Zhang Ziwen came here to lead the two children for a walk in the village, ask for some ingredients, and then go to the place where he lives to start cooking.

Of course, it's not a robbery, and money must be given.

I have to say that Yan Mao feels that Zhang Ziwen is much more interesting than Lao Chen, and he is the kind that can get along as brothers.

Old Chen can't.

Lao Chen will let him write a review, and there are many thieves, so he has to reason with them at every turn.

No fun with Lao Chen.

But Zhang Ziwen found that something was not quite right.

This has already swept several houses, but I haven't encountered a chicken or duck.

There are many chickens in the chicken coop, and you can't see the big chickens. When I ask my fellow villager, why are there only small chickens in this chicken coop?

Then the fellow looked at Yan Mao with a bit of resentment.

Yan Mao laughed dryly.

Can't blame me for this!

Wasn't that when Wang Lebang and Tian Xiao came to Xin'an Township to scavenge everywhere! ?

Not to mention Wang Lebang, Tian Xiao alone can eat more than three people.

The chickens bought are definitely not as delicious as the chickens raised in the hometown. This is not Xin'an Township, but those who raise chickens and ducks at home basically visit them all.

Of course, we are not bandits. We bought it for money, and the price we paid was even higher than going to the market.

To a certain extent, we are also going to the countryside to help the poor.

If you can't find it, go to the market and buy it!

The three of them went to the market to buy vegetables in no time. Yan Mao also greeted Aunt Li in advance and let Zhang Ziwen taste Aunt Li's craftsmanship.

I bought the ingredients and went to Aunt Li's house.

Aunt Li also greeted him warmly. Anyway, since Yan Mao came to the house, he felt that the house was too lively at once, and Yan Mao was also a man. Every time he came down from Jiangnan to Xin'an Township, he would bring some gifts to Aunt Li. .

So now Aunt Li is about to treat Yan Mao as her own family.

When he arrived at the ground to prepare to kill the chickens, Zhang Ziwen thought that Li Yiyang and Yan Mao would definitely not be able to do this work, so they were ready to go into battle in person.

Who would have thought that Yan Maoyi raised his hand, "Mr. Zhang, leave this to me!"

Zhang Ziwen said in surprise, "Can you do it?"

Li Yiyang on the side said rarely, "Mr. Zhang, he has always been able to kill chickens."


Zhang Ziwen raised his eyebrows and handed the two chickens to Yan Mao.

Yan Mao was very familiar with the road, sharpened his knives a lot, and slaughtered the two chickens cleanly. The action can be said to be quite silky, and he pulled the knife down and easily broke his belly.

The action is very neat.

Zhang Ziwen immediately became interested when he saw Yan Mao's ability to kill chickens.

This kid has something!

Yan Mao was a little unaccustomed to being stared at by Zhang Ziwen, especially when Zhang Ziwen was doing inspection work with his hands behind his back, so he hurriedly said, "Mr. Zhang, find a place to sit and rest."

Li Yiyang was not idle at the moment. Tian Xiao and Wang Lebang were not there, so he had to go over to help boil the water.

Aunt Li went to the market to buy condiments again. Zhang Ziwen saw how diligent and diligent the two children were, and was quite satisfied, so he took a bench and sat at the door, looking at the scenery and relaxing.

But at this moment, Aunt Li's children came back.

When he saw Yan Mao and Li Yiyang, he quickly asked if Brother Hao was here?

As a result, when he heard that Xu Tianhao didn't come, he was disappointed to the naked eye, and then he turned his head and walked into the house.

Seeing Zhang Ziwen, he politely called out "Daddy".

Zhang Ziwen responded with a smile. He really likes children at his age. He originally planned to play with the children, but the eldest child shook his head and said, "It's time, we're going to read! "

"Read a book? What book?"

Seeing the age of this group of children, Zhang Ziwen was afraid that they didn't even go to kindergarten.

Are you so conscious?

In a blink of an eye, I saw three children enter the room and came out with a small bench, sitting in a row, the older one was holding the Three Character Classic children's picture book in his hand, and the one who had the right to say to his two younger brothers, "Read with me." , the beginning of man!"

"The beginning of man~"

"Nature is good."

"Nature is good~"

"Next sentence."

"Next sentence~"


Because Li Yiyang and Yan Mao took a long vacation, Chen Chu had to report to the Academic Affairs Office.

After all, Director Sun is in charge of the Academic Affairs Office, and Chen Chu usually doesn't ask much about his submissions.

Well, it's very comfortable.

Save me having to explain a bunch more.

At this moment, Li Yiyang and Yan Mao were following Zhang Ziwen, and Chen Chu was not worried about what would happen.


"Old Chen, I don't want to go to Kunhai, I don't want to go to the provincial team." Sun Jiaojiao ran to the office and said aggrievedly, "Old Chen, do ideological work for my grandfather! I really don't want to go to Kunhai. what!"

Chen Chu said helplessly, "Why don't you go to Kunhai! Isn't it good to be in the provincial team? You will have to go sooner or later, just a little earlier."

For this matter, Sun Jiaojiao even ran back to school.

Chen Chu also didn't know how to deal with this.

"Wouldn't it be late at night?"

"Then how late do you want to be?"

"At least I have to wait until I graduate from high school!" Sun Jiaojiao was lying on the table holding her face "Old Chen, don't you want me as a precious student? Think about me going to Kunhai in the future, you may want to It's been a long, long time before you can see me! If you miss me and can't see me, you should be very sad in your heart, right?"

e...I don't think so.

However, saying this was afraid of hurting Sun Jiaojiao's heart, Chen Chu smiled bitterly, "It's too late for the third year of high school, the sooner you enter the provincial team, the better, you're better, you don't want to go yet!"

"Besides, Kunhai is not far from Jiangnan, it only takes an hour or two." Chen Chu hurriedly said, "You can come down as long as you are free!"

"But I don't know anyone in Kunhai! It's just me, lonely, old Chen, can you bear it?" Sun Jiaojiao begged for a while, "Old Chen, please do ideological work for my grandfather, I can't bear it. Class Seven, I miss you!"

"Are you okay~"

Pulling Chen Chu's arm for a while.

"Don't shake, don't shake..."

Chen Chu was really helpless about this.

What to do about this?

It is definitely a good thing to be in the provincial team, but if this girl goes to Kunhai, she is unfamiliar and doesn't have a companion. It is very pitiful to think about it.

It takes time to make friends again.

But why should I explain this to Grandpa Sun Jiaojiao?

Aren't you scolded in the past?

When I stepped in, it wasn't that I blocked Sun Jiaojiao's healthy road. It was strange that I didn't get scolded.

"Well, I'll chat with your grandfather sometime and try to help you win." Chen Chu thought for a while before saying, "However, don't hold out too much hope, and I can't help you win the third year of high school. It's this semester at most, and you'll have to pass it when you're in your second year of high school."

When Sun Jiaojiao heard this, she felt that the time was a little short.

"Don't be too aggressive! It's almost done, or you can go and tell your grandfather yourself, don't look for me."

"Then this semester, thank you Lao Chen~"

"Go back to training now!"


Seeing Sun Jiaojiao leave the office cheerfully, Chen Chu twisted the root of her nose.


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