Yan Mao got the news that afternoon, and Lai Pitou turned himself in.

Estimated to be sentenced to three years.

When Yan Mao heard the news, the more he thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt.

"Brother Liu, why don't you bail him out? I'll clean him up before throwing it in?"

Driver Liu on the side couldn't help rolling his eyes, "Isn't that necessary?"

"Cough, just kidding."

Having said that, Yan Mao felt a little unhappy in his heart.

After all, all he lost was freedom, but I almost lost my eggs!

But things have become like this, and it can only be done.

It's just that Yan Mao was a little embarrassed to go to Lin Yuyan's house at this moment.


Lin Yuyan kept watching that day, Yan Mao thought it was really shameful.

But on second thought, no.

After working for so long, things have finally turned around. If I don't go to Lin Yuyan's house because of embarrassment, wouldn't it be a half-assistance?

And he made a deal with Zhang Ziwen, saying that he would do his best!

The most important thing is that this guy Li Yiyang will definitely be yin and yang weird every day!

Thinking about it makes me even more upset.

Thinking of this, Yan Mao decided to give up.

Anyway, as long as I'm not embarrassed, the embarrassment will be others.

It was another big bag and a small bag and went to Lin Yuyan's house. As soon as he arrived at the door, he saw Lin Qingyuan playing in the mud with Lin Zidong.

When Lin Qingyuan and Lin Zidong saw Yan Mao, they were immediately filled with joy and ran over.

After all, I didn't see Yan Mao all day yesterday, these two children really miss him.

Yan Mao swept around and did not find Lin Yuyan's figure, and asked, "Where is your sister?"

"Go to town!"

"Huh?" Yan Mao suddenly looked puzzled, "When did you go?"

"I went there early in the morning, and I was carrying a basket!" Lin Qingyuan scratched her head and said, "My sister went up the mountain early yesterday and picked a lot of wild fruits from the mountain! Then I carried it to the town to sell money."

Yan Mao nodded slightly and didn't ask any more questions.

Lin Yuyan's family has to say that the only economic income is probably this, go to the mountains to pick some wild fruits and vegetables, etc., and follow the village elders on a tricycle to the town to sell.

Anyway, since Lin Yuyan was away, Yan Mao felt much more comfortable.

Today, I specially bought nutritious rice cereal for the two little guys, boiled water and ate it.

Then of course what to do.

It wasn't until after three o'clock in the afternoon that Yan Mao saw that Lin Yuyan came back with a basket on her back.

She raised her hand to say hello, only to see Lin Yuyan trotting to the kitchen for a while, ignoring him.

This made Yan Mao puzzled for a while, but he didn't take it to heart and continued to teach Lin Qingyuan how to read and write.

However, before it was time for dinner, I saw that Lin Yuyan had already started to prepare the fire to cook.

Yan Mao thought that Lin Yuyan had made some money today and was going to have a good meal, but after about half an hour, Lin Yuyan came out with a bowl of soup, and when she reached behind Yan Mao, she reached out and patted Yan. Mao's shoulders.

Yan Mao was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Yuyan.

This was the first time Lin Yuyan came over to say hello, but it made Yan Mao feel a little flattered.

"What's wrong?"

"You drink this...be careful, it's hot..."

Lin Yuyan hurriedly brought the bowl over, but Yan Mao took it and smelled it, the strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine, and after a closer look, the hot color was a bit dark, and I didn't know what the hell was mixed up inside. "What is this?"

"Medicine." Lin Yuyan lowered her head, her voice getting lower and lower, and her face getting redder and redder. "To replenish the body... I asked the old man in the village, this medicine works."


Only then did Yan Mao realize what was going on.


"That, I'm fine..." Yan Mao laughed dryly, "It's quite complete, with no missing parts."

Lin Yuyan didn't say a word and just stood aside.

When Yan Mao saw this posture, his heart was a little complicated.

It was Lin Yuyan's heart after all, and he guessed that Lin Yuyan went to the mountain yesterday to pick wild fruits and vegetables for a day, presumably to make this bowl of medicine for herself.

It seems a little sorry for not drinking.

"Okay, I see, thank you."

No way, Yan Mao could only bite the bullet and take a sip first.

In an instant, I felt a mixed taste in my mouth, and there was a fishy smell.


This fishy smell is quite familiar to Yan Mao, the fishy smell that belongs to beef...

Yan Mao suddenly realized what the black thing that was boiled in the bowl was...

At this moment, Yan Mao almost vomited out.

It's just that Yan Mao didn't vomit, but Liao Kunyang, who was far away in Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School, vomited a lot.


Liao Kunyang retched for a while, and his face was really not good-looking.

"Are you okay?" Wang Lebang on the side quickly stretched out his hand and patted Liao Kunyang's back. "You're too exaggerated. You vomited like this after running for a while?"

As soon as Liao Kunyang raised his head, although his mouth did not open, he wanted to scold someone just by looking at him.

I exaggerate! ?

I exaggerate! ?

Did you take me for a human?

It was agreed to only run 5 kilometers, and after 5 kilometers, it will be another 5 kilometers...

Even the donkey of the production team can be so tossed!

"I really can't run, can you rest for a while?"

"No way!" Wang Lebang said with a serious face, "You have to keep running, you have to learn to break through your own limits! And now your body is in a very active state, you must not stop at this time, Otherwise, all efforts will be lost!"

"Wang Lebang, can you be an individual?" Liao Kunyang almost didn't cry out, "You can't generalize between people, okay! Don't take Lao Chen's words too seriously. Lao Chen said that you can run 40 kilometers. Let me run 40 kilometers!"

"Of course, a man and a man, as soon as a word is spoken, it is difficult for horses to chase, saying that 40 kilometers is 40 kilometers!" Wang Lebang hurriedly urged, "Have you slowed down? Slow down and continue, only the last 10 kilometers are left! Finished running The last 10 kilometers, today's training is over!"

This guy is really impersonal at all!

Liao Kunyang didn't want to complain either, so he could only bite the bullet and run.

Because he knew very well that there was no point in complaining, and he also knew that it was for Lao Chen's own good.

Really, Lao Chen, when I have time, I will draw you a black-and-white portrait and hang it on the wall of my house!

Thank you so much, I will keep you in my heart forever!

Skin goes back to skin, but under Wang Lebang's day and night's training, Liao Kunyang can indeed feel the changes in his body.

And the so-called zipper is not just running, Lao Chen added new content some time ago.

Push-ups, pull-ups and more…

Let's just say, Lao Chen, you shouldn't have forgotten that I'm an art student, right?

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