After all, Feng Qian is not an adult, and she doesn't have much experience in doing business. Besides, Feng Qian is still in school, so the company's affairs are temporarily handled by everyone.

Regarding the pricing of clothing, marketing strategies, promotion strategies, etc., most of them are still decided by Zhao Yafang.

After all, everyone recognizes Zhao Yafang's ability the most, not to mention that, Zhao Yafang's investment is also the most, in addition to capital investment, it also includes resources and contacts, and even the company's current address and office are Zhao Yafang's There are three shops under his name, so Zhao Yafang also holds the most shares among all of you present. Ye Zitong's shares are thrown away from Feng Qian's 50, and in fact, there are only about 7 left.

Therefore, at present, Zhao Yafang is a veritable second shareholder, accounting for about 16 shares.

Regarding the strategy formulated by Zhao Yafang, everyone naturally has no objection and cooperates with it.

After all, everyone can achieve the position of vice president, so the ability naturally does not need to be questioned too much.

Anyway, if we all have one heart, it will definitely work out.

With such an attitude, until Friday night, the bloggers of the major platforms began to promote the neon clothes for the first time.

That night, everyone gathered together, holding mobile phones and watching the live broadcasts of bloggers on major platforms.

Zhao Yafang did not formulate too many words, but only emphasized one point.

Local domestic cutting-edge brand, 100% original design.

This is both a strategy and a belief for everyone.

Ye Zitong, Zhao Yafang and others were also watching the live broadcast with great anticipation. Of course, because of funding problems, there was no way to find those big anchors. They could only find outfit bloggers with a certain fan base.

But even so, Nishang's debut instantly attracted the attention of countless people.

In particular, many bloggers who dress up are really excited, and I highly recommend that they wear neon clothes to demonstrate the effect of dressing in person. The three ways of dressing up have become a gimmick.

At the beginning, the number of people in the major live broadcast rooms was actually not large, and the total number was almost tens of thousands of people.

Until the anchors finished introducing one after another, the price began to be listed.

National unified retail price, 367 yuan.

In fact, the original price was planned to be lower than 300, but because the brand is a start-up, it does not have its own factory at all, and can only find other factories for OEM. The material price and OEM fee are very expensive.

Anyway, Zhao Yafang was actually worried that the price was a bit high at the beginning.

But a group of people really underestimated the charm of neon clothes.

Everyone thinks that Nishang will definitely become popular, but they think it should take time, but they never thought it would become so outrageous.

The number of live broadcast rooms of these anchors began to surge, and the number of orders also began to soar.

Not to mention 8,000 sets were sold in just one hour, and then the teams of major anchors also contacted Zhao Yafang and others, hoping to increase the number of orders!

One can imagine how excited Ye Zitong, Zhao Yafang and the others were. Originally, they thought it would be quite good to sell all the 10,000 sets in their hands, but they would have sold 8,000 sets in just one hour. !

And everyone's mobile phones are ringing one after another, and the anchor team has asked to increase the order quickly.

So that everyone has no time to watch the live broadcast at all, the contact factory of the contact factory, the contact material of the contact material, they are busy all the time, and it has been busy until more than two o'clock in the morning, and everyone can take a breath.

When I came back to my senses, I found that not only was the stock sold out on the first day, but the orders had been backlogged until the next week!

Nearly 100,000 sets have been sold! And subsequent orders may be even more outrageous!

It was completely unbelievable. When he came back to his senses, even Zhao Yafang felt like he was in a dream.

Because even she has a hard time believing in a brand that has just come out. Even with the marketing strategy of domestic products and national styles, it will not be able to sell to such an outrageous level on the first day!

The only thing that can be explained is that the design aesthetics and look and feel of neon clothes have indeed hit the hearts of the majority of women.

However, Feng Qian, the founder of Nishang, slept when he got home that day.

Hmm, too full to eat.

When making up the class in the afternoon, Lao Chen brought a super big cake...

Feng Qian was a little tired of eating half of it, but Lao Chen was a little out of character.

Prepare yourself a greasy drink, and see that if you don't eat it, Lao Chen may be ready to feed it himself with a spoon.

This sleep lasted until the next morning, and was awakened by Ye Zitong.

Only then did Feng Qian realize that the neon clothes she designed were really popular, and they were even reported in the news.

And many media have contacted Ye Zitong, hoping to get the opportunity to interview.

Ye Zitong was going to take advantage of this wave to show his face, but this matter was suppressed by Zhao Yafang.

First of all, Feng Qian's factors must be considered. Once the media know that Feng Qian is the designer, it will affect Feng Qian's study.

Second, beware of bullying!

Popularity is a double-edged sword, and as far as the current situation is concerned, Zhao Yafang feels that everyone's mind should be on production quality, and the first thing to ensure is word of mouth.

Brand start-ups must seek progress while maintaining stability.

It's easy to get a knife when floating!

And if you want to be sustainable, you need more design solutions to build your brand.

And Ye Zitong's main task is to urge Feng Qian to implement the second set of design plans as soon as possible.

So Feng Qian didn't know whether she made a profit or was cheated.

I just painted like that, I thought you were playing a house...

I didn't think you were playing for real!

The attitude of Feng Qian's parents has also undergone a major reversal, so Feng Qian can also implement the second set of design plans as soon as possible!

Feng Qian couldn't say that he was disgusted by this, and even had some joy.

After all, Feng Qian was naturally very happy when she saw that the neon clothes she designed had been loved and recognized by so many people.

But in this way, I can't really be lazy!

The number of times my aunt comes to the house is getting more and more frequent, and she has been urging more!

Feng Qian really didn't expect that something she just painted would suddenly change her life.

I just owe it!

Moreover, Feng Qian was a little worried that if Lao Chen knew that Nishang was designed by himself, he felt that he would be scolded!

Because in the final analysis, it would be impossible to design neon clothes without Lao Chen's training Feng Qian.

Take what Lao Chen taught to make a lot of money...

e... Lao Chen shouldn't be angry, right?

After all, no matter how I say it, I've got out of the ranks of the rich second generation who are eating and waiting to die, and I can support myself.

To be on the safe side, Feng Qian decided not to tell Lao Chen about this, and quietly waited until he graduated to give Lao Chen a surprise!

Well, decided to do it!

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