The debate that took place in the hotel restaurant that night was more than amazing.

And when Wu Ming and Yang Kaibing were having a free debate, the judges happened to be drinking and chatting in the private room of the hotel next door.

And when everyone learned that two teenagers were having a very amazing debate in the restaurant, they couldn't help being interested, so they hurried to the restaurant.

When the judges arrived at the restaurant, they saw that the students who were eating were already surrounded by three circles and three circles, and Wu Ming and Yang Kaibing were at the center of the field.

Because they just arrived, they didn't know what happened before, so everyone was still a little confused.

I quickly found a student and asked carefully, only to know that the two were learning.

However, it is said that they are learning from each other, but the two of them are obviously over the top.

At this time, Wu Ming was talking about his views incessantly, and Yang Kaibing's attention was also very concentrated.

He now admits that he really underestimated Wu Ming, he didn't expect Wu Ming to be so troublesome.

This made Yang Kaibing excited.

After all, it is a chess match.

The two had already debated for the third round, but Wu Ming still did not show any signs of weakness, and his words became more and more sharp, and the questioning continued, making Yang Kaibing like a big enemy, and he didn't dare to underestimate the enemy at all.

With thousands of thoughts, he began to study the strategy of defeating the enemy in his mind.

Over time, the two sides began to formally enter into a real tit-for-tat from large statements.

This is where the real free debate begins.

Yang Kaibing, "Ask the other party's friend again, since human nature is inherently evil, why do good deeds happen in the world?"

Wu Ming, "I have already explained it, so I won't repeat it. I would like to ask the other party's friend, when choosing a model husband, can you tell me that this model husband has a good nature, but he can't stand the temptation of beauty? "

Yang Kaibing, "The opponent's friend, he needs someone to irrigate. I want to ask the opponent's friend. Please answer me directly. Do you like murder and arson?"

When asked about this suddenly, Wu Ming's aura suddenly weakened a bit, and he even fell into a brief silence.

? ? ?

The onlookers were suddenly dumbfounded.


Is there anything to be silent about this question?

Even Yang Kaibing, who asked back the question, caught the slight change in Wu Ming's expression, and he was a little surprised for a while.

Is this question... so difficult to answer?

Do you really like killing people and setting fires! ?

Even Xu Tianhao, who was sitting beside him, couldn't help showing a bit of guilt on his face.

A question that is the easiest for ordinary people to answer, but it was the most painful existence in Wu Ming and Xu Tianhao's hearts in an instant.

Although it can't be said of murder and arson, they have done a lot of bad things in the past, and there is even a tendency to take pleasure in it.

Even if you have apologized or compensated, and have obtained the understanding of others, you have left scars in others' hearts.

Time has no way to erase these existences and open up the scars, which are full of guilt and regret.

Suddenly, another invisible hand carefully applied ointment to these scars, and the nagging sounded in his ears again.

"Don't think too much, correct yourself, study hard, and be a down-to-earth person in the future, and make up for it with your own actions. If you hurt others, it may never be healed, so let others wear more clothes. A few clothes to warm people's bodies."

"It's too late for you to correct now."

"It's not scary to make mistakes. What's scary is that you don't repent when you know you've made a mistake, and you still go your own way, understand?"

It was obvious that the person was thousands of miles away, but the chatter sounded as if the person was right in front of him.

Wu Ming took a deep breath, his aura and demeanor suddenly recovered, and said sternly, "Of course I don't like it, because I have been educated. But I don't take my human nature as a shame. I want to ask each other, your kindness. How do flowers bear fruit?"

Seeing Wu Ming's sudden recovery, Yang Kaibing was a little stunned again, but he didn't think too much, and continued to ask, "I want to ask the other classmates first, can your education make you not reveal your true nature for a lifetime? If you accidentally reveal your true nature, then We're all going to suffer."

Wu Ming's eyes became firmer, "So I have to constantly pay attention to self-cultivation and self-reflection! Otherwise, why would Zengzi say that I think about my body three times a day? So, I would like to ask the other party's friend again, if you say that there is no internal cause , then why does the evil flower arise from the good fruit?"

The battle resumed again, and the two continued to engage in a fierce confrontation.

The judges who were watching the play began to listen and listen.

Yang Kaibing and Wu Ming couldn't help but marvel at the logical thinking ability and knowledge reserve of Yang Kaibing and Wu Ming.

Really, they've participated in several Southwest Youth Debating Contests.

At least I have never seen such a fierce game on the field, and it is very exciting. The two of you come and go, and you will not give in to each other. The offensive is very fierce.


At this age alone, he has such a capacity for thinking and expression, his knowledge reserve is also very terrifying, and both sides have their own strengths, which is indeed very rare.

Of course, Wu Ming's performance was more eye-catching. The child went to that station, and his momentum came out in an instant. Except for a moment of silence when he asked questions before, but other times he was always in a crisis stage. And compared to Yang Kaibing, Wu Ming's overall strength is significantly stronger.

Super Hexagon Warrior!

Because it is a free debate, there is almost no time limit, and there is no conclusion.

The two debated for more than an hour, and the state was still there.

In any case, the children watching the show were still unfinished and wanted to leave at all.

But the judges took a look, yes, it's almost enough, if we continue to argue like this, I'm afraid there will be no result tomorrow. Besides, there will be a competition tomorrow, so we should rest early.

Without this, the judges came forward and hurriedly stopped the debate between the two, and also expressed affirmation for the identification ability of the two, recharged and looked forward to the real performance on the field tomorrow.

Originally, Wu Ming was already on top of this meeting. When he saw that the judges came to disturb him, his eyes swept away, and when he was about to open his mouth to say something, suddenly a word came from his ear, "Enough is enough."

Wu Ming's heart trembled, and he woke up instantly. He coughed and quickly picked up the glasses by the table and put them on.

Before he came, Lao Chen told him not to cause trouble.

Wu Ming took a deep breath, smiled bitterly and glanced at Xu Tianhao gratefully.

It's okay, it's okay, I almost accidentally slapped the judges again...


Why should I say it again?

Oh... The last time I wanted to fight, I was stunned by Old Chen's eyes...

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