as expected of old Chen...

I almost believed it myself!

You can really make up!

Also accused of cat abuse!

However, Feng Qian was also very moved in her heart. Even if Old Chen fooled her, she was happy.

It's great to meet such a head teacher.

Feng Qian didn't refuse, and went back to the classroom. Chen Chu also stopped by the office and took out a stack of white paper, placed it on Feng Qian's desk, and smiled, "Draw whatever you want."


This finally stabilized Feng Qian, and Chen Chu hurriedly flipped through the address book, and quickly found the contact information of the Chinese Medicine Department of the Third Hospital, and asked him to help prepare some medicinal materials. He will go to get it now.

"Don't, Mr. Chen, you don't have to come over in person, I'll send it to you now!"

"No, no, you still have to be on duty, so don't be busy, I'll just come and pick it up by myself."

The other party said it was fine, he was eating and resting now, just came out to breathe, and said that he will send it over immediately.

Yes, it can only be a matter of love.

owe someone another meal.

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