Seeing this strange little water column, everyone in the scientific research team was a little stunned, and gathered around Sun Ziyang.

"What was that just now?"

"that's amazing!"

"It's the first time I've seen this happen!"

Sun Ziyang's face was full of excitement now.

Really tossed out!

"Don't move, don't move!"

It took him almost tossing for a whole day to finally determine the position and angle.

It's really a miss, a thousand miles away.

Even a slight shift in position will not form such fast and long waves.

As for the reason why it only lasted for a few seconds, the hydraulic shock of the fast and long waves caused the device to shift.

Sun Ziyang hurriedly stopped everyone from approaching. After adjusting the device to the position just now, he hurriedly took his mobile phone and took pictures frantically.

Then he took over various measuring instruments from everyone and began to record data.

Angle, orientation, location, etc.

Every test, Sun Ziyang will carefully record it.

The success of the experiment naturally made Sun Ziyang ecstatic.

And Sun Ziyang had already thought about what to do next.

According to Mr. K's instructions, if there are special achievements, you can submit an application to the State Intellectual Property Office as soon as possible, or even contact the State Administration of Water Resources and other units to submit scientific research results. After passing the review, a special person will take the initiative to contact.

This is Sun Ziyang's springboard!

After all the experimental data and materials were sorted out, Sun Ziyang immediately submitted the materials to the various units.

As for this kind of fast and long-wave water flow, because there is no definition for the time being, Sun Ziyang directly named it the waterspout effect.


Xin'an Township.

Yan Mao and Li Yiyang have been with Zhang Ziwen for a week or so.

And this kind of free clinic is not sitting in the consulting room, but walking around the streets with a medicine box on his back, and going to various villages in Xin'an Township.

A little bit of the old barefoot doctor style.

Yan Mao and Li Yiyang really benefited a lot from following Zhang Ziwen and learned a lot of good things.

Even Li Yiyang had to sigh with emotion that his tutor was indeed unbelievably strong.

Can help patients with acupuncture, can also help patients with minimally invasive.

The most outrageous thing is that some symptoms can be said nine times out of ten with just a glance.

It is based on years of experience in treatment.

In many cases, a minimally invasive surgery can be done cleanly with only one hand without much equipment.

Only one voice, only familiar with the hand.

Moreover, Zhang Ziwen is especially keen on treating various incurable diseases.

For Zhang Ziwen, there is no difference between Chinese and Western medicine, only modern medicine.

Modern medicine and traditional Chinese and Western medicine are not opposed, but the relationship between inheritance and development.

Take the essence and get rid of the dross.

And this is also the first lesson Zhang Ziwen taught for Yan Mao and Li Yiyang.

It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white, as long as it can catch mice, it is a good cat.

The ancestors have indeed left behind a lot of precious wealth. Just like Zhang Ziwen's free clinic this week, he also learned a lot of local remedies from the mouths of ordinary people.

Zhang Ziwen recorded them one by one, intending to go back and study them carefully.

At this time, a group of three people were traveling on a country road, heading for another village.

On the way, Zhang Ziwen also kept popular science on the road.

Zhang Ziwen basically knows the wild flowers and weeds on the roadside that can be used as medicine.

Of course, mainly for Yan Mao.

After being in contact with the two children for a week, Zhang Ziwen also found out the situation of the two children.

Indeed two extremely rare talents.

A theoretical knowledge is so solid that it feels like the Compendium of Materia Medica, a modern medical dictionary, etc. are directly stuffed into the brain, and even various intractable diseases, Li Yiyang also has a lot of research.

No wonder it was so favored by Biersburg Medical College that it even hesitated to block Li Yiyang's documents, and was willing to take the initiative to obtain German citizenship for Li Yiyang.

The practical ability is actually not bad. Compared with the students who can enter the Peking Association Medical College, Li Yiyang's practical ability is roughly equivalent to the level of the second or third grade.

In turn, Yan Mao is the other extreme.

The theoretical foundation is terrible, but the practical ability is outrageous.

To be honest, Zhang Ziwen felt that if Yan Maozhen had been working for a year and a half, the standard of surgery would probably be among the top in the country.

But that's the way it is, I don't know if I ask three questions.

Zhang Ziwen felt that if these two children were combined, it would be a bit invincible.

I asked why Brother Chen had to send these two children together.

Dare is a complete set!

And Yan Mao and Li Yiyang have been with Zhang Ziwen for a long time, and gradually understand Zhang Ziwen's temperament.

Not to mention, this instructor is really easy to get along with.

People are particularly refreshing, and informal.

Even in class, people become very serious, and they have to listen carefully, but if they desert, they will be hungry that day.

Yan Mao was hungry all night because he was about to fall asleep listening to him.

As a result, Zhang Ziwen simmered the goose in an iron pot that afternoon, dragged Sun Ziyang and ate it.

Yan Mao stood beside him, he could only watch, but couldn't move.

And... Zhang Ziwen is really skinny!

He even rubbed the goose's leg directly in front of Yan Mao's nose, causing it to become flabby.

I said how can you and Lao Chen have such fun!

It turned out to be a raccoon dog!

Anyway, after having such a lesson, Yan Mao has learned to behave.

As long as Zhang Ziwen talked about professional knowledge, he immediately listened with a serious face, and had to take a notebook to write it down.

After all, Zhang Ziwen would suddenly check and ask questions coldly. If he couldn't answer, he might starve again.

The teaching style is completely different from Lao Chen.

But it's much more fun than sitting in a classroom.

"Yan Mao, what is this?"

Zhang Ziwen was talking on the country road, and suddenly pointed to a plant.

Yan Mao took a closer look and frowned slightly.

After watching it for a while, I didn't have any impression.

I couldn't help but secretly glanced at Li Yiyang beside him.


Li Yiyang remained silent, decisively pretending not to see.

"Teacher, I, I don't know." Yan Mao scratched his head guiltily, "I have no impression at all."

"Of course you don't have an impression, and I didn't say it." Zhang Ziwen was also not angry, and looked at Li Yiyang, "Yi Yang, do you know?"

Li Yiyang also shook his head, "I don't know either. There is no corresponding record in the book. Is this a herbal medicine?"

Zhang Ziwen broke off a few leaves and handed them to Yan Mao and Li Yiyang.

"Come on, have a taste."

The two of them didn't think too much about it, they took the leaves and put them in their mouths and chewed it.

It doesn't have any special taste, just a grassy taste.

Yan Mao asked curiously, "Teacher, what is this for treatment? Does it have any characteristics?"

Zhang Ziwen laughed, "It's nothing special, it's used to feed pigs in the countryside..."



"About the fact that my undergraduate, master and doctoral tutor is an old urchin"

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