That night, Yan Mao appeared at a male hospital in Jiangnan for an examination.

An hour ago had been a lingering nightmare for him.

Fatal Strike!

She was lying in front of Lin Yuyan's house for a long time before recovering, feeling faint, and hurriedly called driver Liu and asked him to come and pick him up.

When Driver Liu arrived in the village, Yan Mao's face turned pale, and he was sent to the hospital immediately.

It was originally intended to be sent to the third hospital, but Yan Mao decisively refused.

There are too many acquaintances in the third hospital. If this is encountered, it will not be ashamed.

So I had to go to the men's hospital for examination.

Luckily, it wasn't broken.

Yan Mao was resting on the hospital bed at the moment, his face extremely ugly.

"Young Master, what's going on?"

Driver Liu didn't know what was going on at the moment.

"I was overcast!" Yan Mao gritted his teeth on the hospital bed, "I will never let go..."

Yan Mao's expression suddenly became contorted in pain, and he was unable to speak.

Driver Liu hurried to call the doctor again.

This situation continued until the next morning, and Yan Mao finally recovered.

Embarrassing and fiery.

Especially in the situation last night, Lin Yuyan was watching from the side!

Really shameless!

The more you think, the more angry you are!

Even though he didn't see what the figure looked like last night, he was definitely sloppy!

This is too rude to start!

Originally, Yan Mao originally wanted to forgive people and forgive them, but if he couldn't, he called Xu Tianhao down and cleaned up this group of people.

But now Yan Mao's thoughts became very pure.

I want revenge!

After this was relieved, Yan Mao immediately asked Driver Liu to call in people.

In fact, it is not necessary for Yan Mao to say that driver Liu contacted a good person early in the morning.

This is no small matter!

The Yan family almost broke the incense!

Driver Liu didn't dare to tell Yan Kun about this. After all, he knew exactly what Yan Kun's temper was.

The last time Yan Mao was beaten, Yan Kun was furious.

If Yan Kun knew about Yan Mao, he could not tell if he fainted.

Yes, Yan Mao took two large trucks and hundreds of people to He'an Township that day.

Since he had already found the information about Laipitou, Yan Mao took people directly to Laipitou's village to find people.

Everyone in the village was startled, and suddenly they saw two large trucks parked at the gate of the village, and a large number of people came down from Wuyangyang.

After Yan Mao and driver Liu got out of the car, the village committee members rushed over. They didn't know what was going on, so the village chief came up to ask something.

Driver Liu asked about Lai Pitou's original name, and handed the photo directly to the village chief.

"We're looking for this man, where is his home?"

The village chief took a look and said, well, isn't it bad?

He decisively told the location of Laipitou's house, and even took the initiative to lead the team, leading them to Laipitou's house.

After all, Lai Pitou caused trouble in the village a lot, and even more so when it came to stealing chickens. Everyone gritted their teeth with hatred. Just looking at this posture, they knew that Lai Pitou must have provoked someone who shouldn't have provoked him, and he almost didn't laugh out loud. Come.


The people in the village are also watching the fun and don’t think it’s a big deal. Many people followed. As a result, one person who had a good time with Lai Pitou saw that something was wrong, so he quickly found a place and called Lai Pitou. Then came the dazed voice of Lai Pitou, "What's wrong?"

The other party hurriedly said, "Something has happened, hurry up and run!"

The other party quickly explained the situation to Lai Pitou. When Lai Pitou heard this, he woke up instantly. He was so frightened that he hurriedly opened the door secretly and looked out. .

Lai Pitou groaned in his heart.

Originally, he was going to touch Lin Yuyan's house last night, but he was stopped by someone. At that time, he instinctively grabbed it and got punched. Now his back still hurts a little, now when he sees Yan Mao , the first thought was that I was afraid it wasn't that person who had been there last night?

Because everything happened so suddenly last night, Lai Pitou didn't know if it was this person, but now he can't care so much. Seeing that if this posture falls into the opponent's hands, it won't be finished, so he hurried through the window and slipped away. When I went out, I didn't even dare to walk from the road, and ran all the way to the back mountain.

Avoid the wind first.

Yan Mao threw himself in the air, saw that there was no one in the room, and was so angry that he gritted his teeth, while driver Liu entered the room and saw that the quilt was messy, so he stretched out his hand to touch it.

"It's still warm, I shouldn't have run very far!" Driver Liu's face sank a little, "Someone has tipped off!"

As soon as he went out, he started giving orders.

"You search in this direction!"

"You go over there!"

"You go and block the road!"

"You go back to the mountain!"

After some instructions, he was in good order, but Yan Mao looked a little stunned.

"Brother Liu, what did you do before?"

"Back then, the Xiaodao Gang on Qinghai Road, I was a talkative person, until I met your father...ahem, it's all in the past..."

As a result, I searched around and found no one, and the people blocking the road over there didn't see anything unusual.

It is estimated that he got into the mountain.

That search is not difficult.

However, Yan Mao couldn't swallow this tone, not to mention personal hatred, this guy dared to touch Lin Yuyan's house at night, I'm afraid he didn't hide any good intentions, I can't let go of this kind of scum.

Then... a dozen drones began to hover near the back mountain of the village.

It can be regarded as a lucky one. When I was tired from running and was looking for a place to rest, I looked up and my scalp was numb.


As for what?

She was so frightened that she didn't dare to stand up in the grass, and she didn't dare to move.

The drone has been back and forth for almost a day, and no one has been found.

The more Yan Mao thought about it, the more angry he became, but he couldn't really take someone to look for it in the mountains.


Driver Liu just talks about trivial things, and I naturally have a solution.

We don't need to find it ourselves.

This afternoon, driver Liu printed a missing person notice and posted it at the entrance of the village. Anyone who found Laipitou would pay 100,000 yuan.

At that time, the person who tipped off the news was instantly dumbfounded.

Boil! Say no sooner!

He quickly turned his head and called Laipitou, ready to trick him out to sell it.

Lai Pitou's cell phone has been turned off and can't get through at all.

In a blink of an eye, this Lapitou has been hiding in the mountain for a day, and he doesn't dare to go back to the village or go down the mountain, for fear of being caught!

I thought about going to his friends for help, but thinking about it, forget it, maybe his friends will sell him.

But this has not eaten since the morning, who can bear it!

There is really no other way. Lai Pitou can only go down the mountain in the dark. At this moment, I dare not go back to my home, and I dare not go to other places. I am very desperate, and suddenly I have the urge to call the police...

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