Yan Mao and Li Yiyang went back and forth, pretending that nothing happened, and continued to eat with a smile when they came back.

Lin Yuyan slowly finished her bowl of rice, and seeing that her younger siblings were almost done eating, she was about to get up to leave and lead the child home.

After all, the two children are also quite noisy, afraid of disturbing others to eat.

Zhang Ziwen took such a scene in his eyes, and seeing that Lin Yuyan was about to leave with her younger brother and sister, she quickly raised her hand and greeted Lin Yuyan to sit down.

He took the village chief and started to do ideological work for Lin Yuyan.

"Uncle, let me tell you something." Zhang Ziwen said solemnly, "You must continue reading the book. Knowledge changes your destiny. If you don't change your own destiny, how should you take care of your younger siblings in the future?"

The village chief also quickly echoed, saying Lin Mei, don't you want your brother and sister to grow up well?

Lin Yuyan remained silent.

Zhang Ziwen obviously thought about it carefully.

It is not shameful to accept help from others. It is shameful ingratitude. You know that it is a good thing to repay your gratitude.

Zhang Ziwen did not dare to speak too harshly.

This kind of change in the family was a devastating blow to Lin Yuyan's age.

Mental and spiritual aspects are not going anywhere.

Moreover, Lin Yuyan was not popular among her peers in the village.

The current environment in the village was not suitable for Lin Yuyan to continue to stay.

Zhang Ziwen is willing to sponsor the three brothers and sisters Lin Yuyan, but first of all they have to do the ideological work of understanding Lin Yuyan. If Lin Yuyan does not cooperate, no matter how much you say, it will be of no use.

Not surprisingly, it didn't work.

Lin Yuyan just said thank you uncle, and took the younger brother and sister home first.

Zhang Ziwen didn't stop him either.

On the way here, the village chief made it clear what he should have said.

People from the village have come to do Lin Yuyan's ideological work many times, but Lin Yuyan has refused.

In fact, Zhang Ziwen knew that Lin Yuyan's heart was almost locked, she couldn't open it, she couldn't accept and trust outsiders.

The root cause is that Lin Yuyan was subjected to frequent domestic violence when she was a child, and was beaten and scolded by her father. The most outrageous thing was that when she was thirteen years old and still in junior high school, she was directly sold by her father to a second-rate son in his thirties from the next township for 100,000 yuan. .

At that time, people in the village couldn't stand it anymore. They led a group of old people with hoes at the entrance of the village to stop people. Lin Yuyan's father hated him because of this incident, saying that it blocked his fortune. That night After drinking, he took a hatchet and threatened to kill all the people in the village.

Call the police?

Who dares?

What if there is revenge?

How can you reason with unreasonable people?

Having a childhood full of darkness, violence and despair, Lin Yuyan's failure to break down is already commendable.

Zhang Ziwen was also a little helpless about this. This little girl was really distressing, but she was unwilling to accept anyone's help, so that Zhang Ziwen sat in the back seat of the car on the way back to the town with a sad face.

No matter how good his medical skills are, his heart is hard to heal!

Yan Mao and Li Yiyang didn't say a word. They also saw Lin Yuyan's attitude, and they were a little helpless about it.

In the case of unwilling to touch others, it is difficult for others to get close to her.

And once the critical value is reached, it is easy for her to collapse.

Li Yiyang suggested in a low voice, "Teacher, why don't you invite a psychiatrist to show Lin Mei?"

Zhang Ziwen sighed and shook his head, "It doesn't make much sense. The premise of hiring a psychiatrist is that she is willing to cooperate. In her situation, she won't say anything, and the psychiatrist will have nothing to do with her."

"This child's ideological work is very difficult to do." Zhang Ziwen thought about it and said, "I'd better not touch it first, take it slow, and bring her some medicine when I come back tomorrow. Not only does she have mental problems now, but she also has physical problems. The problem is more serious, long-term severe malnutrition, maybe a little bit of a little bump can kill you."

On the contrary, Yan Mao said decisively, "Teacher, I will send her medicine, um, I want to help her!"

Zhang Ziwen glanced at it and suddenly smiled, "Okay."

Seeing Yan Mao and Li Yiyang's attitudes and behaviors, Zhang Ziwen was still quite relieved.

As expected of a student trained by Brother Chen.

They are all kind-hearted and willing children.

After returning to the township and resting for a day, Zhang Ziwen led Yan Mao and Li Yiyang to the village again early the next morning. Of course, Zhang Ziwen asked people to prepare a lot of medicines according to the list last night. .

After all, many elderly people have limited mobility, and it is impossible for them to travel long distances to go to towns and villages to buy medicine.

It was at the gate of the village committee again. The village chief informed the villagers to come and collect the medicine. Those who had not been examined yesterday continued to line up for consultation.

At this moment, Yan Mao had already asked about the direction of Lin Yuyan's house, and went over with the medicine.

Not long after, Yan Mao came to Lin Yuyan's house with the medicine.

At a glance, there are two words, dilapidated.

The surface of the red brick house is covered with traces of time. There are only three rooms. From the outside, the inside of the house is dark and dark. When I came, I saw Lin Yuyan's sister Lin Qingyuan sitting on the small bench reading a book at the door.

Yan Mao quickly said hello and asked if your sister is at home?

Lin Qingyuan is not like Lin Yuyan, or even the exact opposite, a very lively and outgoing little girl. After all, she had dinner with Yan Mao yesterday, and Yan Mao gave her a lot of meat, but she was not wary of Yan Mao. He hurriedly said, "My sister carried her brother to the mountain to pick fungus!"

"Picking fungus?" Yan Mao was slightly startled, "When did you go?"

"It's early and early."

When Yan Mao heard this, his heart couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

There is a feeling of not living in the same world.

Yan Mao hurriedly handed the medicine to Lin Qingyuan, and said with a smile, "These are medicines for your sister, and how to take them is written on it. Please let your sister remember to take the medicine!"

Lin Qingyuan nodded when she took the plastic bag containing the medicine, Yan Mao thought about it, then smiled and asked Lin Qingyuan if I could go to your house and sit.

How can the little girl think so much, of course she can!

He led Yan Mao into the house.

When I entered the house, I saw that it was really a family, and there was really nothing but two beds and a wooden wardrobe.

Yan Mao deliberately asked Lin Qingyuan to pour himself a glass of water, and after he left, he secretly took out a stack of money from his bag, but there was no new one.

Last night, Yan Mao still went to a lot of places and exchanged a lot of cash, all of which were relatively old, and new ones were not needed.

Look around, ready to find a place to hide the money.

In the end, it was really hard to find a place to hide money, so after thinking about it, I stuffed the money under the bed.

When Lin Qingyuan came over with the water, Yan Mao pretended that nothing happened, until he deliberately pulled the quilt before leaving, and then said in surprise, "Hey? How can you be rich?"

Yan Mao originally wanted to fool Lin Qingyuan into saying that the money might be left by your mother, but the little girl didn't make any movement, just blinked her eyes and said, "You are so naive!"


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