Chen Chu was naturally very relieved that Luo Hao could have this attitude.

At least you didn't raise your kids for nothing.

"I need your help to dissuade me." Chen Chu hurriedly said, "Do some ideological work for those children, especially the little girl I mentioned. I hope you can help her. You can do it according to you. Come up with your own ideas, but I just stress one point, no fighting."

"No problem, you take care of me about Old Chen!" Luo Hao readily agreed, and immediately set off to follow Chen Chu to that nightclub.

As a result, Chen Chu and Luo Hao had just arrived at the door of the nightclub, and before they entered, the manager at the door quickly greeted them respectfully.

"Master? This is?"

Luo Hao waved his hand, "You are busy with your work, don't worry about me."

The manager nodded again and again and quickly walked back to his seat.

Chen Chu subconsciously scratched his head.

"Your home?"

"Well, eight of the ten stores on Fuxing Road belong to my family, and two of them rented my store..."


No wonder Luo Hao called himself the little overlord of Fuxing Road.

The streets of Ganqing are filled with Luo Hao's shops.

However, Chen Chu was already numb to the wealthy and expensive families in Class 7, and his face had no expression. He took Luo Hao and walked into the nightclub together. When he could see the girl, Chen Chu Chu quickly pointed, "Did you see that? It's that little girl."

Luo Hao fixed his eyes and nodded slightly, "Okay, Lao Chen, I see."

Among this group of people, Luo Hao really knew someone, a high-ranking boy whose name, Luo Hao, could not be remembered.

It doesn't matter, as long as others recognize him.

"Okay, then I'll leave this to you!" Chen Chu quickly patted Luo Hao's shoulder, "I'll be waiting for you here."

Luo Hao smiled bitterly, "e...Old Chen, why don't you go out and wait for me?"

Chen Chu couldn't help but wonder, "What's wrong?"

"Look here, I can't play it at all..." Luo Hao hurriedly said, "You go outside and wait for me, okay?"

"Okay, but I have to emphasize one more thing! You are not allowed to fight with others, you must master your senses! Do you understand?"

Luo Hao quickly made a gesture of ok, Chen Chu turned around and left the nightclub after seeing it.

After confirming that Chen Chu had left, Luo Hao relaxed a bit.

How could it be possible for Lao Chen to act like a villainous young man when he was by his side?

And because he had been the younger brother for too long in the seventh class, Luo Hao had already forgotten how vicious he was before.

Let me find out what it's like to be a villain.

Luo Hao rubbed his face with both hands, adjusted his state, raised his hands, and barely walked out of the steps that he did not recognize six relatives.

It can only be said that it was reluctant, because I almost forgot how to walk before.

Who dares to swagger in class seven?

Whoever walks has to be honest.

This evil young man must be very particular about walking!

Then you can't get out of an arrogant and domineering one, and you can't get out of a rampant and domineering one?

Fortunately, he had a lot of experience in the past. After walking for a while, Luo Hao found the feeling all at once.

As soon as he shook his head, in a blink of an eye, he seemed to have regained the posture of the little overlord of Fuxing Road back then.

Especially before this was over, Luo Hao heard the swear words from this group of people.

I immediately realized that these guys were probably scolding Lao Chen for a while!

The anger burst out in an instant!

Having eaten the courage of an ambitious leopard, dare to scold our teacher! ?

We dare to scold and complain in our hearts, but we never dare to scold them out!

With a dazzling kung fu Luo Hao walked in front of everyone, sat on the sofa without thinking, and said coldly at the vaguely familiar face, "Who, come here."

Domineering, the attitude is called arrogance.

Everyone was stunned for a while, wondering what the situation is today, why are there always people coming to look for trouble?

Others don't know Luo Hao, not to mention that they were disturbed by Chen Chu before. They were originally unhappy. Seeing Luo Hao's attitude is so arrogant, it became even more irritating. Without opening his mouth, the person who was pointed at by Luo Hao hurriedly stood up, winked at everyone frantically, and told everyone to shut up quickly, then hurriedly walked out and stood in front of Luo Hao, the one who laughed was called a Humble "Brother Hao, what's the matter?"

Seeing that the boy who spoke was so humble, everyone's expressions changed a little, and they hurriedly accompanied their smiling faces without thinking about it, and withdrew their anger.

This boy is still a bit influential in vocational high school. Even he has to speak so politely, and everyone is not stupid. They immediately realized that Luo Hao in front of them is definitely someone they can't afford to offend.

Luo Hao raised his hand and pressed it down lightly, and said, "You squat down."

The other party didn't know what Luo Hao was going to do, but he still squatted down, "Brother Hao, is it alright?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Hao raised his hand and slapped the opponent in the face.


This slap was not small, and it slapped the person to the ground on the spot.

! ?

Everyone on the side was too frightened to say a word.

However, the boy who was slapped didn't dare to get angry at all. He got up and covered his face with a humble attitude. His eyes were full of panic. "Brother Hao, I, did I make you angry?"

"I just don't like you, I want to slap you."


Extremely arrogant!

The other party didn't know what caused Luo Hao, but it was definitely right to apologize, so he poured Luo Hao a glass of beer and said, "Yes, yes, Brother Hao, I do look a little bad. It's pleasing to the eye, drink a glass of wine to cool off your anger and don't have the same knowledge as me!"

Luo Hao glared at him, pointed at the other party's cup and said, "Put it down!"

The other party was so frightened that he quickly put the wine glass on the table.

"Drink, drink your ass!" Luo Hao said coldly, "Why do you come here to fool around when you don't have a good class at school? Still drinking? What kind of alcohol do you drink? How dare you drink at your age?"


The crowd fell silent for a while.


"Pinch all the cigarettes for me!" Luo Hao said angrily again, "How come they don't even look like students!"

They were so frightened that they quickly snuffed out their cigarettes, and then threw all the cigarettes on the table into the trash can.

Just a little confused...

In fact, when they heard the words Hao Ge, everyone suddenly remembered the previous incident of Fuxing Lu Xiaobawang.

I heard that he is an unreasonable evil young man!

But this Luo Hao suddenly disappeared in the first half of the year, and basically never appeared on Fuxing Road.

I didn't expect it to happen today.

But, this the **** young master or the dean! ?

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