This matter of Wang Xu has nothing to do with Chen Chu, he just knew some gossip in advance.

Chen Chu didn't take the initiative to apply, it was all the above arrangement.

Moreover, this was originally Wang Xu's initiative to apply to go to the National Defense Science and Technology University, and the National Defense Science and Technology University is managed by militarization!

Therefore, to invite a devil instructor to do the entrance training for Wang Xu, this treatment is really enviable.

I heard that the devil instructor is from the special forces team, and the special forces are also specially trained.

Students at the National University of Defense Technology do not have this special high-standard treatment.

It can be seen how much the above attaches great importance to Wang Xu!

Well, anyway, Chen Chu is really proud and proud of being a teacher.

Not to mention Wang Xu, Chen Chu also took the time to call and ask Zhang Ziwen what was going on.

Yan Mao and Li Yiyang had been following Zhang Ziwen for a while, and Chen Chu had to ask about the performance of these two children.

And Zhang Ziwen is obviously very satisfied with these two children.

"Brother Chen, I'm quite satisfied with these two children, and they are indeed the students you taught, hahaha!" Zhang Ziwen on the other end of the phone still laughed heartily, and joked again, "If you still have students in the back who are against this If you are interested, you must contact me as soon as possible, um, it is enough!"

Chen Chu also laughed, "That's for sure!"

After chatting a few words, Zhang Ziwen be sure to contact him when he returns to Jiangnan, and hung up after having a meal together.

It's just that Chen Chu has so many things in his hands that he can't get away.

Two days ago, Chen Chu met Assistant Ke while on the road, and he naturally asked Wu Ming about the escort.

After all, the Southwest Debating Contest is over, and Wu Ming's group also won the first place. It is said that the news of the walk should come down soon, but after so long, Chen Chu has not received any notice. , there was no reply from the vice-president.

Of course, Chen Chu felt that the vice-president was definitely not the kind of person who didn't count.

When Assistant Ke heard this, he said in tears, "Xiao Chen, I just have a headache for this!"

At that time, Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly asked what was the situation.

Assistant Ke said, "Originally, this matter is settled. The vice school has also contacted the Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and the quota has been set. As a result, a professor from Fudan stepped in and gave this matter to him. Hold down."

"Ah? What do you mean?" Chen Chu looked puzzled, "How did this Fudan professor get involved? Isn't he trying to get Wu Ming to Fudan?"

"If that's the case, why would I still have a headache?" Assistant Ke smiled bitterly, "This professor has a bit of a holiday with our associate school. It's unfortunate that this professor from Fudan has been transferred to Southwest University of Political Science and Law to be the head of the administrative department. Take a look at Wu Ming. It was recommended by our vice-president, so I brought this matter back!"

"Assistant school has been on fire for the past two days!" Assistant Ke whispered, "When I found out about this two days ago, the deputy school almost smashed the office. After all, that person didn't give any face, which made our deputy school. It is also embarrassing, the most important thing is that the teacher of the deputy school is still at Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and I heard that it seems to be targeted by this guy."

"But don't worry, Wu Ming's affairs are sure to be stable. Since the deputy principal has agreed, he will definitely try to arrange arrangements, so don't worry too much." Assistant Ke added, "I won't say more, I have to be busy. It's over, let's talk back!"

Anyway, when Chen Chu heard about this, he became very angry.

Private grievances belong to private grievances, and public revenge is a bit too disgusting.

But Chen Chu couldn't get involved in this matter.

Coincidentally, the office phone rang.

"Mr. Chen, I'm looking for you!"

"Okay, here we come."

Chen Chu hurried over to answer the phone, but he didn't expect the call from the deputy school, and asked Chen Chu to go to the deputy school's office now.

After arriving at the deputy school's office, Assistant Ke was naturally in the office, and his face didn't look good.

The Vice-Chancellor's expression seemed rather calm.

When Chen Chu saw Assistant Ke's expression, his heart sank a little.

Wu Ming assured that there must be something wrong with this matter.

"Xiao Chen, sit down first."

The deputy school said, and after Chen Chu sat down, he said, "Assistant Ke has told you before?"

Assistant Ke secretly winked at Chen Chu and waved his hand secretly.

Chen Chu shook his head as soon as he saw it, and pretended to be puzzled and said, "Assistant Ke didn't say anything to me!"

The vice-president snorted, and after a moment of silence, he said, "I'm afraid it won't work for Wu Ming to go to Southwest University of Political Science and Law!"

Chen Chu pretended to be shocked, "Ah? Vice-Chancellor, what's going on?"

Seeing this situation, Chen Chu knew that the vice-president had failed in the fight against others. Assistant Ke asked him not to speak out, of course, in order to save the vice-president a little face.

The deputy school coughed, "I couldn't make it through the audit, and I was stuck by some people with intentions."

Chen Chu didn't say much, and now that he's talking nonsense, he's demolishing the deputy school's desk.

Instead, he asked, "Deputy school, what should I do next?"

I even felt that since the vice-president called him here, he should have already figured out a way back.

After all, the vice-principal also wants a face.

When asked about this, the vice-principal couldn't help frowning, "There are two ways to go right now."

"The first rule is to take the second place. If you can't go to Southwest University of Political Science and Law, the dean of Kunhai University of Political Science and Law and my old classmates. Although Kunhai University of Political Science and Law is not comparable to Southwest University of Political Science and Law, it has also cultivated a lot of students. Talent, of course, is just one option."

Chen Chu smiled bitterly.

Kunhai University of Political Science and Law?

That's not on the same level as Southwest University of Political Science and Law at all.

"What about the other way?"

"The other way is a bit more difficult." The vice-president said hesitantly, "Huaxia University of Political Science and Law, I can jointly recommend with some of my old classmates, and Wu Ming has the first place in the Southwest Debating Competition, so he should be able to get a recommendation. The qualifications for the examination, but the recommended examination of Huaxia University of Political Science and Law... is not very difficult."

Huaxia University of Political Science and Law, as the highest political and legal institution in the country, the recommended exams are the opposite of those of other schools.

The difficulty of the recommended exams in other schools is not too difficult, after all, it is a special admission, but the universities of politics and law are different, and it is very likely that they will be exposed to politics and enter the administrative unit in the future, so the threshold is quite high.

As far as the grades in Class 7 were concerned, the vice-principal really didn't have any hope for Wu Ming.

He looked at Wu Ming's exam results last semester... ah, he didn't even see it.

Except for politics, maths and English, everything else is a mess.

Bias is extremely serious.

However, as soon as Chen Chu heard it, he said, "Associate principal, then definitely choose the second way!"

"Huh?" Vice-Chancellor was stunned for a moment. "You, are you sure?"

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