Yan Mao and Li Yiyang tried their best to roll up the car window.

Both of them suddenly had a disgusting look on their faces.

the more you hope, the harder you fall.

But looking back, hey! ? Shit, that's not right!

The two rolled down their windows for the first time and looked at each other.

"where did you go!?"

The two said in unison.

"The pig-killer and the car-seller, don't steal my words!"

Again in unison.



After a while, the two men calmed down.

Only then did I realize the seriousness of the problem.

About two people have recommended, and the future undergraduate tutor, master tutor and doctoral tutor are all Zhang Ziwen.

But neither of them knew each other.

When they realized this, the two of them couldn't complain in their hearts.

After all, the two have always been a little bit against each other and despised each other.

There is no deep hatred, but they just don't like each other.

Possibly a disagreement?

Anyway, being a classmate for three years in high school is already very annoying, four years for undergraduate, three years for master, and eight years for doctor...

Ah, to face the same face for so many years, it makes me a little desperate to think about it.

Can't it give me a little freshness after I go to college?

Not long after, I finally arrived in Xin'an Township.

Zhang Ziwen had already arranged a place to live, but the two of them had to live in the same room, and invariably expressed their refusal!

The two of them went straight to the hotel with their suitcases.

Zhang Ziwen was talking with a group of township leaders, and he couldn't get away to meet his two future students for the time being. However, when he heard the driver report that the two of them didn't want to live together, and went to the hotel by himself, he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. Confuse.

What's the matter?

I'm afraid it's not because the accommodation is not good, and the two little guys are not willing to live there?

Thinking that these two little guys have a pretty good family background, I guess it may be that the environment in the township is too bad?

Zhang Ziwen frowned slightly, a little displeased.

He doesn't like being spoiled.

But when I think about it carefully, it is a student trained by my brother Chen, who is highly recommended and praised constantly. I am afraid that he will not be so squeamish.

No, Zhang Ziwen returned to the clinic in the township after he was done with his work.

At first glance, neither of them stayed.

"What about people?"

"I went to the hotel to stay." The remaining driver quickly said suspiciously, "I don't know what's going on. I heard that these two children have stayed in that hotel for a long time before... Are they not coming back?"

In addition, the driver sent Yan Mao and Li Yiyang back as soon as they placed their luggage.

After all, he has seen Zhang Ziwen before, so he is not unfamiliar.

He walked up to Zhang Ziwen honestly and said hello to the teacher.

Zhang Ziwen looked displeased and asked, "I can't live without the room for the two of you. Let's go to the hotel? Tell me! What's going on?"

Yan Mao quickly explained, saying that I had been coming to Xin'an Township before, and I had been living in a hotel for a long time.

Zhang Ziwen was taken aback for a moment, "Why have you been coming to Xin'an Township before?"

Yan Mao scratched his head and said with a smile, "Strike iron!"

"What?" Zhang Ziwen thought he heard it wrong, "What the hell!?"

"Just strike iron!" Yan Mao hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhang, my personal hobby is to become a swordsmith."


Zhang Ziwen didn't come back to his senses.

e... worthy of being a student of Brother Chen.

This hobby is quite special.

Li Yiyang also said that he has a room. Are you used to it?

It's pretty close anyway. That's what happened.

When Zhang Ziwen heard it, he was too lazy to care.

Live wherever you like!

It was Yan Mao's words that intrigued him.

"Where did you strike iron!?"

"It's not far, my old master's blacksmith shop is by the road!"

"Let's go, take me there! I haven't seen it for many years!" Zhang Ziwen said happily, "I remember that there was a blacksmith shop next to my house when I was a child, and I was also very interested."

When Yan Mao heard this, he was immediately amused, "Mr. Zhang, are you also interested in blacksmithing!?"

"I'm not interested in blacksmithing, I'm interested in iron."

Yan Mao was stunned, "What do you mean?"

"I didn't have pocket money when I was a kid! I went to the backyard to pick up some briquettes and iron slag for sugar to eat!" Zhang Ziwen laughed, "Especially I remember being chased by my mother three streets with a cane, and my mother's voice became hoarse when she shouted. "

"Hahaha! It's all childhood memories! Let's go, let's go and see."


Yan Mao and Li Yiyang suddenly felt that this instructor was a little bit unserious.

But... this character is inexplicably fitting!

This teacher seems to be able to do it!

No, Yan Mao hurriedly led Zhang Ziwen to his own site... a blacksmith shop.

He even gave Zhang Ziwen a first-hand performance.

After fighting for so long, Yan Mao's skills are really not bad at all.

A professional blacksmith.

Zhang Ziwen seemed to be curious about everything, and even dragged Master Li to chat there, saying that it would be fine to look at the knife.

As soon as he got started, Zhang Ziwen took a fancy to a hatchet and was happy. At that time, he said, "Brother, I want this knife, how much is it?"

"Ah? Doctor Zhang, why did you buy this thing?"

"Go up the mountain to chop some firewood, I plan to cook by myself!"

Master Li didn't ask for money, but Zhang Ziwen still put in a few hundred pieces. In addition, he specially asked Master Li to help make a big iron pot out, but it was a coincidence. Master Li really made a pot and came out some time ago. Use it, seeing that Zhang Ziwen is so enthusiastic, he simply gave Zhang Ziwen the pot.

Li Yiyang really felt something was wrong.

Our instructor really came to the countryside for a free clinic! ?

This came out of the blacksmith's shop, Yan Mao was carrying a pot, and Li Yiyang had two more kitchen knives in his hand.

"Mr. Zhang, isn't there a free consultation today?"

Zhang Ziwen was holding the kitchen knife and touching the blade with his fingers, and said with a smile, "The free clinic will not start until tomorrow. Since the two of you are here, today we will cook by ourselves and support ourselves."

"It's been a long time since I've eaten food made from a cauldron!" Zhang Ziwen laughed and waved, "Let's go, let's get some ingredients!"

Yes, this teacher does not look very serious.

Just go!

The two quickly followed behind, thinking that they would drive directly to the nearby market to buy, but they saw Zhang Ziwen leading the two of them and went directly to the door of a family.

Next to this family was a vegetable field surrounded by bamboo. Zhang Ziwen took a look at it at a glance, and his eyes lit up when he lay beside the vegetable field.

"Have you seen it, these are uncontaminated, how good they look!"

"This kind of fried in a big pot is called a fragrant!"

Zhang Ziwen looked around, furtively.

"Li Yiyang, hurry up, we'll help you take care of the wind. You get in and pull out some dishes, and then run away."


Seeing Li Yiyang was dumbfounded, Zhang Ziwen couldn't help laughing again, patted Li Yiyang on the shoulder and said, "Just kidding! You kid doesn't have any sense of humor!"

After speaking, Zhang Ziwen turned his head and ran to the door with a hatchet, knocking on the door, shouting, "Fellow, is there anyone at home? Are there chickens, ducks and geese in the house? Locally raised ones!"

"Head of Xin'an Warlord"

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