Anyway, a group of people sat honestly, daring not to say a word or to make any move.

After all, Luo Hao's reputation is there, and even Fuxing Road is someone else's territory, and no one dares to touch Luo Hao's brow.

"Which school are you from?"

"Brother Hao, all of them are from vocational high school."

"Yes Yes."

"Fuck, all of you are fooling around, see how you all look like students?" Luo Hao said more and more vigorously, accusing the group of girls and cursing, "What are you all dressed up for? Are you standing on the street? Dress like this. Is Sao going to sell it?"


A group of girls bowed their heads when Luo Hao said it.

"Now go to the bathroom to remove all your makeup, and let me see how you dress up so fancy, and see how I clean up you!"


No one dares to say a word!

He hurriedly got up and went to the bathroom, leaving a group of boys bowing their heads and looking at each other.

Luo Hao didn't speak, just lay on the sofa with his arms in his arms, staring at everyone coldly, waiting for the group of girls to remove their makeup and come back.

After all, having been with Lao Chen for so long, Luo Hao could actually guess what Lao Chen was thinking.

Lao Chen asked himself to help, not only to deter these guys, but also to change this group of people through his own influence.

Not long after, a group of girls came back after removing their makeup.

Even if he didn't dare to run, Luo Hao's prestige was something that few people in high school had never heard of.

Fuxing Road is the leader, and anyone in the vocational high school who sees it has to shout Hao Ge.

After the girls came back, the boys sat in one seat, and the girls sat in the other, all of them were very well-behaved, and without exception, they lowered their heads and didn't dare to look at Luo Hao at all, for fear that Luo Hao would start smoking when he was unhappy. A slap in the face.

At this moment, Luo Hao's eyes fell on the girl that Lao Chen said. Don't say, Luo Hao couldn't help his eyes light up. This girl is really good-looking after taking off her makeup. Class 7 is also on the same level as Tian Xiao.

The important thing is that this girl is older than Tian Xiao!

Pretty decent figure...



cough cough...

Luo Hao came back to his senses, and hurriedly stopped himself from thinking wildly. Lao Chen asked himself to correct others, but he didn't come to play with girls. He said to the other party with a cold face, "What's your name?"

"Yang, Yang Xinran."

That Yang Xinran lowered his head and his voice was very small, and he didn't dare to look up and look at Luo Hao.

After thinking about it, Luo Hao said to everyone, "From now on, this Yang Xinran will be mine."

"Ah... ah?"

Yang Xinran was a little confused, what is this development?

Not to mention that Yang Xinran was stunned, and the others were even more stunned.

But a group of boys reacted immediately, good guy, it turned out that Luo Hao had a crush on Yang Xinran.

"After Yang Xinran, if you are bullied at school and encounter anything, just come to me and I will help you settle it." After Luo Hao finished speaking, he glanced at everyone, "If you guys dare to bully Yang Xinran... …”

A group of people quickly shook their heads and waved their hands, busy saying no.

Then Luo Hao reached out to Yang Xinran again, "Bring me your phone!"

Yang Xinran was a little confused, and before she could react, the girl next to her hurriedly urged Yang Xinran to take out her phone.

After getting the mobile phone, Luo Hao added his phone number and WeChat, and left the contact information of the other party, and then returned Yang Xinran's mobile phone "Keep in touch, if anyone bullies you in the future, just give it to me directly. Send a message, and if I have time, I will also take time to come to the school to see you."

Yang Xinran took over the phone, not knowing what to say for a while.

It was mainly because of the development of this matter that she was completely confused.

"Okay, that's it!" Luo Hao just got up and said, "Why are you standing still! Why don't you hurry back to school?"

"Hurry up and quit smoking for me! You are not allowed to drink in nightclubs again!"

"In the future, give me an honest class at school, and don't come to this kind of place!"

"And you girls, don't put on makeup! I'll come to your school to check every other day!"

"Yes Yes!"

Originally, everyone was about to leave, but seeing that Yang Xinran was about to follow, they quickly drove Yang Xinran back.

Everyone didn't know the meaning of Luo Hao's operation, obviously they were looking at Yang Xinran.

"Why are you going back to school with us?"

"Yes! You are from Brother Hao now, so just follow Brother Hao!"

"Brother Hao will cover you in the future!"

Yang Xinran was even more panicked and at a loss, she wanted to leave but refused to let it go.

Luo Hao also heard the group of people whispering, and said again, "Yang Xinran, you go back to school with them!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they didn't dare to say a word, so they led Yang Xinran out of the nightclub.

At this moment, Chen Chu was looking for a place to sit near the nightclub, and suddenly he saw Yang Xinran's group come out and leave in a hurry, looking a little flustered.

But it was a bit surprising to see that the group of girls had all taken off their makeup.

It turned out that it was Luo Hao who asked him to remove his makeup, and he suddenly smiled, it seemed that the effect was not bad.

After a while, Luo Hao also walked out of the nightclub, just walked up to Chen Chu and said, "Old Chen, I'm already scared... I've told them a lot of things, I don't think they will come to the nightclub in the future. It's gone!"

"Well, how did you deal with that little girl?" Chen Chu hurriedly asked.

"I won't tell you how to deal with Lao Chen." Luo Hao changed the topic and said, "You can rest assured, no one will dare to bully her in the future, of course, if I have time, I will definitely I will go to their school to supervise them and make them correct!"

Chen Chu nodded slightly, but he didn't have much doubts.

In fact, he can probably guess some, but it is always handled in special circumstances, and he said, "Okay, if you have time, go over and take a look. The specific situation still needs to be understood. Good people do it to the end, send Buddha to West. !"

Luo Hao hurriedly nodded, "Old Chen, this matter belongs to me."

Chen Chu thinks this method is quite useful to some extent.

With the help of Luo Hao's influence, it is possible that Luo Hao is better at speaking than the dean in vocational high school.

Well, yes, this kid is very warm-hearted.

No white teaching.

After all, there is a guarantee from Luo Hao, so Chen Chu will leave this matter to Luo Hao to follow up for the time being. Anyway, if there is a problem at that time, just come to him.

As a result, Chen Chu didn't expect Luo Hao to be such a warm-hearted child that he would go to vocational high school every three or five minutes.

Chen Chu also agreed to ask for leave for the evening study, but after a while Chen Chu found that something was not right.

This Luo Hao seems to be running a little too diligently!

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