Luo Hao's parents were quite polite to Chen Chu.

After all, their children have become mature and sensible, and a large part of it is due to Chen Chu.

Their parents are more grateful and trusting to Chen Chu.

It's just that Chen Chu's words really made Luo Hao's parents feel a little outrageous.

To be realistic, every parent wants their children to be sent to a good school. The best high school in Jiangnan is No. 1 middle school. Vocational high schools are considered unattractive schools. This is a good time. Chen Chu actually wants to send Luo Hao. Go to high school.

Luo Hao's parents couldn't understand it.

Luo Hao's mother said, "Mr. Chen, is there no hope for Luo Hao in my family? That's why you thought of sending him to a higher job?"

"No, no!" Chen Chu hurriedly waved his hand. "On the contrary, I think Luo Hao is a useful talent, and this kid is very talented. If he finds the right direction, he will definitely have a bright future!"


Luo Hao's parents immediately looked at each other when they heard this.



The two looked at Luo Hao in unison, and Luo Hao smiled a little embarrassedly.

Don't look at me, I don't know either.

Old Chen said I have talent!

Chen Chu naturally explained it well.

First, I talked about what I had communicated with Luo Hao a few days ago, and then I felt from the words that Luo Hao was really interested in this aspect.

"And Luo Hao's hands-on ability is very strong!"

When Luo Hao's parents heard it, they always felt that what Chen Chu said was not his own child.

Extremely strong hands-on ability?

That is to say, after all, there are not too many fights. In junior high school, it was very noisy, and he would start with others whenever he could...

"hands-on ability"

Chen Chu hurriedly asked with a smile, "And I think a part of him should be the inheritance of genes. There should be related talents in the family, right?"

Luo Hao's father's name is Luo Jun, and he said with a bit of laughter, "I can't talk about talent. His grandfather used to work in the 833 factory in Jiangnan. I stayed there for a while when I was young, and then I went to do business."

When Chen Chu heard it, wasn't the 833 factory the former military factory?

No wonder native talent has an impact on the budding state of talent!

This is a better explanation. There is a certain inheritance in genes, and this child is also interested in related aspects. Vocational high schools can also use a lot of equipment for practical exercises, and Luo Hao's study Chen Chu also said that he would tell him, After all, he didn't stay in the vocational high school all the time. He had to take a class in the first middle school in the morning. He would definitely supervise it at that time. As for the school, he could find a way to arrange it.

Anyway, after all, it is for the future of the child. As the saying goes, if you have more skills, you will have more opportunities to eat, right?

Chen Chu has already said what should be said, but Luo Hao's parents are obviously hesitant.

Chen Chu is also very understandable. After all, Luo Hao's parents are businessmen, and they also want face. It is not easy to send the child to No. 1 Middle School. In case someone finds out that Luo Hao is in a vocational high school class, well, save face Definitely can't hang.

Other people's children are in various famous high schools, or have gone abroad to study. When someone asks where your children are attending classes, vocational high school?

Or was it sent by the head teacher?


It would be false to say that it is not ashamed.

In fact, Chen Chu is not in a hurry, he can take it slow, and because Luo Hao's talent is the lowest F-level, it takes a long process to grow, and the energy required is beyond imagination. Under this circumstance, with the support of everyone, Luo Hao would not struggle to learn, or would have the idea of ​​giving up.

"Of course, the two parents can give me an answer after thinking about it. It's getting late, so I won't bother."

Chen Chu just got up and said goodbye, and plans to find a time to come back a few times to do more ideological work for Luo Hao's parents.

After Chen Chu left, Luo Hao immediately made a big move when he saw that his parents were looking at each other.

"Mom and Dad, I think you must listen to Lao Chen's arrangements on this matter!"

When the two heard it, they glared at Luo Hao angrily.

"What? You really want to go to vocational high school? Has it fulfilled your original wish?"

"No, no!" Luo Hao quickly waved his hand and explained, "Old Chen is too low-key, he doesn't want to show off to his students! I can show you guys!"

"Show what cards?"

"You know what's going on in our class, Deng Sijia, right? His mother is the chairman of Chaoyang Group!"

The two nodded slightly.

"She used to be the last in our class, and her grades were terrible, even worse than me! Old Chen helped her make up the class, and now Deng Sijia has recommended Beiwu!"

Luo Hao's mother stared, "Huh? Bei Wu?"

"That's right! That's a famous school!" Luo Hao said again, "This is just one of them! There is another Liu Yuchen in our class, and that was directly recommended to National Defense Science and Technology University!"

"There are others!" Luo Hao said, "And these are all cultivated by Old Chen!"

When Luo Hao's parents heard this, they suddenly looked strange.

"I don't think this matter has much to do with you, Teacher Chen, right? Like Deng Sijia's situation in her house, it must have been arranged by her family!"

"No, no!" Luo Hao hurriedly said, "I know this very well, why? Deng Sijia's mother doesn't support Deng Sijia's dancing at all. Everyone in our class knows about it. If Lao Chen hadn't gone to do ideological work for her mother If so, Deng Sijia may have already transferred schools!"

Luo Hao said a lot again, but he wanted to express the same meaning. Listening to Lao Chen is absolutely right, there is definitely a future!

There are so many people in our class who recommended them because they listened to Lao Chen's arrangement.

What parent doesn't want their child to become a device?

Anyway, after Luo Hao said so, Luo Hao's parents agreed after all.

And after all, it is only two months, and it is not always in vocational high school.

As a result, Chen Chu received a call from Luo Hao's parents early the next morning, saying that they agreed to let Luo Hao go to vocational high school as an exchange student for two months.

"Two parents, please rest assured. After Luo Hao goes to vocational high school, I will supervise his studies! Of course, I won't let this child learn badly!"

"My child's father and I naturally trust you, Teacher Chen!"

Anyway, after some courtesies, the matter was finally settled, and Chen Chu immediately began to contact the former high school to be an exchange student.

This matter is actually very simple, because the person in charge of this piece is Li Zhenhua.

Chen Chu and Li Zhenhua should not mention how familiar they are, so I asked Li Zhenhua to explain the situation, Li Zhenhua was dumbfounded when he heard it, "Xiao Chen, this is the first time I heard that I was sent to a former senior high school! Vocational high school is also confused! You have to wait for me to ask about this!"

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