Today, Lin Yuyan did not go to the mountain to pick fungus, but carried her younger brother to the river to fetch water to wash her clothes.

Yan Mao saw from a distance that Lin Yuyan was struggling with her small body while carrying her younger brother, not to mention carrying the knee-high bucket, and hurried over to help lift the water.

Lin Yuyan was also startled when she saw Yan Mao's appearance, and almost overturned the water, but fortunately, Yan Mao was quick-witted and grabbed the bucket in one fell swoop, not knowing whether to laugh or cry for a while.

As for what?

Can you be so scared?

"Are you all right?"

"It's alright." Lin Yuyan answered and was about to pick up the bucket, Yan Mao said "I'm here", I was very strong, and then came to Lin Yuyan's door with the bucket and put it down.

Lin Yuyan stepped up on her heels and said thank you softly.

As far as Lin Yuyan's voice was speaking, Yan Mao had to listen carefully every time, and he might not be able to hear anything if he was not careful.

"I'm fine anyway. I made an appointment with your sister yesterday. From today onwards, as long as I have time, I will come over and teach her to read and write." Yan Maosheng was afraid that Lin Yuyan would say something that would be too much trouble for you, so he quickly patted his chest. He said, "A gentleman's words, horses are hard to chase, spit and nails, and what I say is like poured water. Since I promised, I must do it!"

e... so anxious that Yan Mao even forcibly slipped all his vocabulary out of his head.

He hurriedly said again, "Don't worry, I won't cause you any trouble, just do your job!"

After speaking, Yan Mao turned his head and called to Lin Qingyuan. After a while, the little girl ran out of the house with messy hair. She ran to Lin Yuyan with a rubber band and asked Lin Yuyan to help her tie her hair.

Lin Yuyan just lowered her head and silently tied her hair before she said to Lin Qingyuan, "Be obedient."

Lin Qingyuan nodded and came to Yan Mao's side.

Because there was no desk at home, Yan Mao had no choice but to run into the kitchen to move the wooden table to the door, and then took out two small stools. When everything was ready, he began to teach Lin Qingyuan to read and write.

The textbooks for the second grade of elementary school were not difficult for Yan Mao.

Everything went smoothly until Yan Mao found out that Lin Qingyuan had learned a little too complicated, and actually found a book of 300 Tang poems from the closet. The age of reading the book has some history. poem.

Li Bai's "Night Park Niuzhu Nostalgic"

Niuzhu Xijiang night, the sky is cloudless.

Board the boat to look at the autumn moon, empty memory of General Xie.

Yu is also able to sing high, which is unheard of by people.

In the Ming Dynasty, when the sails were hung, the maple leaves fell one after another.

"Yan Mao big brother, can you tell me what it means? Every time my sister takes me to learn ancient poetry, she will tell me what it means."



Jiangnan, Longting Garden.

Wang Xu's family is in this community.

Today is Wang Xu's first day of class.

There was a little joy in my heart.

After all, the people who came to participate in the training class were said to be elites from all walks of life, and they all came here because of their famous names. The registration process was extremely hot, and only a hundred people were selected from thousands of people after careful selection.

And the location of the class is in a villa behind the house.

Thinking that these people will call themselves Teacher Wang later in class, Wang Xu feels a little floating when he walks.

But think about it, but don't float.

After he was ready, Wang Xu knocked on the door.

The door opened in a short while, and Wang Xu felt that his vision was blocked all of a sudden. When he looked up, he saw a muscular man of nearly 1.9 meters in front of him, like a hill, and his expression was very serious, staring at him. Wang Xu glanced at it and said solemnly, "Come in!"

As soon as Wang Xu entered the door, the atmosphere was terrifying.

On both sides of the aisle are young people in their twenties, standing like statues, still standing in obvious military postures, it seems that they are the members of the special forces who are solely responsible for the safety of this training class.

Wang Xu didn't know if he should say hello, until the 1.9 meter tall man behind him pushed him, "Why are you standing still?"

"oh oh……"

Wang Xu shrank his head and walked forward, and finally came to the living room.

It is not accurate to say that it is the living room. The entire living room is full of tables and chairs, and it is also crowded with people. At a glance, they are generally in their twenties, and they are all sitting in a standard sitting posture and motionless.

Even if Wang Xu came, no one made a sound, and the audience was so silent that a needle fell.

Wang Xu was stunned.

Look at this gesture, the people in the whole room obviously seem to be the military! ?

Doesn't it mean that there are people from all walks of life?

Wang Xu didn't think too much about it, but for a while he didn't know where to stand, and he felt that there was no place for him to stand.

"stand up!"

Suddenly, the big man beside Wang Xu let out a low shout, and with a swish, everyone suddenly stood up.


Everyone immediately raised their hands and saluted Wang Xu.

Wang Xu glanced at it, and hurriedly straightened his body and gave a salute.

However, there was no sound of Li Bi.

Wang Xu looked at the big man with a puzzled expression, "That, uncle? Why are you being rude?"

"Because you didn't return the gift."

The big man said in a deep voice.

Um! ?

"I, I'm back!" Wang Xu hurriedly made a salute again, "Isn't this a return salute?"

The big man looked at Wang Xu's condescending salute, and said indifferently, "No, I can even understand that you are insulting us with your posture."


"Wang Xu, stand at attention!"

Wang Xu quickly straightened his body.

The big man frowned again and glanced at Wang Xu before saying, "The first order above will be announced first."

"I am the main person in charge of this future spider project, Wang Mingyu, everyone involved in this project must obey my orders unconditionally, including you, can you hear me clearly!?"

Wang Xu was stunned, "Oh? No, I didn't say it!"

Wang Mingyu frowned, "If you have any questions, report it!"

"..." Wang Xu hurriedly said, "Report!"


"I didn't hear that!"

"Everything about the plan has been entered into the non-disclosure agreement, have you signed it?"

When Wang Xu heard it, he didn't read the content. When he said he could go to National Defense Science and Technology University, he signed it without thinking.

"Sign, sign."

"If you sign it, you will be deemed to have completely obeyed my order. Did you hear it clearly?"

"Listen clearly."



"This plan is a first-class secret. All participants must not withdraw without any reason, and must not leak secrets. Violators will be sent to military court. Have you heard clearly?"

? ? ? ?


Wang Xu had an inexplicable premonition.

"As a lecturer, you are contemptuous of the military salute?"

Wang Xu shook his head frantically, "No, absolutely not!"

"stand at attention!"

Wang Xu quickly straightened his body.

"Everyone has it, keep the military posture, when will the lecturer learn to salute correctly, when will the class start, and can you hear it clearly?"

"Listen clearly!"

"Any objections?"



On the other side, Chen Chu was secretly calling Sun Chu, "Sun Chu, has the training class started yet?"

"here we go."

Chen Chu hurriedly asked again, "Did you really invite the devil trainer from the special forces?"

"That is, if this child doesn't care about it, it's not against the sky?"

Sun Chu saw that Chen Chu on the other end of the phone was suddenly silent, and quickly said, "Why, do you feel bad?"

Alas... Wang Xu, ah Wang Xu...

teacher i...



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