Yan Mao finally realized what it means to hate less when a book is used, and regret not studying hard before, otherwise it would not be as shameful as it is now.

Of course, teaching Lin Qingyuan to read and read is one thing, although I don't know who taught whom.

Yan Mao also did not forget his original purpose. He came here mainly to do Lin Yuyan's ideological work.

Lin Yuyan is really too difficult to approach, and she doesn't communicate much. Even if Yan Mao took the initiative to talk to her, Lin Yuyan basically just asked what to answer, and didn't want to communicate with each other at all.

This situation is indeed quite tricky. If Lin Yuyan is unwilling to talk to outsiders, how can she open their hearts?

Yan Mao was also very worried about this matter. After thinking about it, he could only use his own face to harden it.

From three days ago, every time Yan Mao came, he was carrying a lot of things in large and small bags.

Most of them are meat and vegetables, and some candy snacks and the like.

Because Yan Mao thought about it and knew that Lin Yuyan would definitely not accept help from others, so he just said that I am now half of your sister's teacher, so you can't make me hungry, right?

This is the most basic way of hospitality!

I'm a guest no matter what, you have to cook me something delicious, right?

But I know the situation in your house is difficult, so I can bring my own ingredients, right?

I am a picky person. I have to eat a lot of meat. I don't care if you eat it or not, but I have to eat it!

If you don't want to do it, I can do it myself!

Anyway, without waiting for Lin Yuyan to speak, Yan Mao covered his face and put a lot of truth on it!

After staying with Lao Chen for so long, although I didn't study very well, I have a set of principles.

I bought this dish and ate it myself, you can't stop me, can you?

Sure enough, after this set of principles went up, Lin Yuyan was immediately speechless.

Yan Mao took the vegetables himself and jumped into the kitchen of others, and made a fire to cook.

After all, when he was working with Master Li at the blacksmith shop, Master Li usually didn't go out to eat, he cooked and ate by himself.

Especially in the days when Zhang Ziwen came to Xin'an Township, he basically cooked by himself every day.

After going back and forth, Yan Mao's skill in cooking with fire has been practiced.

After entering other people's kitchens, he started rolling up his sleeves and busy himself, regardless of whether Lin Yuyan agreed or not.

While the rice was steaming, Yan Mao started chopping vegetables.


There was a continuous sound of chopping vegetables in the kitchen, causing Lin Yuyan to look over with some curiosity. Seeing Yan Mao's knife skills, she was quite astonished. She never thought that Yan Mao would be so professional. The knives also look quite pleasing to the eye.

Lin Qingyuan also heard it, and hurriedly walked in to take a look, her face was full of surprise, "Yan Mao, big brother, you are amazing!"

"The trick of carving insects is not enough to talk about."

Yan Mao raised his eyebrows, his waist finally stiffened.

Finally got a little dignity back from the sword skills!

Yan Mao was quite professional when handling all kinds of vegetables and meat, but Lin Qingyuan suddenly became Yan Mao's follower, standing aside while cutting vegetables, and squatting aside when killing chickens and fish.

"Qingyuan, look good. When killing chickens, you must first use the knife from here, and then keep your hands steady..."

Yan Mao slid down with a knife, and the movement was smooth and smooth, and the chicken was easily ripped open. Lin Qingyuan narrowed her eyes and couldn't help clapping her hands, "Oh~"

Yan Mao smiled, "Amazing, right?"


After a while, even Lin Zidong ran over and squatted aside, his small eyes full of curiosity.



The two children exclaimed in amazement.



Lin Yuyan, who was on the side, saw this scene, and for a while, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

When the dishes are finished, there are big fish and meat on the table, giving the two little guys greedy saliva.

Yan Mao is still a little confident in his cooking skills. After all, he has practiced for so long, and although the dishes he cooks cannot be said to be full of color, flavor, and taste, at least they taste good.

Yan Mao tasted it for himself.


Lin Qingyuan hurriedly asked, "Yan Mao big brother, is it delicious?"

Yan Mao gave himself a thumbs up, "Delicious!"

Then he broke off a chicken leg and gave it to Lin Zidong next to him, "Come on, take it! You need both hands!"

Lin Zidong didn't think so much, he quickly stretched out his hands, took the chicken leg and ate it directly.

"To say thank you."

"Thank you~"

Yan Mao grinned, and quickly broke another chicken leg to Lin Qingyuan, but Lin Qingyuan didn't dare to accept it, and turned to look at Lin Yuyan, who was sitting on the chair burning fire, obviously asking for her sister's approval.

Then before Lin Yuyan said anything, Yan Mao said, "It's okay, your sister won't talk about you. If she comes to blame you, let her come to me!"

After speaking, Yan Mao shoved the chicken leg directly into Lin Qingyuan's hand, "Eat it!"

When Lin Qingyuan saw that her sister didn't say a word, she took the chicken leg and nibbled it decisively.

The two little guys were sitting next to each other and eating deliciously.

Follow Yan Mao to wink at Lin Qingyuan, and ask Lin Qingyuan to drag her sister over for dinner.

Yan Mao knew very well that if he asked Lin Yuyan to come over for dinner, Lin Yuyan would definitely not agree, so he could only let Lin Qingyuan come.

Not to mention, Lin Qingyuan is quite clever.

Presumably afraid of being scolded, they took Lin Zidong over together, and the two little guys dragged Lin Yuyan over together.

Seeing that someone was coming, Yan Mao quickly served Lin Yuyan a meal, and when he handed it over, he was madly morally suppressed!

I am a guest no matter what, you have to respect me!

The rice has been brought to you, you don't move your chopsticks, is it impolite?

I've made so many dishes, and you won't eat one bite? Is it impolite?

In this situation, I don't know who is the master.

Anyway, as long as you are thick-skinned, you can turn your back on customers!

After three days of this situation, Yan Mao could clearly feel that Lin Yuyan's complexion was much better than before.

Well, that's a good idea.

Moreover, Lin Yuyan was too embarrassed to push herself away, as long as she stayed by herself, Yan Mao felt that sooner or later, she would get to know Lin Yuyan.

This day is still the same, Yan Mao went into the kitchen to tinker with a table of dishes again with the dishes, and greeted him to eat quickly.

While eating, Yan Mao suddenly heard a voice from outside, and someone shouted anxiously, "Lin Mei, Lin Mei~"

Lin Yuyan was stunned for a moment, then quickly put down the tableware and walked out, followed by Yan Mao.

When I went out, I found out that it was a woman from the village, and said anxiously, "Lai Pitou is here again, you hurry to my house and hide."

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