However, after playing, after making trouble, Ye Zitong was really interested in Feng Qian's design draft.

Especially the style designed by Feng Qian is very special.

Although it is only the first draft, it already has the prototype, and the first impression is really impossible to describe in words, and it feels that there are a lot of elements mixed in it.

Under normal circumstances, if too many elements are mixed, it will actually lead to very confusion, at least in clothing design, but Feng Qian's design has an indescribable beauty, and it feels that all elements have a an appropriate benefit.

After all, beauty is sometimes difficult to describe in words, and more importantly, it is a kind of eye edge.

Anyway, Ye Zitong was really excited, took Feng Qian's first draft of the design and said, "Would you like to draw the three kinds of things you said first? And I can also be your assistant, and you also know my auntie. The hands are very clever, as long as you can get the design drawings out, I will help you find materials and make a set for you!"

However, Feng Qian didn't care about it at all. She shook her head and said, "I don't want to paint today. Old Chen gave me my homework. I still have to read today!"

"Don't!" Ye Zitong hurriedly said, "You can't read a book for a whole day! Combining work and rest won't waste too much of your time, right? In this way, if you draw it, I will promise you a condition. !"

When Feng Qian heard this, her eyes narrowed slightly, "Are any conditions ok?"

"As long as I can do it, I can promise you!" Ye Zitong thought about it and quickly added, "Of course you can't go too far!"

Feng Qian raised her eyebrows and suddenly had an idea.

After being bullied by Ye Zitong for so many years, she can finally be bullied back now.

"Take the lipstick out of your bag!"

"You, what are you doing?"

"Go and take it out and break your own lipstick! As long as you break your own lipstick, I'll paint it right away!"

Ye Zitong stared, "Feng Qian, don't go too far! You're extravagant, don't you know? Do you know how much my lipstick costs?"

"I don't care, you break it yourself anyway, I won't draw if you don't break it! I don't care anyway!"

Hearing this, Ye Zitong took out his lipstick after gritted his teeth and stomped his feet. He closed his eyes with a desperate expression, and cruelly prepared to attack his own lipstick.

But after hesitating for a long time, he still couldn't make it.

After all, Feng Qian knew how much her auntie cherished her cosmetics. Anyway, once she painted with Ye Zitong's lipstick, Ye Zitong's mouth almost lost her temper.

"Break it or not?"

"Feng Qian, you..."

"Forget it..."

"Break, break, I break!"

With a push of a finger, the lipstick was suddenly broken.

Seeing Ye Zitong's expression, he almost didn't cry.

Feng Qian suddenly felt at ease, yes, the words counted, so she started to draw the design drawings.

However, in the blink of an eye, Ye Zitong carefully wrapped the broken lipstick with toilet paper and put it in the bag.

Obviously planning to find a way to stick it back.

Sure enough, when I'm in a good mood, I can only think of the source. Feng Qian can be said to be very good at writing. In addition, she has received art training for a period of time before. At least Feng Qian's painting skills are not as handicapped as before, as long as she draws carefully. Still able to restore the rough details in my mind.

This painting has been painted all morning, and Ye Zitong stared at Feng Qian at first, with some resentment in his eyes, but as Feng Qian gradually perfected the details of the first draft, his eyes gradually changed from resentment. It started to get hot.

After all, she has really done costume design, and whether the painting is good or not is actually not that important to her. The most important thing is the details inside and the overall effect.

Anyway, looking at it, Ye Zitong's eyes really couldn't move.

After Feng Qian finished drawing, Ye Zitong couldn't wait to pick up the design drawings and look at them seriously.

"How do you feel?" Feng Qian said in a dazed tone, "It's even more beautiful than the clothes you designed before, right?"

Ye Zitong didn't have any rebuttal, and nodded in approval, "Although your drawing is a bit lousy, I already have the style of this dress in my mind, it is indeed more beautiful than what I designed, and there is a very indescribable kind of clothes. Beauty, anyway...anyway..."

Seemingly running out of words, Ye Zitong thought about it for a long time before he said, "Anyway, if there is such a piece of clothing, I must buy it right away!"

However, Feng Qian didn't take this seriously at all. After all, it was just a casual work of inspiration, and she gave the design to Ye Zitong like sending a beggar, "Take it! Anyway, if you can come up with it. Remember to give me a set."

Originally, Feng Qian thought that this matter was over, and estimated that Ye Zitong would not really take the design seriously.

After all, Feng Qian only regarded her design as a graffiti.

But Feng Qian never imagined that Ye Zitong really took it seriously, and that day he really went to buy materials and models by himself, and there was a sewing machine at home, relying on his skills in fashion design that he had not forgotten. Except for two full nights, I finally got the first finished product!

Although there are many flaws, Ye Zitong who really made it knows that this dress is going to be hot!

In the evening, when Feng Qian returned home from self-study, Ye Zitong came with the finished product and a pair of panda eyes.

At that time, Feng Qian was taken aback and thought that Ye Zitong was going to the club again.

Otherwise, it wouldn't be like this!

"What are you soaking in! Look at this!" Ye Zitong quickly took out the finished clothes from the bag and gave Feng Qian a look. "How is it?"

Feng Qian's eyes lit up when she saw it, and she looked at Ye Zitong in disbelief, "You really did it? Good guy! I just drew it casually, do you really take it seriously?"

Ye Zitong's eyes widened, "A random drawing?"

"Cough, I drew seriously, I drew seriously." Feng Qian's attitude changed. After all, this design was a piece of Ye Zitong's lipstick. Seeing that Ye Zitong was in a state of mind, she was afraid of fighting with herself. He hurriedly turned the topic to the clothes, "Auntie, your hands are so clever! You really did it!"

"No matter what, I worked in a clothing factory, and then I switched to clothing design!"

Anyway, when Feng Qian looked at this dress, the gap between it and what she imagined was not too big.

"It feels similar to what I thought, just that some places need to be adjusted..."

Feng Qian started pointing again, but Ye Zitong listened really seriously.

With Ye Zitong's gesture, Feng Qian immediately acted like a leader, and started dangling with her hands behind her back.

"Little Leaf! The moldings are a little stretched here! It affects the beauty too much!"

"Little Leaf..."

Ye Zitong was so angry that he slapped him.

Feng Qian was happy.


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