When these agreements were placed in front of Sun Ziyang's family.

Both Sun Qingyuan and Liu Yumei felt their heads buzzing.


Then, the couple decisively dragged Sun Ziyang to another room and discussed it carefully.

The first is the cost and duration of the use of the patent.

In fact, Sun Ziyang already knew this matter in his heart, and it didn't matter to him whether he had money or not.

All he needs is a springboard.

And then... I almost got a big ear photon from Liu Yumei.

"I don't want money to support you?" Liu Yumei glared at Sun Ziyang and said, "Are you stupid if you don't want money?"


Sun Qingyuan also glared at Sun Ziyang and said, "Vegetable, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, why don't you need money? Of course you have to, do you only think about yourself? When you get married and have children? Don't you spend money? Don't you think about it for future generations?"


Sun Ziyang laughed dryly, "How much is that?"

Liu Yumei and Sun Qingyuan discussed it.

If there is more, it is not suitable, the support still has to be supported, and it is not enough if there is less, because the price of the Chinese Academy of Sciences will form a reference price.

There's a lot to consider here.

The simplest point is to fear that someone will be morally kidnapped in the future.

If Sun Ziyang really becomes a scientific researcher in the future, some people will say oops! Why don't you use your technology to dedicate it to all mankind!

Want money? You are not vulgar!

Scientists should be selfless, how can they ask for money?

Asking for money is an insult to your profession!

and so on.

Sun Ziyang definitely can't think about these things now, but the husband and wife still think about it.

Who said that scientific researchers have to be poor! ?

Scientific research workers can't afford to eat and wear good clothes, so they have to live a simple life! ?


Anyway, Sun Qingyuan felt that it was reasonable that the income of the workers engaged in scientific research was the same as those of the traffic stars.

Besides, the sublime spirit and material life are not in conflict.

Therefore, the cost must be required, and it cannot be low.

Liu Yumei had no idea about this matter, and it was finally decided by Sun Qingyuan.

Two hundred thousand a year, signed for fifty years.

The price was neither more nor less, Sun Qingyuan felt it was appropriate.

At least if he and Liu Yumei were gone, Sun Ziyang wouldn't be able to live in poverty with this money.

Of course, if it is commercial in nature, the cost is another matter.

Anyway, the final interpretation right belongs to Sun Qingyuan before Sun Ziyang is an adult.

Sun Qingyuan even thought about the company's next development direction. Maybe he could start a new Ziyang Technology Co., Ltd., and if it involves commercial activities, he can negotiate the price.

Of course, this has to be done slowly.

Anyway, after discussing it, Sun Qingyuan told the two doctors about the cost and deadline.

When the two doctors heard about 200,000 yuan a year, they responded very readily.

It's almost equivalent to giving it in vain.

"Thank you to both parents for their support of our work!"

"It should be, it should be, to put it in a nasty way. Although I am in business and specialize in making money, I can still tell what is right and wrong. If the country needs it, then our family will naturally support it!" Sun Qingyuan hurriedly He said, "And our family is also a glorious family, so there is still awareness. Ziyang's grandfather was a retired navy man. Although he left early, he taught me that I must be patriotic since I was a child."

"It's a pity, his grandfather left early, and the only obsession when he left was the other side!" Sun Qingyuan asked, "When will we be unified? Do you have any news? I can tell his grandfather when I go to the grave."

The topic jumped so much that both Dr. Zhang and Dr. Zhao were taken aback for a moment.

No wonder it is a business, it can really bring a topic.

But you ask us two who are engaged in scientific research, I really don't know how to reply to you.

"It's coming soon!" Dr. Zhang laughed and said, "It can't run either! It won't last long."

After a few chats, the atmosphere became a little more lively.

It was almost eleven o'clock in the evening, and the two of them said goodbye and prepared to return to their lives tomorrow. They had to rest early and let Sun Ziyang's family wait for news.

However, the banquet did not end.

Dr. Zhang and Dr. Zhao left, Sun Qingyuan was already drinking, and his mouth couldn't stop.

