Feng Qian has been really busy these two days.

Not to mention that she has become a fashion godmother in the circle of female teachers in Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School. Almost every day, female teachers ask her about how to dress. The most troublesome is her aunt Ye Zitong.

This morning Feng Qian was going to sleep late, but halfway through her sleep, Ye Zitong forcibly dragged her up from the bed.

"Don't sleep, don't sleep, the sun is shining on your buttocks, my future great designer, hurry up and design the second neon clothes!"

"Don't..." Feng Qian slipped into the bed again. "You let me sleep for a while! I won't do it if you bother me again!"

Ye Zitong said anxiously, "My auntie, I beg you, hurry up! The factory has started, and all the publicity work has already started, just waiting for your second design plan! Don't let so many Everyone is waiting for you alone! How rude? Isn't it?"

Ye Zitong kept chattering, and Feng Qian's sleepiness was also eliminated immediately. She got up with a look of irritability, looked at Ye Zitong angrily and knew, "You started to squeeze employees before the company even opened. already?"

"Employee?" Ye Zitong poked Feng Qian's head with his right hand and said, "I am at most a shareholder, and the shares are a fraction of your share. You hold half of the company's shares, so you are the future chairman, okay? "

"I knew I wouldn't play with you!" Feng Qian suddenly resented, "I feel like you've been tricked by you!"

Ye Zitong rolled his eyes, "Hit? If we send it out by then, you'll get cramps just by counting the money!"

"Quick, quick, don't sleep, chairman, auntie, hurry up and wash up and start work!"

Feng Qian was dragged to the bathroom by Ye Zitong reluctantly. After washing up, she hurriedly pulled it to the desk. Ye Zitong had already prepared a pen and paper, and hurriedly said, "Hurry up! I'll definitely get it out before tomorrow. Why is your procrastination so serious! Didn't you say that you can draw within this week? It's all Saturday! It's so desperate!"

"Your auntie, my entire net worth is all in it. If I lose my money, you really have to live under the same roof with me for the rest of your life!"

"Don't rush, don't rush!" Feng Qian stretched her waist and said, "Hurry up and bring tea and water to the chairman!"

"Okay, okay, auntie, what do you want to eat and drink, I'll buy it for you now!"

Feng Qian said a few things casually, and Ye Zitong hurried out to buy them. While walking, he did not forget to instruct, "Feng Qian, hurry up and get it!"

"What's the hurry! Inspiration is not always available! I have to cultivate my state!" Feng Qian quickly waved and urged, "Go buy me something to eat, I'm hungry! Where can I get inspiration from when I'm hungry?" ?"

Ye Zitong didn't dare to delay, and hurried out.

As soon as the person left, Feng Qian picked up the pen and looked at a large blank piece of paper, not knowing whether to laugh or cry for a while.

Things have to talk about last week.

Last weekend, Ye Zitong came to the house again to grab some food, but Feng Qian was already used to it.

Then he started fighting with Feng Qian again, but Ye Zitong accidentally found a manuscript paper Feng Qian left on the table.

The drawing above is a piece of clothing, so to speak, it is a design drawing.

At that time, Ye Zitong found that the clothes painted on this manuscript had an indescribable charm, and there were many similar to the girdle, but the impression was very special, very trendy, but mixed with ancient style the taste of.

Ye Zitong was very curious, picked up the manuscript paper and asked Feng Qian what was this?

"Oh, I drew it casually!" Feng Qian said casually, "It's really tiring to change clothes every day, but I feel uncomfortable if I don't change them. I'm thinking about going, so I plan to give it a try and see if I can design a new one. Clothes that can be cross-dressed, here, it's the design drawing you hold in your hand, but it's just the first draft, and I haven't figured out the specific details yet!"

"Cross-dressing?" Ye Zitong immediately became interested. "What kind of cross-dressing?"

Feng Qian didn't take it seriously, and explained casually, "It's just that there are several ways to wear one type of clothing! I can adjust the details and increase the waistband to change to another style, so that I don't have to wear it every day. I've changed my clothes, if there are seven ways to wear a set of clothes, I can wear a set of clothes for seven days, and I don't have to worry about matching every day, how about it, am I very smart?"

Ye Zitong couldn't help rolling his eyes, "At least people shouldn't be this lazy, right?"

"You still have the face to talk about me?" Feng Qian curled her lips angrily. "You can sleep until one or two o'clock in the afternoon as long as you are fine, but you still have the face to talk about me?"

"Let's don't say second brother, don't laugh at fifty steps!"

At this time, Ye Zitong's eyes couldn't be removed from the design.

After hearing Feng Qian's idea, and looking at the first draft, Ye Zitong somehow felt that Feng Qian's design was feasible.

"You tell me how to dress up? Since you already have an idea, how can you explain it to me?"

Feng Qian's face raised, "I'll tell you if you ask me!"

"I beg you!"


Feng Qian clicked, she underestimated her aunt's face.

Also, how could someone who can come to his house every day to eat a meal have a thin skin! ?

It can even be said to be a shameless level.

"Actually it's not difficult..."

Feng Qian started to explain to Ye Zitong as she spoke, and she explained several ways she envisioned, thinking about it and saying, "But I have found that there are only three ways that are more feasible. If you want to add it, it will cause the overall beauty to drop a lot."

Ye Zitong couldn't help blinking his eyes, "Hey? Feng Qian, I found that you are quite talented!"

"You have to thank me, auntie!"

Feng Qian suddenly looked strange, "Thank you for what?"

"You were brought up by me. Your aesthetics are all influenced by me, and you have been reading my fashion magazines since you were a child. This is what I raised you!"

Feng Qian's mouth twitched, and she couldn't help pointing her middle finger at Ye Zitong, "Are you shameless?"

"It's true!" Ye Zitong raised his eyebrows, "Don't forget that I used to be a fashion designer. If my boss hadn't harassed me and slapped me twice, I'd be a big-name fashion designer now. Designer!"

"Cut..." Feng Qian looked contemptuous, "Then I don't know who is harassing who!"

Ye Zitong glared at him, pulling Feng Qian and starting to fight again.

But because Feng Qian has gained weight recently, Ye Zitong found that she was a little troubled by Feng Qian. She used to be able to tickle Feng Qian on the bed for a while, but now the situation has reversed, and Feng Qian turned her on the bed and scratched her up. Itching is coming.

Weight suppression!

"Hahahaha! I admit defeat, I admit defeat! Hahahaha! Stop scratching!"

Feng Qian snorted, with a victorious attitude.

Ye Zitong really didn't understand.

She had heard that Chen Chu was giving Feng Qian supplementary lessons during this time.

It feels like Feng Qian has not made much progress in her studies, but she has grown a lot.

Is this supplementary lessons or feeding pigs?

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