In the past two days, Chen Chu has also heard that a dress called Nishang is very popular recently. After all, I heard many female teachers talking about it there.

But how could Chen Chu care about these things? He is too busy with his student affairs now, so he has no time to think about other things.

This is not Chen Chu has led Sun Ziyang to Kunhai, and is preparing to go to the Southwest Meteorological Bureau.

Yesterday, Chen Chu had already said hello to Zhu Zhen, so when he arrived at the Southwest Meteorological Bureau, a staff member had already received and guided him, leading Sun Ziyang and Chen Chu to visit the Meteorological Bureau.

After all, it was the first time that Chen Chu came to the Meteorological Bureau, so he was quite curious. When he walked around, he looked at Sun Ziyang, who seemed to be not too cold. Chen Chu said helplessly, "Why, Not too interested?"

Sun Ziyang laughed dryly, "It's just that I don't think it's worth seeing."

Hearing this, Chen Chu also laughed dryly.

Really nothing to see.

After all, the Meteorological Bureau is not a research institute, that is, just take a look at the meteorological equipment, and everything else is an office location.

People come and go.

Anyway, after a brief stroll, Chen Chu took Sun Ziyang back to the hotel.

Sun Ziyang watched Chen Chu tossing him so much and even brought him up, and was naturally very moved.

But he couldn't tell Old Chen that he didn't need to toss!

In fact, I have already signed an agreement with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I can go to any school if I want to recommend it.

But the problem is that Sun Ziyang has signed a non-disclosure agreement, and there is no way to tell Chen Chu any information.

While waiting for dinner in the afternoon, Sun Ziyang thought about it while he was eating, but still said, "Old Chen?"

"Huh?" Chen Chu stopped for a moment. "What's wrong?"

"You don't have to worry about me!" Sun Ziyang said with a smile, "I will study hard to get into the university of my choice! Please spare your time to deal with the other students in our class! I think they need it more. Your help!"

When Chen Chu heard this, he couldn't help laughing, and said, "Okay! Everyone is really sensible than before, and he knows how to be humble!"

"After all, it is the student you taught!"

Chen Chu laughed, "I love hearing this, okay, anyway, don't be in a hurry. After dinner, take a night's rest, and we will go back to Jiangnan tomorrow morning!"

Chen Chu really didn't think about it too much, he just thought it was Sun Ziyang who learned to be considerate of himself.

I was relieved in my heart, but because of this, Chen Chu had to take the matter of Sun Ziyang even more seriously.

Sun Ziyang of the Southwest Meteorological Bureau is not very interested, so it is better to change the place.

"Ziyang, are you interested in the Water Conservancy Bureau? Someone I know from the Jiangnan Water Conservancy Bureau can also show you around!"


Sun Ziyang was a bit dumbfounded, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, Lao Chen, I might as well read more books to enrich myself when I have time! Besides, the Water Conservancy Bureau really doesn't have much to see, and it doesn't seem to have much to do with the Southwest Meteorological Bureau. difference?"

"That's true."

"But there's one place I'm really interested in!"

"Where!?" Chen Chu asked.

"Sewage treatment plant!" Sun Ziyang said quickly, "But you don't need to worry about this matter. My dad has already contacted me, and I can visit at any time."

As soon as Chen Chu heard it, he was indeed the younger brother of my Warden Xu.

One is more worry-free than the other!

Xu Chao got the attention of the organization, Deng Wei found a walk by himself, Wu Ming himself...e... gave a walk by himself, and now even Sun Ziyang seems to be thinking about his future.

Very good.

The strength of correction is indeed the strongest in the seventh class.

Okay, then you can come as you want. I'll wait and see for now. Anyway, it's not too late to intervene when I need my help.

Good things come in pairs.

In fact, on Friday, Chen Chu received a call from the sales department of Fengjingyuan, saying that it was possible to transfer the property.

But because Chen Chu was going to bring Sun Ziyang to Kunhai, he delayed it for a while.

When he returned to Jiangnan the next day, Chen Chu immediately contacted the sales department, and they sent a special person to the housing management office. It was time to pay taxes, apply for certificates, and toss until 4 pm. After many minutes, Chen Chu finally got his first house book.

Seeing that the owner of the real estate property is the word Chen Chu, Chen Chu is very happy!

If it weren't for people watching around, Chen Chu would have wanted to kiss him twice.

After all, this is my first house in the true sense, and in the future we will also have a house.

Shouldn't this be a good celebration?

Chen Chu decided to treat himself well. Although he paid a lot of taxes, he still had some money in his hand.

Today Chen Chu decided to have a luxury!

Go for the seafood buffet at 288 per person!

Anyway, I must be able to eat enough, but after thinking about it, it seems a little too lonely to go alone. It is a bit pitiful to think about it.

Call Zhao Yizhou, Zhao Yizhou and Lu Mei are busy in the store, how can they come out to eat.

Shout out to the students, Chen Chu didn't dare to shout.

It has to be treated fairly. It's not enough to call one person alone. It has to be called by the whole class.

Mom! How much does that cost!

Besides, not to mention the rest of the seventh class, Wang Lebang and Tian Xiao have great appetites, and Chen Chu is a little afraid of causing problems in other people's restaurants.

It was at this time that Chen Chu realized that he seemed to have to find a girlfriend, otherwise there would be no one to go out to eat with.

Suddenly thinking about it, it's kind of funny.

I have a system, and I am afraid that I will grab a lot of girlfriends for other people, and I will be so rich that I have become such a bird myself, and I am so complacent for a suite...

However, it doesn't matter.

Everyone has their own ideas. Anyway, I live a full life in my heart.


In charge of the ball, I will eat it myself!

Chen Chu didn't care so much, and after booking a seat online, he went directly to the seafood cafeteria.

Anyway, it's a compartment, and no one else can see it.

When I got to the place, I found the most corner position, took several plates of hairy crabs and steamed them first, and then took other things and started to feast on it.

But for fear of scaring others, Chen Chu put it in the trash while eating.

It took almost two hours to eat this. Anyway, Chen Chu tried to run back and forth dozens of times, but fortunately no one noticed him.

When Chen Chu came out of the cafeteria, his stomach was almost fried.

Very full.

Although Chen Chu didn't count, but in the past six months, Chen Chu no longer wants to eat seafood.

Take a walk to digest.

As a result, just after leaving for a while, a young girl suddenly walked up to Chen Chu with a mobile phone and whispered to Chen Chu, "big brother, please help me, someone said to take me to play, I'm so scared. !"

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