Of course, Chen Chu can be 100% sure to take the second path.

After all, he has more ways to make up lessons now.

Either feed the pig, or more.

In a short period of time, you can quickly lay a solid foundation.

Chen Chu hurriedly smiled and said, "Associate school, Wu Ming's learning ability is quite good, and he can get the first place in the Southwest Debating Competition, which in itself is enough to show that Wu Ming is very smart, he used to not like to study. That's all, I believe that as long as he studies seriously, his academic performance will definitely be able to improve by leaps and bounds!"

The deputy school was also taken aback by Chen Chu's words, "Yes, yes?"

Chen Chu nodded earnestly, "Yes."

"Then you go back and discuss with Wu Ming. If he is willing to choose the second path, you should hurry up his studies from today!" The deputy school said quickly, "The exam is about mid-November, which is only two months. about!"

"it is good."

The deputy school also instructed some things. He said that he will prepare the exam questions for the first three years, and send it to Wu Ming to do it at that time to see what the level is.

Chen Chu responded quickly. After returning to the office, he glanced at Feng Qian. Chen Chu felt that his pigpen seemed to be enough for one pig. Of course, the most important thing was that the effect of He Cao's supplementary lessons was very obvious.

Just like Sun Ziyang made up the class before, Sun Ziyang's academic performance after the holiday has indeed improved by leaps and bounds, and even his disgust with learning has been offset by He Cao.

So after thinking about it, Chen Chu decided to let He Cao make up for Wu Ming.

Moreover, Wu Ming himself is also blessed with learning efficiency, and Wu Ming's intelligence data is relatively high in the class, so He Cao's supplementary class should be more suitable.

With a certain mind, Chen Chu hurried to the classroom and called out Wu Ming and He Cao respectively.

Wu Ming, who called first, explained the situation to him.

When Wu Ming heard this, he didn't say anything, just make up the class!

Can I still be happy?

I'm not happy, Lao Chen, you don't agree either!

Moreover, Wu Ming is really not interested in Kunhai University of Political Science and Law.

Not that Wu Ming looked down on him, but because of Yang Kaibing.

When I participated in the Southwest Debate Competition before, I was quite upset by this guy Yang Kaibing.

After he was recommended to Southwest University of Political Science and Law, he didn't even know how much he weighed.

Although he was saved by Brother Hao later, he became calm.

However, the state is easy to change, and the nature is hard to change.

Anyway, Wu Ming really didn't want to go to Southwest University of Political Science and Law, especially when he thought that he might even be in the same class as Yang Kaibing, he was very upset.

But Kunhai University of Political Science and Law is even less able to go.

I, Wu Ming, also have dignity!

Yang Kaibing was still my loser. As a result, he went to Southwest University of Political Science and Law, and I went to Kunhai University of Political Science and Law. In essence, there is a big gap between the two schools. Good guy, Southwest University of Political Science and Law seems to be far away from Kunhai University of Political Science and Law. It's not far, it's all in Kunhai anyway.

Well, if Yang Kaibing touches him, this guy's tail will probably go up in the sky.

Don't fight for steamed buns.

Let's go to Huaxia University of Political Science and Law!

If I make up classes, I will make up for it. Anyway, I'm not afraid of gaining weight.

Anyway, Chen Chu is very pleased to see that Wu Ming's attitude is very cooperative, each of which is really a lot more mature than before.

Before this, if we talked about make-up lessons, everyone would have to pretend to have a stomachache instead of making excuses.

"Okay, then let He Cao help you with this supplementary lesson!" Chen Chu hurriedly smiled and said, "I'm too busy to supplement Feng Qian's lesson right now, and you are different from Feng Qian, you The foundation is much more solid than Feng Qian, so there is no need to start from scratch!"

Chen Chu really didn't talk nonsense.

In every exam, Wu Ming's grades ranked ahead of Feng Qian, even in the last semester.

In addition, Wu Ming's talent awakened early, and now his own attributes are higher than Feng Qian's, or he has risen to a star, the difference is naturally getting bigger and bigger.

No matter what else, when it comes to learning ability, Wu Ming is definitely stronger than Feng Qian.

It's just that Wu Ming asked He Cao to make up lessons for himself, and he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, "He Cao, can he do it? Lao Chen, didn't you say that Huaxia University of Political Science and Law's recommended exam is very difficult, although He Cao's grades are better than me, But it's not much better than me, is it?"

You really underestimate He Cao!

Chen Chu felt that if He Cao didn't control the score, it would be an easy thing to get the first place in the school at the current level of He Cao.

After all, he has smashed so many talent modules that he has talents in all subjects, but he didn't get the first place in the whole school. Chen Chu felt that He Cao could just drink the reset functional drink to wash it.

Chen Chu didn't explain too much, saying how capable He Cao is when he really makes up the class, you will know.

Well, Wu Ming doesn't care. After this matter, Chen Chu then called He Cao out.

The child, as always, saw Chen Chu with a very respectful expression.

Until now, Chen Chu didn't know why He Cao was so in awe of himself.

However, it is naturally a good thing to respect the teacher and the Tao.

This is not to mention the matter of making up lessons for Wu Ming, He Cao really agreed without thinking.

"No problem, starting from tomorrow, as long as I have time, I will give Wu Ming extra lessons!"

Chen Chu smiled and was about to pat He Cao on the shoulder, but this raised his hand stopped the movement in his hand and retracted it.

It seems that the child is very afraid of his own pat on the shoulder.

Last time at Sun Ziyang's house, he was about to praise him twice, but he was scared away.

Then don't do any unnecessary actions, Chen Chu coughed and said, "Okay, then Mr. Wu Ming will leave it to you!"

He Cao nodded again and again, but he was a little hesitant.

Chen Chu glanced at it and hurriedly asked, "What? Do you have any concerns?"

"That..." He Caogan laughed, "Old Chen, what if Wu Ming insults me? I'm a little flustered by his mouth."

"If he dares to attack you, tell me!" Chen Chu stared, "I'll take care of him!"

e... We were both beaten up together...

After all, to be honest, if I didn't use the teacher's domineering or epic educational skills, I wouldn't necessarily be able to beat Wu Ming.

Especially now that Wu Ming has grown into a complete body.

However, Chen Chu is not worried about this. Now Wu Ming is much more mature than before. This holiday, he has learned to control his proportions, but he will not be jealous when he comes up.

Anyway, He Cao got Chen Chu's oral order, and his heart was settled.

In response to this matter, He Cao walked up to Wu Ming after returning to the classroom, and briefly understood the situation.

At least Wu Ming, who is wearing glasses now, seems to have a much better temper than before.

"Except for maths, English and politics, I'm barely able to do anything else."

"Okay, let's start with the language first!"

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