Anyway, Xu Tianhao's attitude has already been placed here.

A sentence that is adequate means that a sentence has been said.

We do not cause trouble, nor are we afraid of trouble!

Everyone finds fault with them and finds their own head, so if you tolerate it, you will make others laugh.


Then let you lose convincingly!

Wu Ming basically didn't take the initiative to debate this whole day. Apart from his own restraint, of course there are some external reasons.

After all, there is still a brother Hao staring at the bottom of the stage!

Anyway, Wu Ming was really a little flustered today. He originally planned to go back to his room after dinner to read a book to digest his inner impulse, but such a person just hit the gun directly.

That can't be easily let go.

I happened to say two words!

Otherwise you will feel miserable.

Yang Kaibing was happy when he saw that Wu Ming dared to fight.

good guy!

You don't know how strong I am, do you?

He even wanted to play free debate with me one-on-one! ?


I'm worried about not having the opportunity to express myself!

This public debate is open in public, so whoever is not sure will know about it, and if he is happy, he will give himself a walk!

As for winning or losing.

Yang Kaibing was quite disdainful in his heart.

It must be his own win!

Among his peers, he can be regarded as quite rich in knowledge, and is worthy of reading a lot of books.

Four Books and Five Classics, Historical Records, Art of War...

Yang Kaibin's usual reading volume is quite large, and teachers are full of praise for his knowledge reserves on weekdays, especially the language teacher, who sometimes has to ask him to study classical Chinese.

Not only that, even Yang Kaibing has some knowledge about science. Anyway, he feels that he knows astronomy and geography, and even has studied the aerodynamics in the middle.

In terms of knowledge reserves, it is completely the existence of slaughtering peers.


does not exist!

Confidence comes from strength!

If you really play free debate, this Wu Ming is simply a younger brother!

"Are you sure you want to debate here?"

"What? Are you afraid?"

"Afraid?" Yang Kaibing smiled slightly, with a bit of disdain in his eyes.

I'm just saving you some face, I'm afraid you will be speechless and don't know how to refute it. It's too ugly to lose!

But seeing the other party's attitude, Yang Kaibing didn't care about it.

Since you're up for the fight, I'm welcome.

As a result, the restaurant free debate competition officially kicked off.

The debate is whether human beings are inherently good or human beings are inherently evil.

First of all, Yang Kaibing started to explain as the positive side.

"The philosopher Kant believed that people, regardless of their intelligence, wealth, beauty or ugliness, are rational.

Mencius believed that human nature is inherently good, so he further added that everyone has a heart of compassion.

The Buddhists say that one-mind delusion is the real body, and one-mind awakening is the Buddha.

Precisely because human nature is inherently good, people can put down the butcher’s knife and become a Buddha anytime, anywhere.

We advocate that human nature is inherently good, that is, that the root of human nature is good, and that there is good deeds.

We do not deny that there are evil deeds in human society, but the occurrence of evil deeds is caused by the external environment, so evil is the result rather than the cause..."

There is a large section of eloquent, clear logic, and Yang Kaibing's entire description of the process is not sloppy, and everyone around him looks surprised, and secretly exclaims a boss.

Even the three teammates who followed Wu Ming's eyes widened. The level of their speech at the beginning was outrageous, and they directly surpassed them by a lot.

Wu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly.

It's...a little something.

And this is only today's topic, it can be seen that Yang Kaibing's foundation is not generally strong.

Wu Ming was actually a little excited when he heard it. After all, he had just entered the debate circle, and he really didn't meet any decent opponents.

This Yang Kaibing... seems to be able to let him have a good time.

Then I have to respect you!

Wu Ming slowly raised his hand and silently took off his glasses.

Just as Yang Kaibing finished speaking, he turned his head to look at Wu Ming, who was on the opposite side, with a bit of pride in his eyes.

How about it!

However, when Wu Ming raised his head, Wu Ming, who seemed to be quite friendly just now, suddenly seemed to have become another person.

Especially the three people sitting next to me feel especially strong!

That familiar aura from the Jiangnan Debate Competition... is back...

Seeing Wu Ming put his pockets in his pockets, his head held high, his eyes were even more stern.

As soon as he opened his mouth, he was full of momentum.

Trial mode, open!

"Let me first point out that Kant was not a good-naturedist.

Kant also said such a sentence: "We hate those who torture us, sometimes because of human nature, sometimes because of human cruelty and selfishness."

You don't take it out of context.

In addition, the various good deeds you mentioned are completely acquired, so how can you explain the "root" in my proposition?

Myth is myth, reality is reality.

Please take off your colored glasses and take a look at the real world. During the three minutes of your speech, how many wars, violence, robbery and other vicious incidents have occurred in this world..."

Wu Ming's eyes narrowed slightly.

"According to the data of the legal document library released this year, the comprehensive crime rate in my country this year..."

I'm coming!

The three classmates on the side, as well as the debate contestants from Jiangnan who were eating not far away, felt their scalps go numb for a moment.

This guy has started the trial scene again!

Wu Ming blurted out some data, and immediately added a sentence: "If human nature is really good, then where do these evil actions come from? Why did the other party avoid answering this question from beginning to end in their remarks?

Our position is that human nature is inherently evil.

First, human nature is composed of social attributes and natural attributes, and natural attributes refer to uncontrolled instincts and desires, which are human nature and innate..."




The entire restaurant was suddenly silent.

Yang Kaibing's set of positive views has already convinced everyone in an instant, and Wu Ming's next refutation is stronger!

The most outrageous thing is that there is also the relevant data of the legal document database, and it is even accurate to two decimal places. Someone is actually checking it there with a mobile phone, and the result is exactly the same as what Wu Ming said!

This...these are high school students! ?

Even Yang Kaibing was shocked by Wu Ming's rebuttal.

This guy... so strong!

However, Yang Kaibing was not stunned by Wu Ming, and his brain was running fast.

As soon as Wu Ming finished, he spoke again decisively.

"You talked a lot just now, so let me examine one by one whether goodness is the essence or evil is the essence? Is goodness an appearance or an evil appearance? Let me give an example first.

If I want to eat watermelon today, do I need to plant watermelon seeds first? If we grow red beans and mung beans, will watermelons grow? So why are there so many good deeds in the world? Of course, there are seeds of goodness in human nature.

Why is there evil in the world?

It's very simple, we all know that we just need to throw away the watermelon seeds when we grow watermelons?

We still need to fertilize and water, and if we are not careful, if it rains for more than ten days, the watermelon will not only grow badly, but also rot.

So in the same way, in the environment full of human pollution, we admit that although some people have good roots, they can't grow good fruits..."

The crowd is already numb.

Wu Ming still had a confident expression on his chest.

"I really want to ask you such a question, since society is made up of people, the other party thinks that the evil in the social environment has nothing to do with the evil of people.

So where does the evil in the external environment come from? How does your good lead to evil?

We have never believed that instinct and desire are evil, and that the uncontrolled expansion of instinct and desire is evil. Confucius told us a long time ago, hearsay, the abandonment of virtue is also..."

The two of you come and go, and they have a fierce confrontation.

The battle that night left a deep impression on the Southwest Youth Debating Competition.

The name is "Kunhai Tongue Battle"!

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