The training continued until noon.

In the end, Wang Xu followed everyone on a special car back to the community, ready to go to class.

Such days have been going on for a while.

Wang Xu has also become accustomed to it.

When he returned to the villa in the community, as soon as Wang Xu entered the door, the two members of the special forces guarding the door immediately saluted.

Wang Xu held his head high and saluted before stepping into it.

When they came to the so-called classroom, all the staff had already stood up to greet them.

After salute each other, Wang Xucai said to class.

This sound was a little less condescending and a little more sonorous.

Even Wang Xu's face has faded a little bit of greenness, and a little bit of determination.

However, the atmosphere in this class was not solemn, and Wang Xu's class was naturally full of his style.

During the class, Wang Xu has been walking around, looking here and there, occasionally joking, and his language is humorous.

Demonstrated strong social skills.

In fact, when Wang Xu first came, he was really uncomfortable and felt that he was completely tricked.

Completely militarized management, even going to the toilet has to report.

I'm here to teach or to be a teacher! ?

That's how you treat talent! ?

No perks at all! ?

At the beginning, Wang Xu felt particularly aggrieved, and after slowly getting in touch with everyone, the suffocation in his heart gradually disappeared.

Wang Xu first came into contact with Ma Jiayang, a big brother five years older than him.

He is a squinting person, not serious at all, and occasionally makes dirty jokes, which is quite interesting.

Until Wang Xu learned about Ma Jiayang's situation.

He was specially recruited at the age of 16. At the age of 18, he was already the head of the network information technology department of a certain department. He is one level higher than instructor Wang Mingyu and enjoys special state allowances.

The most outrageous thing is that the bounty for Ma Jiayang's vest on the dark web has exceeded 20 million US dollars.


Wang Xu was stunned.

The second contact was Huang Junming.

This person does not like to chat, he hardly speaks on weekdays, but he is the most active in asking questions.

The grade is three years older than Wang Xu, and he has just come of age.

As a result, Wang Xu knew that the other party was a 13-year-old special recruit. Three years ago, the Asia-Europe network saw a battle to become famous. Now he is the protection officer of the Security Affairs Office and has his own exclusive security team.

It is worth mentioning that the jt marshalling protocol used by Wang Xu's anti-fraud program was developed by Huang Junming with his team.

The third, the fourth...

When Wang Xu came into contact with more and more people, the so-called arrogance disappeared.

Sitting underneath, just pull one out, and the experience can be published.

The most outrageous thing is that one of them escaped from the cbi.

It is said that the measured IQ is as high as 174, and they are self-taught.

But these people listened to the lectures earnestly and earnestly one by one, and each one was more modest than the other.

What really touched Wang Xu was a chat with Ma Jiayang and others.

At first, he didn't understand why these big guys came to listen to his lectures. He went over to chat with Ma Jiayang while he was eating.

Ma Jiayang laughed, "I'm a big boss, I take classes with us, and any one you pick out is better than me, not to mention you, the anti-fraud system is really strong, the master of it, if you don't take out the source No one can break the code in the past two or three years.”

"I can learn something, of course I'm happy to learn it! What's so hard to understand?"

"Then you've been recruited so early, isn't it uncomfortable? You're being managed every day."

"e... Usually I take care of others, no one takes care of me..."


"You are still young, when your hair grows a little longer, you will know that it is a good thing to have someone take care of you." Ma Jiayang touched his short hair, "I want someone to take care of me! Don't you know, I take care of me now More than 100 people, my head is going to be bald, I'm only 20!"

"Otherwise, after the training is over, you can go to my department and be the person in charge..."

"No, forget it." Wang Xu hurriedly waved his hand.

On the contrary, Ma Jiayang smiled and whispered, "Aren't you afraid that you can't take it anymore?"

Wang Xu laughed dryly, but did not dare to reveal his heart.

Ma Jiayang looked around secretly, and then whispered, "You are really capable of causing trouble, it's just that you made such a big noise before, and you dare to jump to the general office. There are no rules and no square circle. If you really take office in the future, this kind of Your character doesn't cause serious trouble? It's weird that you don't get angry. Wang Mingyu has received a military order, and the person named above wants to discipline you. If he doesn't manage you well, Wang Mingyu will also be dismissed. How could he not discipline you strictly? "

"Have you seen Huang Junming?"

"What's wrong?"

"He was more troublesome than you before, and he was so careless that he was almost penetrated by the enemy." Ma Jiayang said in a deep voice, "He paid a very heavy price."


Ma Jiayang stretched out two fingers, "In order to cover him, the two guards helped him block the bullets. It's gone. He has been quiet since then."

"Thanks to his parents who have already arranged for protection, otherwise..."


Wang Xu fell into silence.

"He was too conceited to think that the enemy couldn't penetrate him, so he let down his vigilance. We should take this as a warning from the past."

Ma Jiayang patted Wang Xu on the shoulder, and said, "When everyone is young and frivolous and loves to cause trouble, they just need to correct it in time. Don't get to the point where it is irreversible. It's useless for you to regret it."

"By the way, let me show you something..."


Ma Jiayang lifted his clothes, revealing the gunshot wound to his abdomen.

"This...this is..."

"The price of being young and frivolous." Ma Jiayang gently touched his forehead with his fingers, and said in a very low voice, "My head is worth 20 million US dollars on the dark web, and it will be effective for a long time."

"I don't know which muscle I made wrong back then, and I even showed my vest." Ma Jiayang said with a headache, "This behavior is really stupid..."

Wang Xu couldn't help swallowing his saliva, and suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

Seeing Wang Xu's slightly flustered eyes, Ma Jiayang squinted and smiled, "Okay, there's no need to be so nervous, you're not the same as us, we didn't care at the time, and I'm envious of you when you say it. As soon as you made a move, you were immediately protected, but we are much luckier than us, all news about you should have been blocked immediately."

"You're lucky boy!"

Wang Xu realized how happy he was when he heard it.

Fortunately, I have Lao Chen to protect me!

Woohoo...Old Chen...

I'm not pulling out your oxygen tube!

I'll plug in two more for you in the future!

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