Chen Chu saw that Liao Kunyang had lost the strength to speak, and he was lying on the table, unable to love, for a while... he didn't feel bad at all.

What's so sad about that.

Life is movement.

What's more, you still have the fate of a global public enemy. With your physical fitness, you won't be afraid of being smashed in the future, right?

This thing, you can feed less and less, not to mention, the more you eat, the worse the effect.

Chen Chu can manage it for a while, but not for the rest of his life. Anyway, if he doesn't exercise, he will have to pull his physique. It's better to let Liao Kunyang practice.

That foundation must be more solid than eating a physical pill.

But just after the run, I will definitely not be able to eat at this moment.

Moreover, running during this time period is not suitable. Chen Chu thought about it and had to discuss it with Wang Lebang.

Simply change the time to morning exercise, don’t run at noon and afternoon meals, and take a lap after evening self-study and after school.

Besides, a class teacher cannot be biased.

Liao Kunyang may not be too resistant if he has a partner.

So let Wang Lebang take Wang Xu with him.

This guy sits next to the computer every day, the longer he grows and the fatter he grows, it is time to exercise.

Otherwise, Chen Chu is afraid of losing Jiang An's face in the future.

As soon as Wang Lebang heard it, yes, he turned his head and told Wang Xuyi about it.

Wang Xu was eating with Deng Sijia's group, when he heard this, he froze.

"What did Old Chen say?"

"Yeah!" Wang Lebang nodded, "start tomorrow morning! Remember to bring a pair of sneakers and don't wear anything else."


The surnamed Chen is clearly targeting me.

This is no longer a matter of unplugging the oxygen tube!

wait! Add a turbo to your wheelchair sooner or later!

Anyway, for Chen Chu, Liao Kunyang really shouldn't worry too much about it.

After all, there is no need for guidance in terms of talent, it is just to enhance physical fitness.

Compared with other people who have to serve as nanny at every turn, Liao Kunyang's matter can be said to be quite comfortable.

Chen Chu really didn't have any free time. After returning, he had to quickly arrange for Brother Zhang Ziwen to return to Jiangnan.

Yan Mao and Li Yiyang were recommended, but Brother Zhang Ziwen had not personally tested the abilities of these two guys.

Since these two guys are going to be under his own name in the future, Zhang Ziwen must take it seriously, and he is not the kind of person who will be the boss of the hand.

Brother Zhang Ziwen will go to Jiangnan tomorrow. At that time, he plans to take Li Yiyang and Yan Mao to... planting, farming?

Chen Chu was on the phone with brother Zhang Ziwen and was stunned.

"Brother, are you going to the countryside to farm?"

Zhang Ziwen laughed and said, "Go to the countryside for a free clinic. By the way, I will investigate the old folk prescriptions. I plan to stay for ten days and a half months before going back."

"Which village are you going to?" Chen Chu hurriedly asked.

"Xin'an!" Zhang Ziwen said, "I have contacted the township hospital, and I heard that there are quite a few old folk prescriptions there. Anyway, the residence has already been arranged for me, you ask the two Would the child like to come with me?"

Chen Chu naturally agreed quickly, so he just found time to call Li Yiyang and Yan Mao over to talk about it.

Not called together.

Ahem, I used too many of the same words and techniques before. If this was explained in person, Chen Chu would be embarrassed.

As for the future, Chen Chu can't control it.

Anyway, I told the two of them separately, and both of them responded, and they were a little proud in their hearts, but neither of them said a word.

After all, we are a escort and a low-key person.

Anyway, in the classroom, the two of them have their own thoughts, and occasionally their eyes meet, and there is a kind of arrogance in their eyes.

Because they were going to Xin'an Township tomorrow, they both packed up that night.

Yan Mao doesn't have much luggage. After all, he runs to Xin'an Township every day on weekends. The hotel rooms are packed for a long time, with clothes and shoes, so he doesn't need to bring anything.

Lying on the bed, Yan Mao was a little proud, but also a little nervous.

Proud, it was naturally because he was ahead of Li Yiyang by a large margin.

We have won Zhang Ziwen's appreciation for our strong practical ability, and got a recommendation from the North China Association. Even if you, Li Yiyang, know more than me, you can't beat me!

After all, Lao Chen said that theoretical knowledge can be learned slowly, and practical ability depends on talent!

Nervous, of course.

What kind of existence Zhang Ziwen is, he can find out by looking it up online.

One of the superheroes in the medical world.

In the future, this will be his undergraduate, master's and doctoral tutor.

I don't know what kind of temper Zhang Ziwen has, and how to get along well.

In Yan Mao's world, I feel that these big guys have a weird temper.

We have to take it seriously, and we must not lose Lao Chen's face.

Little do they know that Li Yiyang's situation is basically the same as Yan Mao's.

Proud and nervous.

We have won Zhang Ziwen's appreciation for our strong theoretical ability, and got a recommendation from the North China Association. Even if you, Yan Mao, are better than me in practice, you can't beat me!

After all, Lao Chen said that practical ability can be learned slowly, and theoretical memory of these abilities depends on talent!

In a blink of an eye, it was the next morning.

The two of them had already asked for leave last night, so naturally they didn't go to class, so they were at home waiting for Zhang Ziwen to send someone to pick them up.

After getting into the car, they went directly to Xin'an Township.

The drivers were all from Zhang Ziwen, and Yan Mao couldn't wait without speaking, so he just smiled and asked the driver if there are any other future classmates besides me this trip?

The driver didn't know much, but he knew there was another person, and said with a smile, "There is another one."

Yan Mao's eyes suddenly lit up, "Uncle, is that a man or a woman?"

"I don't know that."

When Yan Mao heard this, he couldn't help but think about it.


Always have a vision for the future.

Yan Mao felt that this other classmate was most likely a girl!

After all, men and women are matched, so it's not tiring to work!

The beautiful doctors in various film and television works can't help but emerge in my mind.

Ah...we're not too demanding.

Just have a sweet smile.

And it's best to have the kind with a solid theoretical foundation, the kind that can help me when the time comes... tsk tsk, so beautiful!

in another car.

Li Yiyang also asked this question at the same time.

I heard that there were other people going together.

Couldn't help but think about it.

We are not too demanding.

I like the kind of racing girl that bulges forward and backward, and I can take her to play racing with her in the future!

And it is best to have the kind of strong practical ability, when the time comes, you can match men and women, and you will not be tired from work.

Coincidence is really coincidence.

Because a driver went to the toilet and dragged it for a while in the middle.

Another driver is passing by, so just stop and say hi!

When Li Yiyang and Yan Mao saw each other's car, they immediately rolled down the window and smiled.

Until...the smile gradually solidified.



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