In fact, Chen Chu also brushed the teacher's domineering grade in the past two days.

After meeting the group of vocational high school students in the nightclub before, Chen Chu felt that it was necessary to raise the level of the teacher's domineering, otherwise it would be impossible to find his own students to help deal with similar things in the future.

However, in order to improve the level of teacher domineering, in addition to teaching points, proficiency is also required, and proficiency requires continuous use of teacher domineering to accumulate.

Chen Chu's current teacher is still a junior. Since he got it from the novice gift bag, he has not used it much. The reason is very simple. Because of Xu Tianhao's appearance, the management of Class 7 has become extremely smooth. As a result, waiting for Chen Chu When I reacted, I found that most of the children did not need the teacher's domineering to deter them, and they were more obedient than the other.

Anyway, the number of times the teacher's domineering is used is not even that of the epic education skill.

However, this teacher's domineering only has an effect on the children in Class 7. The children don't need to be deterred by the teacher's domineering, and the most important point is that this skill cannot be used often, especially if it is used a lot. There can be overkill that can lead to problems in the minds of children.

But it is not impossible.

Because in the process of using the teacher's domineering before, Chen Chu has found a bug!

Xu Tianhao.

When the junior teacher's domineering is used, it has no effect on Xu Tianhao at all.

The specific reason is because Xu Tianhao is immune to most negative emotions.

The domineering level of junior teachers is too low to have any effect on Xu Tianhao.

And this is the only way for Chen Chu to brush the teacher's domineering level.

Of course, it is impossible for other people to use it to brush the domineering of junior teachers.

Who can bear it?

Chen Chu was also afraid of causing a nervous breakdown for the child.

But Xu Tianhao doesn't need to consider this issue, he won't be affected at all and his proficiency can still increase.

So Chen Chu had time to chat with Xu Tianhao privately in the past two days, brushing up on the teacher's domineering proficiency.

Of course, the release of the teacher's domineering takes a toll on physical strength, but due to the fact that his physique has improved, Chen Chu has long been different from what he used to be, and he will no longer almost faint like when he first started to use the teacher's domineering.囧 state.

Anyway, after two days of hard work, I finally got enough proficiency in one breath, and raised the arrogance of the junior teacher to the intermediate level.

Intermediate teachers spend a certain amount of physical strength to release domineering, shocking students, allowing students to obtain a state of awe for two hours, which can be upgraded. If the physical strength is insufficient, the host will faint, please use it with caution (the scope of application is limited to class 7 students)

Compared with the arrogance of the junior teachers, the physical consumption is reduced, and the time of the state of awe is prolonged, but for Chen Chu, it has no meaning.

Still have to continue to level up.

Chen Chu also used the domineering of the intermediate teacher on Xu Tianhao once, no accident, without any effect.

Sure enough, Xu Tianhao's peaceful state is quite outrageous. Looking at this situation, it may not have any effect on Xu Tianhao until the teacher's domineering is elevated to the epic level, and even if the teacher's domineering is elevated to the epic level, it may not be able to affect Xu Tianhao.

The higher the level, the more proficiency is required. Anyway, the task of brushing the skill proficiency has to be done slowly, and there is no hurry.

But today is a special day. Wang Xu, who took a leave of absence, came back to class.

Since this morning, Chen Chu found out that this guy Wang Xu looks a little tired. He was obviously tossed by that devil instructor. However, the effect is quite obvious.

In the past, when Wang Xu was in class, he always looked a bit condescending, and his posture was always comfortable, because Chen Chu had given him a lesson on this matter. Later, when he was in class, his posture seemed to be more regular, but now In class, Wang Xu's sitting posture is a standard, his back is straight, and even his hands are flat on his legs.

But it was Wang Xu who looked at him with a trace of resentment in his eyes.

Chen Chu didn't want to talk about this guy at first, but after thinking about some reasons, he still had to explain it to him. He called Wang Xu out after class, came to the corner, and saw that there was no one around. Chen Chu was cold. He shouted "Stand at attention."

Wang Xu, who was still a little loose at first, instantly straightened his waist and held his head high, standing in a standard posture.

When Chen Chu saw it, he couldn't help laughing, "It seems that he has suffered a lot! This stance is well practiced."


Seeing that Chen Chu was still making fun of himself, Wang Xu felt very aggrieved in his heart.

Do you know how I got here these days?

Not only do you not care about me, you even make fun of me!

Your surname Chen is really too impersonal!

If you make fun of me like this again, I'll leave the seventh class and never come back!

When I come back again, I will burn paper for you!

"Scolded me, did you?"

Wang Xu was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly shook his head, "No, no! I didn't scold you! Lao Chen, it's too late for me to respect you!"

"As soon as your little eyes flutter, I know what you're thinking!" Chen Chu snorted coldly, "You still blame me? This is your own suggestion, the training course you want to run, and the agreement you signed. ."

"I didn't say anything! I didn't shout bitterly and tired."

"If you are crying and screaming tired, I won't talk to you calmly now." Chen Chu said, "Men, you have to take care of your own affairs, what do you think?"


"And I have already told you what I should say, who are you to blame?" Chen Chu said solemnly, "You have the nerve to call out grievances? You did something wrong and even hurt others. Sun Chu's salary for the past six months is due to You were detained alone, not to mention these, he is about to retire, and he has to write a review, do you think it is shameful?"

Wang Xu didn't dare to say a word.

"I... I'm too lazy to talk about it, you didn't cheat me once or twice!" Chen Chu said with a serious face, "Wang Xu, I warn you, this is the last time, if you don't have a long memory, From now on, I won't care about you anymore and let you die on your own, do you hear it clearly?"

Wang Xu's face turned pale, and he hurriedly nodded.

Lao Chen looks really angry, how dare he vent his anger.

"On weekdays, you smile with me and joke with me. Those are trivial matters. I won't bother with you, but I hope you have a good understanding of the principled issues." Chen Chu stretched out his hand and patted Wang Xu's shoulder. " do not let me down!"

Otherwise, if you keep doing it, I'll have to burn paper for you in two years...

Anyway, what should be said, Chen Chu didn't hold on to it and let Wang Xu go back to the classroom.

If Wang Xu doesn't make corrections, next time he will be serious.

Otherwise, I am really afraid of causing catastrophic disasters in the future.

Not to mention the matter of Wang Xu, Luo Hao's state during this period seems to be getting more and more wrong.

Chen Chu had an ominous feeling.

Sure enough, the teacher's eyes swept away.

have to!

I am Chen's lifelong enemy, the budding talent!

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