After all, there is a relationship like Liu Yuchen, so the relationship between Li Zhenhua and Chen Chu is naturally very good.

At this moment, Li Zhenhua is proud of the spring breeze.

After all, all the students in an experimental group he led were recommended, and even won the first prize of the National Youth Scientific Research Competition. It can be said that they have made a splash in the entire Jiangnan and even the entire Southwest.

Not only did he gain fame, but Li Zhenhua's position also went up.

He used to be the team leader of a physics teaching and research group. Now the Jiangnan Education Bureau directly mentioned Li Zhenhua as the head of the admissions office of No. 1 Middle School, and the Southwest Teaching and Research Group also threw an olive branch to Li Zhenhua and asked Li Zhenhua to take a position in the Southwest Teaching and Research Group.

It can be said that it is a real gain of fame and fortune.

And because of Liu Yuchen, Li Zhenhua was not surprised by Chen Chu's arrangement.

After all, even a dance student Liu Yuchen can go in the direction of scientific research. It is not too outrageous to arrange for Luo Hao to go to a vocational high school as an exchange student.

This Li Zhenhua was in contact with the vocational high school, and naturally he was very curious and asked Chen Chu, "Has this kid named Luo Hao been discovered by you to have any special talent?"

Maxima often has it, but Kebole does not often have it.

Li Zhenhua feels that Chen Chu is indeed a very powerful talent, and he is really a teacher.

After all, the eyes are vicious!

Everyone knows what the kids in Class 7 look like, but when Chen Chu left, not only did Class 7 change drastically, but Chen Chu could see what talent this kid had!

This kind of vision is not something ordinary people can have.

Chen Chu didn't hide it. He smiled and said, "I think this child has a very strong hands-on ability. He should have a talent for manufacturing. Of course, I'm not sure, just send the child over to take a look."

Li Zhenhua laughed and said, "If this is the case, then vocational high school is really suitable for him, but you have to take care of it. You know in your heart what vocational high school looks like. This uncertain child will change back to the past!"

Chen Chu hurriedly said to be relieved, I will definitely take care of him.

Li Zhenhua didn't say much, and said again half-jokingly, "Don't keep your eyes on the seventh class, the other classes! Other grades! You can take a walk. If you find another Liu Yuchen like this, you must Bring it to me!"

"Absolutely!" Chen Chu hurriedly laughed, "If I really found Liu Yuchen, I would definitely send it to you, after all, you are a professional Bole in this field!"

After talking about business for a long time, the vocational high school finally returned the news.

In fact, the people who connected with the vocational high school were really confused.

Under normal circumstances, the vocational high school usually finds a way to put some better-skilled children in the first middle school to make up for the class, and then return to the vocational high school when the supplement is almost complete.

This is mutual help between schools.

But it was the first time I met a middle school who wanted to send students to vocational high school.

It is impossible to directly rectify the person in charge of the vocational high school.

It is because the learning environment of our vocational high school is average that we thought about sending people to No.

Although it feels a bit unbelievable, since this matter has been opened up, it is not too difficult to refuse.

"By the way, Xiao Chen, there are so many majors in vocational high school? Which major is Luo Hao planning to go to?"

"Mechatronics major." Chen Chu thought for a while and then said, "He said he knew someone in the third class, why don't you just arrange him to the third class?"


When Luo Hao took the initiative to propose the third class of electromechanical, Chen Chu suddenly felt that something was not right.

I always felt that this guy had some ulterior motive, and vaguely Chen Chu felt that he was inseparable from the group of vocational high school students he had met before.

But even after realizing this, Chen Chu had no idea of ​​stopping.

Because no matter what the purpose is, as long as the child can awaken his talent, Chen Chu does not intend to intervene.

Moreover, Chen Chu also believed that Luo Hao would not do bad things when he left the high school.

So Chen Chu didn't think too much about it.

It can be said that this matter went very smoothly when Li Zhenhua came forward.

The formalities and the like were omitted as much as possible. Li Zhenhua was only found in the morning, and Luo Hao could go directly to the vocational high school in the afternoon.

This is the efficiency of the network!

After this matter was done, after having dinner at Xingfu Xiaozao at noon, Chen Chu led Luo Hao directly to the senior high school.

As the head teacher, he must take it with him, and by the way, he has to understand the specific situation of vocational high school.

Li Zhenhua had already contacted the person in charge of the vocational high school, so when Chen Chu and Luo Hao came to the entrance of the vocational high school, they received the director of the mechanical and electrical major of the vocational high school, surnamed Song.

Chen Chu led Luo Hao to greet him in a hurry, Director Song also led the two to walk around the school briefly, and Chen Chu specifically asked to go to various practice venues to have a look, not to mention the study of vocational high school No matter what the environment is, at least the arrangement of these equipment and venues is very good. After all, in order to strengthen technical talents in vocational high schools, the state has given a lot of subsidies to major vocational high schools and technical schools, and added a lot of brand-new equipment.

However, it will take time to run vocational high schools and technical schools well.

Chen Chu firmly believes that after the country takes action, everything will be fine.

After walking around, Director Song led Chen Chu and Luo Hao to the dormitory.

After all, as an exchange student, the dormitory should also be arranged.

Luo Hao is quite familiar with this place, after all, he has come here a lot these days.

The dormitory has also been arranged.

Of course, apart from the trouble of temporarily arranging Luo Hao into the dormitory, the vocational high school gave Li Zhenhua face, and Luo Hao was the first exchange student to come to vocational high school from No. people dormitory.

But on the way to the dormitory, Chen Chu realized that something was wrong, and Director Song also felt that something was wrong.

There is no class at the moment, most of the students are in the dormitory.

As a result, many vocational high school students were shocked along the way, and many people even froze in place, as if they had seen something terrible.

When I came back to my senses, I quickly said hello to Director Song, and said hello very politely.

In this situation, even Director Song was a little confused.

Before entering the dormitory, Director Song also told Chen Chu that the students of vocational high school are more lively, so the dormitory may be a bit messy.

Chen Chu smiled and said that it was okay and understood.

As a result, after walking around the dormitory, Chen Chu found that the vocational high school dormitory was not only not messy, but also unusually clean.

Blinking his eyes, he glanced at Luo Hao subconsciously.

Luo Hao grinned.

Because the ground was too dirty two days ago, Luo Hao directly spoke at the high school.

If anyone's dormitory is dirty and I see it, I'll fuck him!

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