After saying goodbye to Ji Keke, on the way back to school, Yang Tianyu was still a little embarrassed.

Seeing that the person you like is going to a dance competition with others, but the dance partner is not yourself...

Anyway, Yang Tianyu must be a little uncomfortable in his heart.

If this were changed before, Yang Tianyu must have tried every means to find the other party, coerced and tempted him, and if he couldn't do it, he would have beaten him, and he would have pulled Ji Keke to his side no matter what.

But now Yang Tianyu has no such idea.

They didn't do anything wrong, you go up and beat them up?

That is so unreasonable.

After returning to school, Yang Tianyu could only try not to think about it.

However, Cao Yunjing saw that Yang Tianyu made a special trip out. He seemed to have guessed something, and asked, "How is it?"

"How about what?"

"Didn't you go to the experimental high school to find Ji Keke?" Cao Yunjing winked and said, "Have you solved it?"

Yang Tianyu didn't want Cao Yunjing and others to know about these things, so he said nothing happened.

Cao Yunjing felt that something was not right, so he kept asking, but Yang Tianyu didn't say anything.

Well, too lazy to ask.

When he returned home after the evening self-study, Yang Tianyu saw his mother Zou Li came back as soon as he opened the door.

"Mom, why didn't you stay in the hospital and ran back!?"

"Who can stand being in the hospital every day! I'll come back to catch my breath."

Zou Li hurriedly asked how the dance practice went recently.

Yang Tianyu said it was okay, and Zou Li hurriedly asked Yang Tianyu to jump up a short section to see the results.

For those five pairs of sneakers, just jump.

After a short jump, Zou Li couldn't help but be surprised.

Even from a professional point of view, Yang Tianyu's foundation is getting more and more solid. The most important thing is that Yang Tianyu is able to fully express the strength of men.

He is truly gifted, and extremely savvy.

But it makes Zou Li happy, thinking that her son will definitely become the top dancer in the future!

"Right!" Zou Li suddenly said again, "You go home for dinner tomorrow afternoon! I'll ask your dad to pick you up from school then!"

Yang Tianyu was stunned, "What's the matter?"

"It was a colleague of mine from the art troupe who came to eat at home. You saw Aunt with the surname Shen when you were a child, do you remember?"

Yang Tianyu was really impressed, and nodded slightly.

"Her son is two or three years older than you, he dances very well in Latin dance, and he has won a lot of awards before! Now he has been admitted to the Southwest Academy of Arts!" Zou Li said quickly, "When the time comes, come to eat at home, you But if you want to learn from others, the Southwest Art Institute is amazing, if you can get in, I will be thankful!"

"Okay, I see."

Yang Tianyu didn't take it seriously at all.

Although there was a moment in my mind that this person would not be Ji Keke's dance partner, right?

But when I thought about it, it felt a bit nonsense.

Such a coincidence.

It was the next day without any dazzling. When school was over in the afternoon, his father Yang Zheng took Yang Tianyu home for dinner.

As soon as I got home, I saw what my mother Zou Li called Aunt Shen and her son Lin Xi.

Not to mention, this Lin Xi looks white and tender, a handsome guy, but a little thin.

Yang Tianyu called Aunt Shen.

When Aunt Shen saw Yang Tianyu, she immediately said with joy, "Oh, Tianyu, I haven't seen you for a few years, you've grown so big!"

After introducing each other, Yang Tianyu and Lin Xi also met for the first time, so they simply said hello.

Zou Li also joined the chat camp with the help of Yang Tianyu.

After not seeing each other for many years, the two of them chatted happily.

"Xiao Shen, is this time you came down from Kunhai to Jiangnan for work?"

Aunt Shen hurriedly waved her hand and said with a smile, "Isn't this a good friend's daughter who wants to participate in the Southwest Youth Latin Dance Competition? If I lacked a dance partner, I specially contacted me and asked my family Lin Xi to bring her over there."

Zou Li snorted, with an expression of sudden realization.

On the other hand, Yang Tianyu stared at him.

Um! ?

No, it wouldn't be so coincidental would it?

"Aunt Shen, let me ask you something."


"Your good friend's daughter is not called Ji Keke, right?"

Aunt Shen was taken aback for a moment, "Huh!? How do you know?"

Both Zou Li and Lin Xi were stunned.

good guy, really...

Yang Tianyu laughed and laughed, I am currently in a Latin dance training class, and my partner is Ji Keke.

It's not a coincidence, isn't it?

When Aunt Shen heard this, she was thinking that it was really fate, but after thinking about it carefully, hey, that's not right!

"Tianyu, aren't you practicing sports? Are you practicing Latin dance now? Are you planning to major in sports dance?"

"Not really, I'm also a dancer now."

"Huh!? You changed to a dance student?"

Zou Li also looked at Yang Tianyu with a puzzled expression, "When did you change to a dance student? Why didn't you inform me?"

"Mom, aren't you doing rehabilitation therapy? You need to rest, so I didn't tell you!" Yang Tianyu said, "But I didn't change my major."

"Didn't change majors? What do you mean?"

"I am now both a sports student and a dance student."


A group of people are a little confused.

Probably the first time I've heard of this.

Yang Tianyu added again.

"By the way, I'm still an art student."

? ? ?

On the contrary, Yang Tianyu was also a little puzzled. As soon as he turned his head towards Yang Zheng who was busy in the kitchen, he said, "Dad!"

Yang Zheng, who was cooking, glanced at him, "What's wrong?"

"Didn't you tell my mother?"

"say what?"

"It's the professional thing that Lao Chen discussed with you!"

"I didn't say it! She is a patient and needs to rest. You can just say no."


Yang Tianyu turned his head, glanced at the three, and spread his hands.

"Well, that's what happened."


Yang Tianyu brought a bunch of his own paintings and showed Zou Li a look.

Zou Li was almost overjoyed.

In particular, Aunt Shen on the side was also trying her best to praise.

Ouch! Sister Zou, Tianyu is amazing.

Full development!


Then he turned his head to look at Lin Xi beside him, lo and behold, this is someone else's child.

Lin Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and was always depressed.

Fuck, roll a big watermelon!

I just came over to have a meal and I could be rolled!

He is still a sports student, a dance student and an art student who takes all three of them!

Lin Xi said that she was really depressed.

Anyway, Zou Li was so happy that her waist didn't hurt anymore.

I knew our son was a genius!

After eating, Zou Li said dance and eliminate food!

"Go, Tianyu, dance for you Aunt Shen and Lin Xi's big brother, and comment on it."

Yang Tianyu's mouth twitched.

"Mom, forget it?"

"Don't! Your aunt Shen is from the Southwest Latin Dance Association, and your big brother Lin Xi is also a professional and can help you guide!"

It was obvious that Zou Li and Aunt Shen had a very good relationship, so she hurriedly said with a smile, "Tianyu, let's see if you dance."


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