Before Yan Mao could realize what was going on, he saw Lin Yuyan beside him clearly panicking, he turned his head and hurriedly walked into the kitchen, carrying Lin Zidong on his back, and holding Lin Qingyuan with one hand, he hurried out. , it was like fleeing.

"No, what's going on?"

As soon as Yan Mao came back to his senses, he saw Lin Yuyan and her younger brother and sister preparing to leave, and hurriedly asked the woman, "Auntie, what's the matter?"

It had been a long time since Yan Mao had gotten to know the villagers.

The woman hurriedly said, "Xiao Mao, talk about it later!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he hurriedly took Lin Zidong and left with him.

This sudden situation made Yan Mao stunned, so he hurriedly chased after him. With a dazzling effort, the woman took the three Lin Yuyan sisters and three brothers and hid them in her house.

It turned out that the Lai Pitou in the woman's mouth was the buyer of Lin Yuyan's father who sold Lin Yuyan back then, the wine Mengzi from the next township.

Because Lin Yuyan's father had already gone in, this Lapitou spent the money and didn't get anything, and he would make trouble every few days.

Either Lin Yuyan would go with him and be his daughter-in-law, or give him the ancestral house, or the matter would never end.

At this moment, Lai Pitou came with people again. After the village chief got the news, he brought a bunch of old men with hoes and blocked the gate of the village without saying a word!

Whether it can be stopped or not, I don't know.

After all, Lapitou brought a lot of people this time.

When Yan Mao heard this, is this still worth it?

Turning his head, he hurried to the direction of the village entrance, and when he arrived at the place, he saw two groups of people confronting each other.

A group of old people were led by the village chief. After all, the young people in the village basically went out to work, and the people who stayed in the village were basically old people, women and children, but don’t look at a group of old people. But they are all carrying hoes.

The other group is the Lapitou group. There are quite a few people, nearly twenty people, all of them young and strong.

At a glance, I didn't feel that there was a formal shape. I guessed that they were all local hooligans. The leader was in his thirties. His hair was like a dog's bite, and there were several pieces missing. It was exactly what the woman said. Laipitou, who looks like a crooked melon and cracked jujube, is smoking a cigarette at the moment, scolding, "Damn, a good dog will not stand in the way! Debt and repayment is a matter of righteousness and righteousness, that Lin San owes I haven't paid the hundred thousand yuan yet! What's wrong with my coming here to collect the debt!?"

"A bunch of old people, hurry up! Get in the way and I'll kill you!"

The leader of the team in this village was the village chief, who stopped him and said, "Lai Pitou, your conscience was eaten by a dog, right? Then the Lin Mei family is miserable enough, and you have to go to hell and take the house back!?"

When the mangy dog ​​heard this, he became even more angry, "Fuck, how much is conscience worth? I didn't get that 100,000 yuan from the wind!"

"Besides, didn't I ask Lin Mei to be my daughter-in-law? As long as she is willing, the 100,000 yuan will be regarded as a dowry!"

"You have to help out, yes! Give me 150,000!"

"Isn't it one hundred thousand?"

"You old man, if you save money to the bank, there will be interest. My 100,000 yuan has been with interest for so many years, and it is cheap to ask for 150,000 yuan!"

The two groups were scolding each other, and no one would let the other.

Don't look at a group of old people, but they are all carrying hoes, which is quite deterrent.

When Yan Mao saw this situation, he was about to call someone to come over, but when he saw that the village chief took out his mobile phone and was about to call the police, Lai Pitou and the others didn't dare to mess around, so he turned his head away cursing and left.

As soon as Yan Mao saw this, he knew that it would not end so easily, narrowed his eyes a little, turned his head and went back to Lin Yuyan's house first.

Hearing that Lai Pitou had already taken people away, Lin Yuyan and the others returned home.

As a result, when he returned home, he saw that Yan Mao was still eating and drinking, and when he saw Lin Yuyan and others, he hurriedly greeted him and continued to eat.

During the meal, Yan Mao didn't ask a word, and there was no need to ask, because Yan Mao knew very well that even if he asked Lin Yuyan, he would definitely not say anything.

If according to the past, Yan Mao should have gone back after eating, but today he specially called Zhang Ziwen and said that he would not come back today and would stay overnight at the village chief's house.

Zhang Ziwen was naturally puzzled and asked if something had happened. Yan Mao didn't want Zhang Ziwen to worry, so he made a random excuse to put it off. Then he asked the village chief and said that he wanted to stay overnight tonight. After all, he had a good time with the village chief. Familiar, the village chief agreed.

The reason why Yan Mao did this was that Lai Pitou might sneak into the village from a small road to find trouble for Lin Yuyan.

After all, Yan Mao had seen a lot of such people and had dealt with them a lot, so he had to guard against them.

However, she didn't tell Lin Yuyan about this.

At night, Yan Mao found a place to guard near Lin Yuyan's house, and waited like this until it was almost nine o'clock in the evening. Lin Yuyan's house had already turned off the lights and was ready to go to sleep. Yan Mao didn't see any movement at first glance, thinking that he might be thinking too much. I was about to leave, but came back after thinking about it.

Anyway, I have been guarding it for a while now, and I will guard it again.

The people in the village go to bed very early, and the lights are basically turned off between 9:00 and 10:00.

Yan Mao felt that he had to stay at least after ten o'clock. Anyway, he couldn't fall asleep when he went back, and he was not bored. He was there when he was guarding... endorsement.

I just downloaded the Encyclopedia of Ancient Poems and Classical Chinese in junior high school, and it is played on a loop in my ears.

Sense of shame and then courage!

After waiting until after ten o'clock, Yan Mao's eyes suddenly became fixed, and he saw a dark shadow sneaking towards Lin Yuyan's house using the light of his mobile phone.

I knew it!

Yan Mao sneered secretly.

Although he couldn't tell who this person was, he was definitely not a good person who was so sneaky.

As soon as the opponent's front foot reached the door of Lin Yuyan's house, Yan Mao tiptoed to touch it, and when he touched the opponent's back, Yan Mao suddenly attacked. It fell directly to the ground.

After all, having been with Wang Lebang and Tian Xiao for so long, Yan Mao also learned a little technique. After he knocked him down, he quickly broke the opponent's hand back, but Yan Mao never imagined that the opponent would act like this!

Monkey steals peaches.

Yan Mao screamed in agony, and punched the opponent's back with a savage punch. He stepped back, and the other party took advantage of Yan Mao's chance to let go of his hand and fled in a panic. At this moment, Lin Yuyan was awakened, and hurriedly turned on the light to carry it. He rushed out with a hoe to take a look, but only saw Yan Mao shrinking into a ball on the ground, his expression distorted in pain...

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