Almost all of the women Ye Zitong summoned were full of courage.

After all, they are basically able to take the positions of executives and persons in charge by their own abilities. After making a decision, they naturally act vigorously and resolutely, and the efficiency of work is terrifying.

In just one afternoon, everyone began to perform their own duties, some were responsible for registering companies and brands, and some were responsible for contacting garment factories. They were all frantically mobilizing their resources and successfully connected to major platforms with their own connections. The fashion bloggers, the ground push team, began to book promotion plans, and even the deposit was delivered directly on the spot.

In just one day's work, Nishang Brand Co., Ltd. landed, with complete procedures and preparations for promotion.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

That is, a second set of designs is needed.

This first neon dress was decided to be a mid-end brand after everyone's decision and market research.

The shopping mall is like a battlefield, and as soon as the style comes out, there will be followers soon.

So just relying on the design of a neon dress, even if it is popular, it can only be a short-term dividend. Naturally, more designs are needed to maintain the company's brand output.

There must be at least two designs.

And about the color matching of the first model, the adjustment of details can also make a big fuss.

Naturally, all of these tasks fell on Feng Qian, the founder of Nishang.

That day Feng Qian was led out by Ye Zitong to meet with his major shareholders.

And these people Feng Qian basically know each other, because they have a very good relationship with Ye Zitong, and Feng Qian often plays with them.

Feng Qian was completely at a loss.

What's the situation?

Auntie, you are really playing! I really want to start a company with neon clothes! ?

Anyway, Feng Qian was in disbelief at the time, and what made her even more confused was that she actually had 50 shares, but the shares were temporarily in the name of Ye Zitong, and they would be available when Feng Qian became an adult. The share transfer agreement that has already been signed falls on Feng Qian's name.

This means that Feng Qian is now the chairman and one of the founders of Nishang Brand Co., Ltd.

Feng Qian was really dumbfounded about this.

He didn't expect that his aunt would really dare to open a company, and she even brought all the sisters here!

e...China's best girlfriends.

Don't even think about living, right?

Anyway, Feng Qian was in a daze and designed several colors and styles for the first set of neon clothes, and drew them in front of everyone.

When it was painted, everyone's eyes lit up.

How can you make such a huge change in the look and feel of a piece of clothing just through a simple color matching change?

And although this change is visible to the naked eye, it is difficult to describe the beauty of it in words!

This Feng Qian was born for clothing design!

The eyes of a group of women have become more and more fiery. At the beginning, everyone didn't have much confidence in their hearts. After all, they wanted to open up the market just by relying on the first neon clothes. To be honest, they didn't know how long they could last, but now I see Feng Qian's amazing design ability and creativity instantly imprinted two words in her heart.


Therefore, everyone stopped calling Feng Qian's original name, and either called the chairman or President Feng.

Feng Qian scratched her head, suddenly being praised by everyone, she couldn't get used to it for a while.

Anyway, the new design plan has come out. As for the second set of design plans, then Feng Qian will have to give time. Everyone is not in a hurry. First, take the first set of new design plans and start to try the market.

On the same day, the factory produced the first batch of final samples, and then these samples were sent directly to the hands of major clothing bloggers through expedited express.

To be on the safe side, everyone first made an advance payment for the factory to start construction, and first put out 10,000 sets in their hands.

Of course there is one last question, about the brand lo of Nishang!

Originally, everyone was thinking of letting a special advertising company design the brand lo, but when they were discussing at the time, Feng Qian suggested by herself, "Why don't I design this lo myself?"

"Huh!? Can you do that too?"

"Try it!" Feng Qian picked up the pen and sketched a few strokes on the paper, and then I showed it to everyone. "What do you think of this lo?"

Everyone took a closer look and saw the lo drawn by Feng Qian, but it was only a few strokes. It really showed the figure and image of a woman, and added two elegant lines behind the image. At first glance, it was obvious. Like a skirt dancing in the wind.

Concise and concise, quite charming!

A group of women were really frightened.

This hand-painted thing has such a mood! ?

Very outrageous.

So much so that Ye Zitong, who was beside him, almost didn't screw himself up.

"Look, look, this is the niece I brought out!"

"I have cultivated her aesthetics and hands-on ability since she was a child!"

A small expression waiting for her sisters to praise her bullshit.

Very squeamish!


Feng Qian's mouth twitched, almost powerless to complain about her aunt's shameless behavior.

I feel like this has nothing to do with you at all! ?

The ability I have now is completely cultivated by Lao Chen!

But to say it really doesn't matter, Feng Qian also feels that there is still a little bit of influence.

Ah, whatever, anyway, my aunt's temperament doesn't help.

Feng Qian was too lazy to know her in general.

It was only now that the big guy noticed that Feng Qian seemed to be much more rounded than before.

But of course it can't be said that Feng Qian is fatter. Naturally, she looks more beautiful than before.

Just when Feng Qian was receiving everyone's praise, Ye Zitong came over with a laugh, "She's been making up classes recently! I don't know if her academic performance has improved, but her weight is clearly improving!"

Feng Qian immediately rolled her eyes angrily, glared at Ye Zitong and grinned, "You care about me? You want Lao Chen to make up your lessons, and you can't take this opportunity!"

"I really don't need to make up lessons!"

The two began to fight again, causing the women on the side to laugh.

The relationship between Ye Zitong and her niece is really interesting.

However, one of them asked curiously, "Feng Qian, I remember that you seem to be going to school in Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School?"

"Yes! Sister Avon!"

Ye Zitong immediately became unhappy, "It's rude, this is your aunt's friend, you have to call Aunt too!"

Feng Qian cut out, "Sister Avon is only in her twenties, and she's not much older than me. It's okay for me to call her sister? Right, Sister Avon!"

Zhao Yafang covered her mouth and smiled, "Okay, let's talk about our own, are you a freshman in high school now? How many classes are you in?"

"Class 17 of high school."

Zhao Yafang was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly, and said after a while, "That's quite a coincidence."

Feng Qian wondered, "It's a coincidence?"


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