Yang Tianyu scratched his head awkwardly.

Am I smiling like an idiot?

Zhou Feng continued, "So, maybe she was exposed, and her father decided to stop all this."

Yang Tianyu's eyes widened, "This...how can I do this?"

"What are you anxious about? I'm just guessing, after all, I'm not sure what the situation is." Zhou Feng shrugged, "I won't give you any advice, it's not me chasing others, but yourself, you Find out what's going on in your own way, and do it your way."

"You can solve your own problems by yourself, and no one else can help you."

"Okay, that's about it."

Anyway, Yang Tianyu was taken aback by what Zhou Feng said, at least he was not at a loss, he quickly said thank you Brother Feng, turned his head and hurriedly returned to his position.

Zhou Feng was about to continue reading, but when he turned his head, he suddenly found that Cao Yunjing was about to kneel and kowtow, and asked, "Why?"

Cao Yunjing slowly stretched out his hand towards Zhou Feng, opened his mouth and said quickly, "Brother Feng, help me read a palmistry, do the math, when will I find a girlfriend?"





Anyway, what Zhou Feng said, Yang Tianyu really took it to heart.

After thinking about it, Yang Tianyu decisively decided to go to Ji Keke at the end of his self-study tonight.

Decisively and secretly, I sent a message to Ji Keke, saying that I would come to your school after the self-study this evening.

After a long while, Ji Keke sent a message? What are you here for?

Yang Tianyu has something very important to discuss with you.

Ji Coco? What's important?

Yang Tianyu will keep it a secret first, and will tell you when we meet.

Ji Ke can't do it! These days my dad is coming to pick me up after school.

As soon as Yang Tianyu saw the news, he couldn't help but glance at Zhou Feng with a lying expression on his face.

I feel like Brother Feng guessed it right!

This Ji Keke's father usually doesn't pick up Ji Keke at all. It's all Ji Keke and other classmates who go home together!

Very wrong!

What to do then?

Yang Tianyu thought about it, I'll come over after school tomorrow afternoon, let's meet.

What's the matter with Ji Coco? Made it so mysterious.

Yang Tianyu is very important anyway! see you then.

Ji can do it, see you tomorrow afternoon.

The next afternoon, after Yang Tianyu finished his dance practice, he took a taxi to the experimental high school without stopping.

Ji Keke asked Yang Tianyu to wait for her at a snack bar opposite the school, just in time for a meal.

It didn't take long for Yang Tianyu to see Ji Keke wearing the school uniform of the experimental high school, with a ponytail and youthful vigor everywhere.

"So, what's the matter?" Ji Keke looked at Yang Tianyu curiously, but he was very nervous.

She thinks... Maybe Yang Tianyu is looking for her to confess?


Yang Tianyu hurriedly flipped through his schoolbag.

Ji Keke looked at it and was so nervous that he was a little overwhelmed.

Is it...

"Look at this..."

I saw Yang Tianyu turned around and handed over a... sea, poster?


Ji Keke took it in a bit dazedly, "What, what?"

Yang Tianyu grinned, "Can't you just see it?"

"oh oh……"

Ji Keke glanced at the poster, and it turned out to be the poster of the Southwest Latin Dance Trials, and couldn't help but be taken aback for a moment, "I know this, why, do you want to participate?"

"Yes!" Yang Tianyu said seriously, "How about we go to participate together?"

Ji Keke is a little... laughing and crying "I've already signed up."

"Well... ah?" Yang Tianyu was taken aback, "When did you sign up?"

"Just last week, my father has already signed up for me." Ji Keke laughed dryly, "That...that..."

Yang Tianyu scratched his head and suddenly realized a problem. This registration is usually for two people. He laughed dryly, "You, you already have a dance partner?"

"Yes..." Ji Keke looked embarrassed. "My father helped me find it. He said he was the son of a good friend. He danced very well in Latin and was about the same age as me. He asked me to cooperate with him. What I've been meaning to tell you is..."

Because of this, Ji Keke and his father also had an argument and had a fight.

But there is no way.

"It was because of this that you were in a bad state last week?"


With Ji Keke's affirmation, Yang Tianyu fell into silence all of a sudden.

After a long while, Ji Keke said, "Tianyu, I'm sorry."

Yang Tianyu suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart, and squeezed out a smile dryly, "No, it's fine, then you must work hard to get a good ranking!"


Seeing a bit unhappy.

However, Yang Tianyu heard a voice over.


its not right!

You should have told me at that time, and it has been delayed until now. It is obvious that Ji Keke takes great care of my emotions!

If she didn't care about me, she wouldn't take it seriously!

When he thought of it, Yang Tianyu felt a burst of joy in his heart, and his mental state suddenly changed.

"It's all right!" Yang Tianyu suddenly grinned, "Anyway, no matter who you compete with, I believe you can get a very good ranking!"


"Right, right..." Yang Tianyu quickly took out a pile of circled paper from the bag and handed it to Ji Keke, "Look at it!"


Ji Coco took it out and took a look, and was immediately full of joy.

"Wow! You draw so well!"

This is what Yang Tianyu drew on Ji Keke's photo.

"And, also, look at this!"

Ji Keke turned it out again, couldn't help covering his mouth, and his face was even more surprised, "Aren't you too good?"

This is similar to the cartoon style, it looks very cute.

"It also has oil painting style!"

Anyway, Yang Tianyu has been drawing very seriously for two or three nights, and he has to redraw it many times to get the current effect.

Ji Keke was really surprised and fell in love with these paintings.

"Tianyu, you are really too talented!"

"Do you like it?"

"Of course I like it!" Ji Keke didn't hide his emotions and said quickly, "And you draw really well!"

"It's just a little hobby, it's nothing to talk about." Yang Tianyu waved his hand quickly, pretending to be modest, "When I practice more, I can draw better in the future."

"Then I'm looking forward to it!" Ji Keke said seriously, "I will definitely treasure these paintings."

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