In this case, it is not persuasive at all.

But Feng Cheng also thought it was outrageous.

You want to open a clothing company and ask me why I work in a construction company?

It doesn't work with many things!

However, some places are still the same.

"First of all, you have to have a thorough plan. You can't do this alone. It's better to find a partner first and then discuss it with everyone, and then slowly determine the next plan. , this is very easy to go wrong!"

"As for how to implement the plan after you have it, it also needs to be implemented, and you don't think things are too simple!"

Feng Cheng also said a lot, and he didn't know if Ye Zitong heard it or not. Anyway, at the end, Ye Zitong said thank you brother-in-law and hung up the phone.

Ye Zitong was not stupid, but this time was different.

She really thinks that the neon clothes designed by Feng Qian will be popular!

Cross-dressing, style, beauty, etc. are all quite novel!

Anyway, she has seriously thought about it these days, and she has had the experience of failure before. Ye Zitong also knows how to draw lessons and lessons, at least not to make previous mistakes.

Anyway, to say a thousand words and ten thousand, first of all, there really must be a plan.

Ye Zitong naturally started to gather his sisters without saying a word, and made an appointment to meet at a coffee shop.

Because of Ye Zitong's cheerful personality, his popularity is naturally quite good.

And in her circle, she belongs to the big sister level because of her age.

There are even several little sisters among them. It can be said that she brought them out. After all, when she was designing clothes before, the boss not only harassed her, but several little sisters were also unbearable, but because of work, it was natural Is not dare to say a word.

Ye Zitong didn't care, the big deal was to resign and find other jobs.

She belongs to the kind of person who is full and the whole family is not hungry.

Anyway, her parents are retired and have pensions. She is also the kind of person who can come here no matter how happy she is, so she can't stand the boss, so she slapped the other side on the spot when she got a chance, and even made it clear that the other side is harassing colleagues in the company. Following Ye Zitong, he resigned directly, to save himself from wearing small shoes.

Of course, that boss can't be nice either. After all, they were all exposed, and the company would definitely fire him in order to maintain his image.

A lose-lose style of play, lost his career, but gained a firm friendship.

It's because of this character that Ye Zitong's connections are quite wide. Anyway, every time she goes to play, she has company and even a special group of sisters.

The group said hello, set a time, and everyone got together.

After arriving at the cafe that day, all the sisters arrived one after another, including Ye Zitong, a total of seven people.

Except for Ye Zitong who is now a homeless person, the other six people are either the person in charge or the company executives, all of whom have made their mark.

And all are in the clothing industry.

After everyone was gathered, Ye Zitong started talking about business.

"I'm calling you here this time, but I'm going to do something big!"

"Sister Ye, what's the big deal?"

"You don't want to start a business again, do you?"

"Haha! Are you planning to open a restaurant or a clothing store this time?"

Ye Zitong waved his hand and said, "This time the situation is different. I plan to open a company, and I plan to put all my belongings into it!"

Everyone was stunned.

"Sister Ye, don't be fooled!"

After all, Ye Zitong's personality is there, carefree, and sometimes it is indeed a little unreliable.

To be honest, everyone was really afraid that Ye Zitong would throw himself in if he didn't pay attention.

"If I'm really stupid, I'll do it alone!" Ye Zitong said with a serious face, "But this time is different!"

As soon as he spoke, Ye Zitong took out the finished product of Nishang.

"Now it involves business secrets! I only showed you when I thought you were sisters!"

"Appreciate and appreciate you, and you will know why I dare to be so courageous!"

When the finished product of Nishang appeared in front of everyone, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

That kind of indescribable beauty, even if it is flawed, it is not concealed.

There is even a soul-stirring sense of sight!

All of a sudden, everyone started chattering with their clothes, and without exception, they were not stingy with their praise.

And when I heard that this dress actually has a cross-dressing function, everyone felt a little unbelievable.

Ye Zitong decisively went to the bathroom to change his clothes, and then began to adjust the belts, and changed his clothes into three styles in a blink of an eye.

The body of neon clothes is actually the style of dress.

One is the state of full relaxation. At this time, the straps are all folded and will fall naturally from the back. The overall style will have the charm of Hanfu in it, a loose style.

One is semi-elastic, and what it presents at this time is a feeling that is biased towards sports wind.

The other is to tighten all the way, at this time there is a feeling of a cheongsam.

In fact, this kind of design is not without it before. The problem is that this kind of design should be simple and beautiful when it is transformed, so that every detail becomes appropriate and beneficial. This is the most difficult.

And these neon clothes are all integrated in an indescribable way without being abrupt.

Anyway, everyone was silent after seeing this, and everyone's eyes were shining.

Ye Zitong knew the situation was stable as soon as he saw the situation.

"Now you know why I have such courage?"

"I plan to make this dress into a brand called Nishang!"

"I'm determined to do it anyway. If you want to participate, use all your resources to cooperate with me to exchange shares!"

"How can it be comfortable to be your own boss when you work part-time?"

"But let me explain in advance! Because this design didn't come from me, but was designed by my niece, and she also gave the name, so she has already taken 50 shares. If you want to share, you can only share the rest!"

"You have been in this business for so long, and you must have more vision than me! Now it's up to you to see if you have the courage to do it with me!"

"Those three cobblers still have a Zhuge Liang! Together, I believe we can definitely make a name for ourselves!"

After all, it was Nishang who gave Ye Zitong such confidence.

However, she has no resources now, and can only rely on these sisters to cooperate together.

As the saying goes, the timid will starve to death, and the daring will die.

After being with Ye Zitong for a long time, he became very courageous, and of course he didn't press all his net worth into it like Ye Zitong did.

After all, Ye Zitong was the poorest among them, and his entire net worth was only that much.

Anyway, when you put it all together, this time is the most reliable one after having known Ye Zitong for so long!

Moreover, the creativity and design of neon clothes cannot be summed up in one wonderful word.

"Sister Ye, I voted for this project! I will give five million, and I will use all resources to promote it!"

The first person speaks first.

Ye Zitong was happy, "Avon, I knew you must be the first! You deserve to be at the level of a vice president, with courage!"

"Others don't stand still, Avon has made a statement, hurry up!"

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