The judges then went back to eat and drink.

Said to go back to eat and drink, in fact, they are secretly sending messages.

After all, in the restaurant debate just now, the judges had already seen the strength of Wu Ming and Yang Kaibing.

How can this kind of talent be missed?

It's not first come first served.

Quickly send a message to let people inquire about Wu Ming and Yang Kaibing's situation.

Yang Kaibing's situation has already been figured out, and it is just the third year of high school. This is not to let someone discuss with Yang Kaibing's school, and quickly determine the number of recommended places.

When asked about Wu Ming's situation, everyone was dumbfounded.

There was someone who got there first and cut off the hustle.

The deputy school of Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School did his best to protect it. Anyway, don't think about this person, it has already been arranged.

Yes, this Wu Ming can't be grabbed.

After all, the vice-principal of Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School is also a character. He has a teacher-student relationship with the principal of Southwest Political University, and has a wide network of contacts. It is really difficult to grab someone from the vice-principal.

People from Southwest Political University were delighted when they heard it.

It was his own!

OK, then there is only one Yang Kaibing left, and it is best to win the Southwest Political University.

But no school would think too few people.

In the end, I don't know who said it first, my colleagues, sorry, this Yang Kaibing is needed by our school.

Others must not miss a talent like this. This does not mean that your school is full of talents, and it is not bad. Our school lacks such a talent. I want it.

This time, the judges took the school as a unit and began to complain...

Our school is really bad!

Don't get involved with Southwest National Chengchi University, it's all double first-class, so why are you arguing with our schools?

Let it go!

The Southwest Political University side is also not convinced, don't kidnap morality, why should you let it go!

Must fight!

Yes, fight.

Of course, Wu Ming and Xu Tianhao didn't know these things. After returning from the restaurant, they went back to the room to rest.

One is meditating, the other is reading.

However, when I met Yang Kaibing today, Wu Ming felt that he really had a feeling of being an opponent.

It is much more interesting than debating with Zhou Feng.

Zhou Feng just couldn't afford to play, and he played sophistry, and he would switch positions at every turn.

Do a sneak attack!

No martial arts!

Anyway, Wu Ming will not debate with Zhou Feng after being killed.

After thinking about it, Wu Ming suddenly asked Xu Tianhao, "Brother Hao, is the Yang Kaibing that I met today, as arrogant and arrogant as I was before?"

Xu Tianhao, who was meditating, was silent for a moment before he said, "It's different."

Wu Ming was stunned for a moment, "What's the difference?"

"He's conceited..." Xu Tianhao whispered, "You owe your mouth."



If it weren't for the fact that you are Brother Hao, really, I might just lift my foot on the spot... kneel on the ground.

As expected of Brother Hao.

Look really accurate.

Wu Ming scratched his head dryly and smiled.

If it wasn't for the fear of being silenced as soon as I opened my mouth, I would have to argue with you, Brother Hao, today.

Jokes are jokes.

Wu Ming also knew what was wrong with him. Sometimes his mouth was really uncontrollable, and his temper was not very good.

take it easy.

It is very difficult to completely get rid of this problem for a while.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door."

Wu Ming thought to himself, why would anyone come to him at this time?

He opened the door suspiciously, only to see Yang Kaibing standing at the door.

Wu Ming frowned slightly and said, "If you are not convinced and want to continue the debate, after the game is over, there will be time to continue."

Anyway, Wu Ming felt that Yang Kaibing must have come to find fault, but Yang Kaibing said with a smile, "Of course I was still dissatisfied before there was a difference, but I am not here to debate now, so I would like to thank you."

"Thank you?" Wu Ming looked strange, "What thanks?"

"I used to be a little too conceited, but when I met you today, I realized that I am not the only strong person in this world." Yang Kaibing raised his eyebrows, "You are good, I recognize you."


Wu Ming couldn't help turning his head to look at Xu Tianhao, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Brother Hao, what should I do if I want to hit him?

Better than me!

"Although I didn't do my best, I was quite satisfied with your performance in the debate in the restaurant!" Yang Kaibing stretched out his finger and picked up his hair, "With you as a foil, I'm even more outstanding, so, also At the same time, it attracted the attention of the judges.”

"As far as I know, the judges all fought for me during the meal, and wanted to give me a guaranteed spot!" Yang Kaibin sighed again, "But your name was not mentioned at all during the whole process, I am deeply sorry for that. I'm sorry, although your strength is good, but compared to me, it is the light of firefly and the bright moon competing for glory, and my light finally covered you up."

"I hope you don't feel too sad in your heart, although you didn't get the chance to walk, but try your best next time, after all, you are still too young, and you still need a lot of training. When you reach my level, it is for you to come to walk. It shouldn't be too difficult."

After speaking, Yang Kaibing raised his hand, "Okay, that's all I have to say. After all, thank you for your support."

As soon as he finished speaking, he shook his head and left.

However, just two steps away, Yang Kaibing's clothes were grabbed by Wu Ming, and Yang Kaibing was restrained. He coughed and hurriedly turned his head to look at Wu Ming, "What are you going to do?"

But seeing Wu Ming gnashing his teeth at this time, he said, "You want to run if you pretend to be forced?"

Yang Kaibing?

As soon as the words fell, Yang Kaibing was dragged into the room by Wu Ming staggeringly.

As soon as the door was closed, Yang Kaibing was instantly knocked down by Wu Ming's hook.

"What!? What!?"

"A gentleman speaks but does not do anything! Why are you beating me when we have no grievances and no enmity?"

Saying it didn't help, Wu Ming pressed the person to the ground, locked his hand behind his back, raised his hand and slapped Yang Kaibing on the back of the head.

"What the heck?"

"What kind of big-tailed wolf are you putting on in front of me?"

"The most embarrassing thing in my life is you pretending to be a perpetrator!"

"Are you still pretending? Are you pretending?"

Say a word and shoot, Yang Kaibing originally wanted to break free, but Wu Mingjin was much stronger than him, and it was meaningless to break free for a long time, so he yelled at Yang Kaibing, "Why are you so rude!?"

Wu Ming was about to raise his hand when he heard Xu Tianhao suddenly say, "Wu Ming, that's all."

Seeing this, Wu Ming pouted, but he had to stop the movement in his hand, and got up to release the person.

Yang Kaibing was also angry in his heart. He stood up and was about to fight back, but when he saw Wu Ming, who was half a head taller and had a strong body, he calmly analyzed and coughed, "Forget it, I will treat you as envy, jealousy, and hatred. I don't know you in general."

Um! ?

Wu Ming's eyes widened, his fists clenched.

Suddenly, Xu Tianhao, who was sitting on the bed, smiled at Yang Kaibing, "This classmate, are you interested in having a few words with me?"

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