After the meal time, the teachers of No. 1 Middle School went to the self-service barbecue one after another.

There are quite a lot of teachers in No. 1 Middle School, and when they are still bringing their family members, there are five or six hundred people at least, and some of them still do not come.

When Chen Chu was about to look for Zhao Yizhou, Director Sun suddenly walked up to Chen Chu.

"Go, go, I've been looking for you for a long time!"

"Director, what's wrong?"

Director Sun raised his eyebrows, "The leaders want to see you by name! Let's go!"

Chen Chu scratched his head and asked in a low voice, "Director, is there something wrong? Don't the students in our class cause trouble again?"

"No." Director Sun said with tears in his eyes, "I just let you go over to eat and drink!"

"This...this..." Chen Chu laughed dryly, "Then I can't talk to the leaders again! How embarrassing it will be for me to pass by later!"

"Fuck!" Director Sun said with disbelief, "I see you talk more than the leaders when you talk to the leaders!"

"Isn't that for the students?"

"Alright, alright, I'm by my side!" Director Sun patted Chen Chu's shoulder and whispered, "It's about turning into a regular!"

Chen Chu was refreshed immediately, and hurriedly followed Director Sun to the private room.

At this moment, the large private room is already full of high-level school officials. There are more than ten people, including the old principal. They are basically familiar faces. .

"Xiao Chen is here!"

"Come here, make a seat, move a seat for Xiao Chen!"

The attitude of this group of leaders was particularly enthusiastic, and even the old principal and vice-principal beckoned Chen Chu to sit down quickly.

This made Chen Chu quite flattered, and could not help but be a little reserved.

As a result, they sat next to Qiao Jianping and Li Zhenhua, and Director Sun also sat next to Chen Chu.

The old principal of No. 1 Middle School was quite amiable, and he didn't have much airs on weekdays. Chen Chu picked up the glass as soon as he came. Chen Chu was excited, picked up the glass and walked over to the old principal.

"You kid is the best young teacher in our No. 1 Middle School now~!"

When the old principal came up, he complimented directly, and Chen Chu hurriedly lowered his head and hurriedly said, "You are a bit frustrating for me. There are so many places to learn from the seniors!"

The vice-principal said with a smile, "Don't be humble, you kid, our principal doesn't praise people easily!"

Chen Chu scratched his head embarrassedly and smiled.

The old principal had probably drank two glasses, and he didn't drink after touching it. He put one hand on Chen Chu's shoulder, and then continued to say, "Your excellence is obvious to all! You don't have to be too modest! And This time, all the teachers from our school can come to this spa, it is all thanks to you."

Someone immediately added to the old principal, "This time the funding was approved by the Education Bureau. That is to commend our No. 1 Middle School for many outstanding talents for the country!"

Naturally, the words need not be said too clearly. Everyone knows it in their hearts, so they all laughed and didn't say anything.

As soon as Chen Chu heard it, he had cultivated so many that he didn't know which one it was.

"Actually, I don't do much work, mainly because of the children's success." Chen Chu smiled quickly, "These children have great potential, but they accidentally went astray. What I did was to guide them. It's just the way."

"To be honest, I, a teacher, didn't expect them to be so capable!"

Everyone laughed, and Director Sun added at the right time, "It's very good to be able to help lead the way!"

Following the old principal, he praised a few more words, and finally brought the topic to the right.

"The matter of your early transfer has been put in place. The current arrangement is like this. Your salary and treatment will be arranged according to the official teacher's arrangement, and other official news will be arranged for the next semester, along with other intern teachers. "

Of course Chen Chu was happy, and nodded quickly.

After all, the normalization is for the salary and benefits. It doesn’t matter if other things are arranged in advance, and it can be kept low-key. Still have to take care of the emotions of other intern teachers.

Chen Chu thought that he would let him go after he finished talking about the matter of becoming a regular, but he didn't expect that there would be a follow-up.

The old principal started to hold the wine glass again, toasting all day, but he didn't drink it.

"Our school also attaches great importance to talents. We discussed it before and planned to report you as a national model teacher."

Chen Chu's heart skipped a beat!

do not! But don't do this!

I won't be able to explain it by then!

However, Chen Chu was not in a hurry, anyway, just looking at the old principal's attitude, he knew that this matter must not have happened.

Sure enough, the old principal then said, "But the national model teacher needs deeds! Your situation is special, and there is no way to report it, so this matter can only be left to nothing."

Chen Chu breathed a sigh of relief, but at this moment Li Zhenhua said with a smile, "I can't get this national model teacher, why don't I get a Jiangnan advanced teacher for Xiao Chen? It just happens to be a good example for today's young teachers. example!"

e... Director Li, we have such a good relationship, you can't cheat on me like that, can you?

At that time, if the media comes to interview me, I will be in big trouble!

As soon as Li Zhenhua finished speaking, Qiao Jianping immediately followed with a laugh and said, "How can this Jiangnan advanced teacher be enough!? I said at least one must be rated as a Southwest model young teacher! Then Xiao Chen can definitely be rated!"

good guy!

Form a group to pit me! ?

However, as soon as the old principal waved his hand, he hurriedly said, "It's all said that the situation is special! You can't make random comments!"

When Chen Chu heard this, he finally let out a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, there is a premise that the organization is kept secret, so the school will definitely not let him do any selection activities in the future.

Chen Chu is not disappointed. Although these are an honor and affirmation for teachers, Chen Chu really wants it, but then again, Chen Chu feels that he is not worthy of it at present.

After all, compared to those senior teachers who really devoted their lives to educating their children, Chen Chu felt that he was not a character.

Those predecessors and pioneers who have worked hard, dared to contribute, and worked hard for the sake of education and the future of the motherland are truly worthy of these honors and recognition.

The body of a mortal is comparable to that of a god!

Compared to them, I am a younger brother...

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