When a seven- or eight-year-old girl said you were so naive, Yan Mao blushed with embarrassment, but he still had to bite the bullet and continue.

I don't know anything!

You see this money is hidden so secretly, at first glance, it is left by your mother for you!

After playing for a long time, Lin Qingyuan finally broke the defense with one sentence.

"A lot of people hide their money here, saying that my mother kept it!" Lin Qingyuan blinked and said, "My sister said that it's all other people's money, so I can't take it!"


Yan Mao shook his head in embarrassment.

Apparently what he'd been thinking about all night didn't work.

In fact, Yan Mao and Li Yiyang also discussed this matter last night, and they also thought about inviting Chen Chu or Xu Tianhao over to help Lin Yuyan with psychological counseling.

But on second thought, it doesn't feel right.

It seems that Xu Tianhao's kind no longer belongs to the category of psychological enlightenment, but will make people peaceful.

In particular, the two of them were treated specially by Xu Tianhao at the beginning, and they had a deep understanding of it.

A good little girl wears a peaceful smile every day, it is very strange and terrifying to think about!

Then let Lao Chen come?

No way!

Everyone knows Lao Chen's ability more clearly. As long as Chen Fa's formula is blurted out, the cry will be a whole day's work!

And they can't be controlled at all!

Li Yiyang has a great say in this matter. Anyway, on the day he was educated by Lao Chen, his emotions could not be controlled at all, and complex emotions would always flow out of his heart unconsciously.

As far as Lin Yuyan's current mental state and physical condition are concerned, she will cry all day! ?

Absolutely life-threatening!

And Lao Chen was already busy enough, Yan Mao and Li Yiyang really didn't want to find trouble for Chen Chu.

You can solve it yourself.

Besides, what should I do if I become dependent?

Insatiable and careful, Lao Chen took back the magical powers and returned them all to their original shape.

This is also the consensus of the seventh class.

If you can rely on yourself, you can rely on yourself, and don't make trouble for Lao Chen.

What Lao Chen wants to cultivate is talents, not giant babies.

Therefore, Lin Yuyan still has to find a way to solve this matter.

Anyway, now the Yan Mao Gang is definitely going to help. Since it happened, I would feel sorry for not helping.

At this moment, Lin Qingyuan came to Yan Mao, pulled Yan Mao's trouser legs, and said, "Yan Mao, big brother, take the money back! Otherwise, my sister will refund it to you!"

Yan Mao was a little helpless, so he had to get the money back. After a change of mind, he quickly asked Lin Qingyuan, "Qingyuan, does your sister have anything in particular that she likes?"

"Yes! My sister likes to read books!" Lin Qingyuan turned around and opened the wardrobe, and found that the lower level of the wardrobe was full of books. "These are my sister's books, and my sister will teach me to read and write as long as I have nothing to do. ,look……"

Lin Qingyuan was quite excited and took out her workbook to show Yan Mao, "Yan Mao, big brother, this is what I wrote."

Yan Mao took it over and took a look. When he opened the workbook, all the words were written seriously with a pencil. Although it didn't look good, Lin Qingyuan's little face looked expectant for a while, and Yan Mao said with a smile, "It's really written. Alright, Qingyuan, do you want to go to school?"

After all, Lin Qingyuan was almost eight years old, and Yan Mao remembered that he went to elementary school when he was eight years old.

"I don't want to." Lin Qingyuan shook her head, "I don't want to leave my sister, and if I go to school, people will definitely hate me."

As for the reason, Yan Mao was quite clear in his heart even if he didn't ask.

At this moment, Yan Mao suddenly had an idea and said to Lin Qingyuan, "I can teach you to read and write too! And I'm a high school student, I know a lot, do you want to study with me?"

Yan Mao began to talk about how powerful he is. I know astronomy and geography. Whenever I have time, I will come over and teach you how to read and write, okay?

Lin Qingyuan didn't doubt it, she nodded happily and said yes!

Yan Mao took a look and stabilized.

Lin Yuyan was not very close, so she could only use Lin Qingyuan as a breakthrough.

Yan Mao felt that as long as they met more often, there would be more opportunities for communication. After a long time, Lin Yuyan would not be so resistant to him.

Anyway, Zhang Ziwen has to stay in Xin'an Township for a long time. Even if Zhang Ziwen is gone, Yan Mao will still have time to come.

Yan Mao also specifically checked with Lin Qingyuan, and then he had to make sure what grade Lin Qingyuan was in now.

Yan Mao felt that elementary school things must be...e...steady one's hand, below the third grade of elementary school, he will definitely be able to teach!

Fortunately, Lin Qingyuan was in the second grade of elementary school.

Yan Mao felt that things in the second grade of elementary school should not be difficult for him.

Decisively made an agreement with Lin Qingyuan, and then returned to the village committee to work with Zhang Ziwen and the others.

It was only when I was free that I talked to Zhang Ziwen about this.

When Zhang Ziwen heard this, he smiled and patted Yan Mao on the shoulder.

Yan Maozheng was thinking that our tutor must be complimenting himself, when Li Yiyang's voice came from behind him indifferently, "I suspect that you can't even teach the second grade of elementary school well! What if you make a mistake? ?"

Yan Mao was instantly angry!

Who are you looking down on! ?

In the second grade of primary school, I can get a score of 90 or more in Chinese and mathematics, and I even got a certificate!

Zhang Ziwen waved his hand and couldn't help but scolded Li Yiyang with a smile, "Did you two have a grudge in your last life? Just pinch when you meet!"

Anyway, Zhang Ziwen expressed support for Yan Mao's idea, and Yan Mao and Lin Yuyan are also the same age. After a long time of communication, Lin Yuyan should not be too resistant to Yan Mao, and maybe get closer.

Compared with Li Yiyang, Yan Mao is more emotional.

Li Yiyang is too shrewd and rational, but it is not suitable for contacting Lin Yuyan.

When these two people went to this stop, one looked shrewd and the other looked naive, and they definitely felt that the naive one would get along better.

And Yan Mao's idea, Zhang Ziwen thinks it is feasible.

The child Lin Yuyan knew the importance of reading, otherwise she would not have been teaching Lin Qingyuan to read and write.

Since you are unwilling to accept substantial help, you can try this method.

And most importantly, Yan Mao is a thick-skinned child.

The matter was settled like this. The free clinics are basically in the nearby villages these days, and the distance is not far. You can drop Yan Mao there by the way.

No, the next morning, after Zhang Ziwen sent Yan Mao to the entrance of the village, he took Li Yiyang to continue the free clinic.

e... In terms of free clinics, Yan Mao felt that he was dispensable.

Can't understand anyway.

Last night, Yan Mao also prepared a lot. He went to buy workbooks, pencils, pencil sharpeners and erasers, etc. He turned his head and headed towards Lin Yuyan's house.

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