The more you worry, the more you will come.

How did the talent germinate after a trip to vocational high school?

Chen Chu looked at Luo Hao's current state and couldn't help laughing. He had no choice but to call Luo Hao to the office to understand the situation.

Chen Chu asked you to run so diligently in vocational high school recently, why did you go?

Luo Hao was a little flustered, afraid that Lao Chen might have found some clues about the high school thing?

If Lao Chen found out that he was using the public for personal gain, wouldn't it be a disaster.

"It's just to complete the task that you gave me, Lao Chen!" Luo Hao said quickly, "I didn't do anything else!"

Chen Chu asked tentatively, "Is there nothing else? For example, I have come into contact with people or things that I am more interested in?"

After all, the budding state of talent generally has an incentive, and it is easier to find this incentive.

Luo Hao groaned in his heart.


When Lao Chen asked this question, he must have found something wrong.

What should I do?

Should I confess and be lenient? Or pretending to be silly?

Hey, no!

I'm not in love either! What am I panicking!

Although Luo Hao did mean that when he faced Yang Xinran in his heart, and he really liked this girl, the problem is that I haven't done anything yet!

First, if you don't make a confession, and secondly, if you don't establish a relationship, it's not a puppy love!

At most it's a one-sided love.

If this is punishing me, Mr. Chen can't be unreasonable, right?

Luo Hao shook his head, "I'm not interested! These days when I go to vocational high school, I just check everywhere. After the check, I go home!"

"Did you do anything else?"

"e... did you read the book for a while?"

Chen Chu's eyes lit up, "What book did you read?"

Luo Hao laughed dryly, "I read a lot of books about electromechanical and it's very complicated, I just read it casually..."

"Electrical and professional?"

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, but he knew something about this, but the problem was that there were a lot of courses in this major, and he didn't know which course gave Luo Hao the budding state of talent. Of course, it could also be a comprehensive talent. .

Chen Chu hurriedly asked again, "Then do you have any insights, experiences, etc.? Is there a specific course in this major that you are interested in?"

"This..." Luo Hao scratched his head in embarrassment, "Old Chen, I really just took a look at it casually. If you say that you are particularly interested, it's not that much. Basically, I looked at it."

"It's okay, you can say it even if you just look at it casually." Chen Chu said quickly, "No matter how much you know, you can say it, and I won't blame you!"

When Luo Hao saw Chen Chu's attitude, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Old Chen didn't seem to find out about his relationship with Yang Xinran!

I just said that Lao Chen was busy taking classes in a middle school every day, and he had no time to go to a vocational high school to understand the situation.

After this mentality was relaxed, Luo Hao really began to tell Chen Chu about his learning results.

Of course, he just looked at it as if he was swallowing the dates, but he didn't look at it seriously. Most of the so-called learning results were actually told to him by Yang Xinran.

I really can't remember much of what I saw, but Luo Hao still remembers the things Yang Xinran said quite clearly.

And when Chen Chu heard it, he went numb.

This course said a little, that course said a little, which course is some basic knowledge, but it confused Chen Chu.

There are so many projects that I can't locate myself at all!

Fortunately, there is a back-up move, Luo Hao can only rely on staring.

As a result, after spending a lot of teaching points, Chen Chu was even more depressed.

116 is computer application, 217 is engineering mechanics, 114 is metal technology... There are more than 40 in total, and the highest is 664 mechanical design. Anyway, the average is about 2 probability.

This gaze is the same as not watching, because all of them are ordinary talents, and there is no special talent like Feng Qianmei's round eyes.

Moreover, the budding talent can only awaken one of the talents, and it does not have the ability to grow.

Since there is no special talent, Chen Chu feels that there is no need to waste time doing special guidance.

Direct star up!

Native talent is the strongest.

Does it cost 4757874 teaching points to raise Luo Hao to star?


Rising Star Success

Because Luo Hao is currently in the budding state of talent, it will have a special impact on the original talent

Ding, native talent has devoured the computer application talent that exists in the budding talent

Ding, native talent has driven out the engineering mechanics that existed in the budding state of talent

There was an endless stream of reminders in my head.

Chen Chu is also the first time to directly upgrade his talent in the budding state. The system has reminded him before that under this special situation, the direction of the original talent will change to a certain extent.

It may develop in a better direction, and of course it may deviate from ordinary talents.

But it's not a big problem, because even ordinary talents have the ability to grow, at least better than the talents produced in the budding state of talents.

Native talent has changed

Chen Chu quickly glanced at Luo Hao's attribute status.

Name☆Luo Hao

Sex: Male

age 15

Virtue 87

Intelligence 84

Stamina 88

Aesthetic 82

state aversion learning

bad habits

Talent F-level craftsman (unawakened, special talent)

Skill passive rapid manufacturing (in this state, the efficiency of manufacturing items is increased by 100)

Learning efficiency 278 (in the state of ornamental blessing)

Comprehensive evaluation d

Chen Chu was stunned for a moment, this talent... why does it feel a little unremarkable.

special talent?

"System, what's so special about this craftsman's talent?"

Chen Chu hurriedly asked. After all, the word craftsman is applicable to a wide range, and Chen Chu could not determine which kind of craftsman he was referring to.

The craftsman talent is a comprehensive talent, including but not limited to precision manufacturing, equipment manufacturing, military manufacturing, automobile manufacturing, aerospace manufacturing, ship manufacturing, rocket and missile manufacturing, etc., and this talent is affected by the budding status of the talent, and it is extremely difficult to upgrade. put extraordinary effort into


Chen Chu people are stupid.

Why is this talent more outrageous than the other?

Liu Yuchen's talent might be able to build a Gundam in the future.

Luo Hao's talent... rubbing rockets in his hands?

Chen Chu fell into deep thought for a while.

Or, another day, I will lead the children in Class 7 who have not awakened to go to vocational high school for a walk?

Maybe you can even come out with a nuclear warhead...

Of course, it was just Chen Chu's wishful thinking.

Talent is something that varies from person to person and cannot be copied.

As for how to guide this talent...

To be honest, Chen Chu was a little flustered.

Zhuang Rou almost gave her own house some...

Let's just say, in case, in case Luo Hao is messing around in his own house one day, what kind of rockets are really rubbed out...


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