Chen Chu is really not quite used to it.

It was obviously called to have a meal with the leaders, but it seemed that it turned out to be his own commendation meeting.

Each of these leaders has to praise themselves.

Not to mention the rest. Chen Chu felt that after having this meal today, it would be much more convenient for him to find a leader if he had something to do in the future.

Of course, Chen Chu must be very happy, after all, the internals were finally turned positive in advance.

Wages have gone up again.

Anyway, I have come here and I can't run away, I can only drink with the leaders.

Qiao Jianping and Li Zhenhua were about to toast with Chen Chu every three or five minutes. Only Director Sun on the side was the most honest. He drank all the toasts of others, but he would never drink with Chen Chu.

After all, the last time I drank with Chen Chu, not only did I vomit for a night, but I also fell ill for several days.

From then on, Director Sun never wanted to drink with Chen Chu anymore. Others drink at least with the amount of alcohol. Chen Chu probably didn't say anything about the amount of alcohol.

Of course, Chen Chu's excellence is obvious to all, even the principal said, Xiao Chen, work hard, the future era belongs to you young people, and you are the leader of these young people!

Then Qiao Jianping and Li Zhenhua also whispered there. If the principal can say this, it means that he will cultivate you in the future. We have been working for so many years, and the principal has not said these words to us!

As soon as Chen Chu heard it, I couldn't accompany the principal to be happy!

After all, we have ambitions.

Today, one counts as one, leaders, I am happy to accompany you to drink!

The leaders don't know how outrageous Chen Chu's alcohol consumption is, and how can he control so much after drinking it!

At first glance, the posture is not right. Director Sun is quite a chicken thief. He goes to the toilet every once in a while, going back and forth, and he even takes the initiative to help with the barbecue, taking the life of the waiter.

It was getting dark at this dazzling sky, and Director Sun went over to serve the barbecue again.

After waiting for half an hour to bake, I came back and took a look. The old principal, the deputy principal, Assistant Ke, Qiao Jianping... I glanced at them and all fell down. The only one who didn't lie down was the financial director, but they were drinking too much. Dazed, covering his head with a sad face, he quickly waved his hand and said that he couldn't drink anymore.

On the entire table, only Chen Chu was still eating with the barbecue. His face was not red or he was out of breath. Shall we have some more drinks?"

Director Sun shook his head frantically, "Don't, don't, don't!"

"I've experienced your alcohol intake, and I'm willing to give up!"

As soon as Director Sun saw it, they all drank and lay down. Most of them were only wearing shorts, so they quickly went out and called a lot of young male teachers to come and send them to the room.

As a result, the young male teachers came in and took a look, stunned.

"Why are you all lying down!?"

"How much did you drink?"

Director Sun waved his hand and said don't ask so many questions, and hurriedly carried people back to the room, don't catch a cold.

This group of male teachers began to lift people.

It was quite lively outside at the moment. After all, many teachers and family members were still eating barbecue. As a result, they saw the leaders of the school carry them out of the large private room one by one, and they all seemed to be unconscious.

The originally lively environment became much quieter in an instant.

Many people are looking at each other in dismay, it is reasonable to say that it should not be!

After all, most of the leaders drink in a measured manner, so they shouldn't drink like this!

Only Zhao Yizhou, who was pulling Lu Mei to eat barbecue not far away, continued to drink beer with a strange expression on his face.

At a glance, I knew that I must have been drinking with Chen Chu!

After all, Zhao Yizhou had been vomited by Chen Chu several times, and every time Chen Chu finished drinking, he seemed to be fine.

Zhao Yizhou knew the amount of alcohol Chen Chu had.

So if you come across a wine party with Chen Chu, you will never participate!

Liver pain.

Chen Chu also helped to carry people, and finally sent the leaders back to their respective rooms. Chen Chu was also full of food and drink. It happened that there were not many people in the hot spring pool at this moment, so Chen Chu hurriedly soaked again. For a while, enjoy the rare silence.

And the environment of this recuperation center is really good, while Chen Chu is soaking, he wants to wait for the second old man to come and enjoy it when his parents come up one day.

Just then the phone rang.

Chen Chu's whole body jolted, and he sighed helplessly, but he took a look at the phone and was a little surprised.

Cousin Zhu Wenle.

This call... Chen Chu really didn't want to answer it.

Chen Chu has quite a few relatives, but his father was fine, because his grandfather was a teacher, so he didn't have many children at that time, only two children. Chen Chu also had a second uncle who settled in Beidu, and occasionally contacted him, but his mother did not have many children. There are many people in the border area, only four uncle Chen Chu, and two aunts, this is a big family even if you count the children.

And mother's brothers and sisters are basically in Luchuan, so Chen Chu has a deeper relationship with her mother.

Who doesn't have a relative who has a headache!

This Zhu Wenle is the son of the second uncle. Both the second uncle and the aunt are down-to-earth farmers who have been guarding the ancestral house of their hometown.

The only uneducated family member on the mother's side was the second uncle. It was not because the second uncle didn't want to go to school, but because the conditions in the countryside at that time were too difficult, and the family could not afford so many children to go to school. Give the opportunity to go to school to the younger siblings, and follow the grandparents to pull the other younger siblings up.

The brothers and sisters on the mother's side have a very deep relationship. There are three girls and a young son in the second uncle's house. The three cousins ​​are all married.

When I was a child, my mother specially brought Zhu Wenle into her own house, so Chen Chu and Zhu Wenle had a very deep relationship, but Chen Chu couldn't understand why this child was so skinny. The cousin, the cousin, and the other don't make people worry. Either they drop out of school and get married early, or they drop out of school and go out to work.

This Zhu Wenle is even more outrageous. He grew up with Chen Chu. As a result, he went to work in Guangzhou and Shenzhen in the first year of high school. He didn't finish reading, and he learned everything about smoking and drinking.

Chen Chu remembered that when he was in college, Zhu Wenle would call himself every now and then to borrow money, saying that he had no living expenses, borrowing a hundred, and even having to pay for the phone bill himself.

Not a penny was paid anyway.

Mom can't help it. If you don't give it to you, you can't watch him starve to death, right?

Come on, I'm really not up to par, but no matter what, the second uncle is really kind to his family. He keeps sending pork, rice, etc., and it is difficult in his own home. The second uncle is frugal Used to get money at home.

However, this is all in the past.

In the past, when I didn't have a system, Zhu Wenle wouldn't listen to how much you said.

Now that I have the system, you dare to call me! ?

I'm thirsty for my epic educational skills!

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