Lai Pitou felt that Yan Mao would definitely not block him every day. Anyway, if he just hid for a few days to avoid the limelight, he would probably have nothing to do later.

The big deal is that I go to another province to work, and I don't believe that you can chase me to another province to find trouble for me!

After wandering on the road for a long time, Lai Pitou finally stopped a car and asked the other party to take him to a nearby town.

The driver was a truck driver and a kind-hearted person. Seeing that Lai Pitou was so embarrassed, he hurriedly asked Lai Pitou to get into the car.

"I don't have anything to eat in this car. You drink some water and eat some bread and you're done!"

The truck driver handed over the bread and mineral water that he had prepared. Lai Pitou thanked him and hurriedly took it over. He was hungry for a day and couldn't stand it anymore, so he devoured it and ate it directly.

"Eat slowly, eat slowly, don't choke!" The truck driver asked with a puzzled expression, "What happened? You are still wandering on the road at night!"

How dare Lai Pitou say that he has provoked someone he shouldn't, he can only make up an excuse, saying that he is a part-time worker, but all his money was cheated by others, and he was thrown on the road. , that voice can be described as tears.

Not to mention that this reason is really unreal, anyway, the feelings are quite abundant.

Laipitou said that his tears almost didn't fall, anyway, he felt really wronged at this moment.

The truck driver didn't think too much, and after a few words of comfort, he took Lai Pitou to the nearby township.

When he got to town, just as Lai Pitou got out of the car, the truck driver directly took out 200 yuan and stuffed it into Lai Pitou.

Lai Pitou looked a little stunned.

"no, I'm fine!"

"It's alright, take it!" The truck driver was a straightforward man, and he just shoved it directly into Lai Pitou's hand and said, "I don't have much money, you can just take it if you want, and go back and live a good life."

After speaking, he drove away, and Lai Pitou was stunned for a while looking at the two hundred yuan in his hand.

I couldn't help feeling a little moved.

A man who met by chance is still willing to pay him money, but those friends, let alone borrowing money, usually eat them a lot on weekdays.

This comparison made Lapitou look bitter.

After living for more than 30 years, I really don't even have a single friend to make friends with.

Really failed.

But this wasn't the time to think about it, so Lai Pitou quickly found a small restaurant and cooked a few dishes before eating.

I was thinking about how to spend the next day in my mind.

There is definitely no way to go back in the village, and they can only hide in the township.

Let's spend a day in the hotel first!

After eating and drinking with Lai Pitou, I found a cheap hotel and slept nervously all night. Fortunately, I had nothing to do. When I was going to find a place to eat breakfast the next morning, Lai Pitou found that something was wrong as soon as I left the hotel. So right.

I feel that many people on the road are looking at me.

Seeing that Lai Pitou was flustered, he couldn't help but quicken his pace a little, and then he turned his head and burrowed into the alley.

"what's up?"

Laipi couldn't stop muttering, feeling that something was wrong. He did see a lot of people staring at him, and the eyes were really bad.

It didn't take long for Lai Pitou to walk out of a boutique, wearing a hat and sunglasses. Sure enough, it became normal now, and no one was staring at him on the road.

However, just when Lai Pitou thought that his disguise could deceive others, he suddenly heard a shout from behind, "Lai Pitou!"

Lai Pitou subconsciously turned his head to follow the sound, and upon closer inspection, he found that it was a friend of his own, and he drank a lot on weekdays.

But this slap in the face felt a little bad, and he felt that something was wrong with his friend's eyes.

Although the other party had a hippy smile, his footsteps were very fast, as if he was afraid that he would run away, he hurried up.


Lai Pitou's heart skipped a beat, and he turned his head and ran away without saying a word.

"Bao! What are you running for?"

"Zhuo! Then what are you chasing!"

The two of them scolded each other, and went straight into the alley one after the other, and started a very fierce chase.

After running like this for about ten minutes, Lai Pitou's footsteps suddenly stopped, only to realize that there was a dead end in front of him, and he didn't know when a new house was built.

People can't breathe, they're already sweating profusely.

His so-called friend also chased after him, but he was also panting heavily. Seeing that Lai Pitou was running dead, he blocked the door and pointed at Lai Pitou and said, "What the hell are you running? I want you to go have breakfast with me!"

"Fuck you!" Lai Pitou scolded, "I don't believe your nonsense!"

"Anyway, don't run away!"

Seeing that he couldn't run away, Lai Pitou could only scuffle with the opponent. It's because the opponent's body was not as strong as his. After he knocked him down, Lai Pitou turned his head and ran. Dare to go out, find a remote place to hide.

There are quite a few people he knows in this township, and it is estimated that they are all looking for him now!

Laipitou just felt a little desperate, no no no, this place can't stay any longer, so he has to get away quickly.

This is not bad Pitou actively and slowly ran to the passenger station to leave, but when he arrived at the entrance of the passenger terminal, Lai Pitou realized that something was wrong.

At the entrance of the passenger station, many people were watching the notice board. Lai Pitou lowered the brim of his hat and looked over, and his heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

There is a notice on the bulletin board, as long as he is found, he will be given a bonus of 100,000 yuan!

Only then did Lai Pitou realize that he was really in trouble this time!

What kind of notice is this, it is obviously a reward order!

I said no wonder so many people stared at me!

Good guy, if this is caught, it's not dead! ?

At this moment, Laipitou didn't even dare to enter the passenger station. Maybe someone was going to block him.

Lai Pitou felt the real despair, and suddenly remembered the truck driver he met yesterday. Before leaving, the other party said a good life.

How's it going?

After struggling for a long time, Lai Pitou finally made a decision.

It is estimated that running will not be able to run, and looking at the opponent's posture, it is estimated that he will not give up until he kills himself.

He didn't want to die.

After walking for a long time, Lai Pi looked up.

He'an Township Police Station.


It's really cornered.

When I entered the police station, I was told that I was going to surrender.

Immediately, the police led Lai Pitou into the interrogation room and asked what was going on.

Having come this far, Lai Pitou just wanted to save his life.

He quickly explained all the bad things he had done before, such as fighting, stealing a few chickens from the neighbors, gambling where he went, and molesting women on the road, etc. He said everything that should be said.

After the police have listened to them one by one, they naturally have to check the situation.

When Lai Pitou heard this, he became anxious, "Comrade police, you don't need to check, what I said is true, you quickly arrest me and sentence me, and lock me up! I can accept a sentence of two or three years. "

When the police heard this, they couldn't help but glared at them, "Sentence or not, it's up to the court to decide how many years it will be sentenced!"

"Never mind, comrade police, hurry up and lock me in!" Lai Pitou collapsed on the interrogation chair. "I'm really tired. Please hurry up, I'm in a hurry..."


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