He dragged Sun Ziyang and started chatting.

"Brother, let me tell you, my son Sun Ziyang..."

"Dad, Dad, I'm your son..."

"Huh?" Sun Qingyuan stared, "No, you're not!"

"I'm really your son, look carefully..."

Sun Qingyuan took a closer look, and suddenly smiled, "Oh, you are really my son, come on, do it!"

Sun Ziyang looked at Liu Yumei across from him, dumbfounded.

Liu Yumei was still recording the video while urging, "Ziyang, cooperate with me, I'll show him tomorrow when your dad wakes up!"

The whole family was immersed in joy, until Sun Qingyuan finally got down on the ground, took a long time to return to the room, and his mouth did not stop, "My son Sun Ziyang, look, I was born, I am proud. …”

Seeing Sun Qingyuan being so drunk, Sun Ziyang felt a little complicated for a while.

"Okay, go back and rest! I'll say hello to your father!" Liu Yumei also patted Sun Qingyuan's face, "Look at this mouth, see if he dares to drink in the future, just through this non-disclosure agreement, let your father drink the wine. Stop doing!"


Sun Ziyang almost couldn't help but stick out his thumb.

My father can marry you as his wife, what a blessing for three lifetimes!

Sun Ziyang thought for a while, and suddenly waved at Liu Yumei, "Mom, discuss something with you!"


"That's the bonus..." Sun Ziyang hesitated for a moment, "I plan to give half of it to our head teacher."

"Hmm... eh?" Liu Yumei was taken aback for a moment, "Mr. Chen?"

Sun Ziyang hurriedly nodded, "If I can have today, Old Chen's merit is indispensable! You have been educating me to repay you with gratitude! Of course I can't forget him!"

When Liu Yumei heard this, she smiled, "Okay, it's good if you have this heart. Anyway, it's your own money, you can distribute it however you want, but you, Teacher Chen, probably won't want it."

"Yeah, I'm going to force it on Lao Chen, but Lao Chen definitely won't want it!" Sun Ziyang smiled wryly, "Old Chen only gets that little salary, and he even pays us a subsidy on weekdays, he has a very hard life. , Mom, help me think of a way to give this money to Old Chen!"

Liu Yumei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "You have stumped me, or I will discuss it with your father tomorrow, our family should really thank Teacher Chen!"


As a result, the next day, Sun Qingyuan woke up in a daze, and he saw the video of himself dragging Sun Ziyang to call him a brother last night, and his face was embarrassed.

"Delete it, delete it, it's not ashamed to keep it!" Sun Qingyuan felt embarrassed, "I really have to quit drinking, I can't stop drinking with my mouth."

"You're acquainted." Liu Yumei hurriedly explained what Sun Ziyang said last night. Sun Qingyuan heard it and said, "No, no, this can't be given. If there is someone who wants to target Teacher Chen, he will definitely I've seen this kind of situation a lot!"

When Liu Yumei thought about it, it was the same reason, "That's true."

"In this way, I will find a bank to help Mr. Chen buy a large pension fund." Sun Qingyuan said quickly, "Like the pension insurance, someone will contact Mr. Chen when Mr. Chen retires."

"Okay, that's okay too."

This afternoon, Sun Qingyuan went to the Agricultural Bank of China and asked the manager about the large pension fund.

The manager thought it was Sun Qingyuan who wanted to buy it, but when he heard that he bought it for someone else, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

This fund has just been released for a year. Why are there several major customers who bought it for others in the past six months?

The most outrageous thing is that they are all bought by the same person.

After filling in the information, the manager was stunned when he saw the name and ID number.

But he didn't dare to say a word.

After all, he cannot disclose the privacy and secrets of other clients.

The large pension fund has already bought eight shares, including Sun Qingyuan's share, it is the ninth share!

It's all over ten million.

The manager is very puzzling, how sacred is this Chen Chu! ?

Why are so many bosses rushing to buy him a large pension fund?

And they all require confidentiality, the kind that Chen Chu couldn't find before he retired...

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