In the laboratory of the scientific research team, in the huge water tank, the main task of the two large motors is to create the flow rate, and the matching acceleration and deceleration device has been completed. The students responsible for controlling the flow rate quickly asked Sun Ziyang, "Sun Ziyang, What's the flow rate?"

Sun Ziyang was also questioned.

He really hadn't measured the flow rate of the Jinjiang River, and after all, he didn't buy any equipment.

Are you buying equipment now?

Those like flow meters are actually not expensive, but for Sun Ziyang, it is not necessary.

He is mainly looking for feeling now, and equipment is not necessary.

"I'll find out by testing it with my hands."

The student who controlled the flow rate was a little unclear.

Is this... just by feel?

Soon, the motor starts.

There are five gears in total, starting from the very first gear.

The water began to flow in the customized water tank, and Sun Ziyang stretched out his hand and closed his eyes.

After a long while, he said, "Upgrade, the flow rate is not enough!"

In the second stage, Sun Ziyang repeated his old tricks, but his brows were slightly wrinkled, "Continue to add another stage!"

After adding the motor to the fourth gear, Sun Ziyang felt it, but it was still a little slower, but it could not reach the fifth gear.

A group of people began to work on fine-tuning again, and it took two hours to toss just one motor before the flow rate reached Sun Ziyang's requirements.

"Okay, that's it!"

After Sun Ziyang quickly withdrew his hands from the water tank, he quickly began to put the equipment one by one.

There are fixed holes on the bottom of each device, Sun Ziyang didn't let others do it, and all tossed it by himself.

A group of people watched curiously, and found that Sun Ziyang arranged the thirteen devices in a very strange way.

Some are slanted, some are face to face, and some are close to one another.

After the equipment is installed, it is officially powered on.

In the end, everyone saw that the water flow was mixed together, and they couldn't see anything at all. It even caused a hedge with the original water flow. A lot of water was splashed directly, causing many people to avoid it. Only Sun Ziyang remained guarded. On the edge of the water tank, avoid the machine, put your hands in it, and feel the change of water flow.

"Are you going to cut off the power?"

Seeing Sun Ziyang frowning, Liu Yuchen asked quickly.

"Need not!"

Sun Ziyang responded and started to adjust the position of the machine.

This feeling is directly messed up, there is no fast and long wave current at all, and some are just chaotic.

The direction and angle are wrong!

Sun Ziyang began to make fine adjustments continuously, and the machine was not turned off, so that water splashed everywhere, directly pouring Sun Ziyang like a chicken in soup, and he had to wipe his face every once in a while.

The ground is also full of water.

After all, there are still instruments in the laboratory, and everyone was afraid of breaking the machine, so they quickly suspended the experiment and suggested that the test site should be replaced by a swimming pool.

Sun Ziyang thought so too, so he asked Liu Yuchen to talk to Lao Chen.

Liu Yuchen rolled his eyes, "You can talk about your own affairs! Why are you calling me?"

"You speak better than me!" Sun Ziyang hurriedly said with a smile, "Sister Chen, please agree to a request from my younger brother! Please!"

Seeing that Sun Ziyang, who was invincible at the time, lowered his arrogant head, Liu Yuchen was overjoyed.

"Shout again to hear?"

"Sister Chen, you will be my sister from now on, okay?"

Sun Ziyang folded his hands together with a begging expression.

Liu Yuchen giggled, "Okay, then I'll go tell Lao Chen!"

The main reason was that Sun Ziyang was afraid that Lao Chen would think he was messing around and didn't concentrate on his studies.

But let Liu Yuchen go to this matter must be done.

After all, Lao Chen's attitude towards girls is relatively gentle. The most important thing is that Liu Yuchen has already recommended him to the National University of Defense Technology. Naturally, he is very pleased with Lao Chen. Let Liu Yuchen say that there will be no trouble.

No, Liu Yuchen came to the office and explained the situation to Chen Chu.

Feng Qian, who was already grumbling on the side, asked curiously, "Yuchen, what experiment is Sun Ziyang doing? He has to borrow a swimming pool."

Liu Yuchen shrugged, "Actually, I don't know, e... Qianqian, you..."

Seeing that Feng Qian was obviously a little plumper than before, Liu Yuchen looked at Chen Chu with a little bit of... fear and joy.

After all, Zhuang Rou has already made a mess of being supplemented by Lao Chen, and now Feng Qian has not escaped the fate of being supplemented.

Fortunately, I have been recommended to National Defense Science and Technology University.

You don't need to be supplemented by Old Chen!

After all, Liu Yuchen doesn't want to gain weight, one fattening ruins everything!

She still wants to be pretty.

Feng Qian winked at Liu Yuchen and smiled again.

I don't know what Liu Yuchen wants to say!

Forget it!

Desserts made by Lao can eat them!

Really delicious! Can't stop at all!

And the taste is different every day, and tell Lao Chen what flavor you want to eat. Tomorrow, Lao Chen will really make that taste for you. Really, it is even better than the desserts sold in those high-end dessert shops!

Feng Qian finally knew why Zhuang Rou became chubby after a holiday.

You know, Zhuang Rou doesn't like to eat sweets very much on weekdays!

This... who can resist this! ?

Since you can't hide, you can only lie down and enjoy.

The big deal is to find a way to lose weight later. After all, after dancing every day, I will definitely regain my previous slenderness.

With this kind of thought in mind, Feng Qian really let go of herself a bit!

So that in only two weeks, the growth effect has almost caught up with Zhuang Rou, who has been feeding Chen Chu for nearly two months.

Well, it is a blessing to be able to eat!

Chen Chu on the side heard that Sun Ziyang was going to borrow the swimming pool to do the experiment, but he didn't think too much. He just told Liu Yuchen to pay attention to safety and handed the key of the swimming pool to Liu Yuchen.

In fact, Chen Chu asked Master Pen to take a peek at it, and knew that he was doing experiments in a water tank.

Just give enough support.

After Liu Yuchen took the key, Sun Ziyang happily called Sister Chen again, and then led everyone to transfer the water tank to the swimming pool without stopping, and then took off his clothes and put on a pair of swimming trunks.

This tossing came to the time of evening self-study.

The students of the research group have been back and forth several times.

Sun Ziyang seemed to be on the bar of the water tank, and he had to adjust his position every few minutes.

Let him go over to eat, but he doesn't want to go, so he threw himself into the water tank.

But everyone looked at it for a long time, and they didn't know what Sun Ziyang was going to do. Anyway, when the machine was turned on, the water was all mixed together, and nothing could be seen.

The night sky was dark, and the swimming pool was still brightly lit.

The people in the research group didn't go to class.

After all, they were all recommended, and now it is considered to be an experiment. The teacher will not talk about them if they are not in class, so they all greeted the teacher in advance.

Seeing that Sun Ziyang had been tossing around in the water tank all night, Liu Yuchen hurriedly said, "Sun Ziyang, I think it's not too late, why don't we do it tomorrow?"

However, Sun Ziyang did not respond.

Liu Yuchen gave a wry smile, and the senior senior sister on the side suddenly couldn't help but exclaimed, "This, what is this?"

Everyone was stunned, and all of them looked into the water tank in unison, and saw that the tumultuous water surface suddenly calmed down, and then a water column as thick as a fist suddenly rushed out from the water surface. The knee fell again, folded into an arc, then rushed up, and fell again...

However, in just a few seconds, the water column suddenly disappeared, and then the water surface fell into tumbling chaos again...

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