Chen Chu is a constant explanation.

Mr. Li, it's not like I shirk.

I really can't go away now.

Teacher Li smiled and said, "It's okay! We don't know what time we will eat. If you can make it in time, just come over."

"Teacher, I haven't seen you for many years."


Chen Chu hurriedly responded, but there was nothing he could do. After all, the teacher opened the mouth in person, and he was really hard to shirk.

Then let's eat now!

After all, I am a guest, so I really can't just eat a little and leave, otherwise it would be too rude.

This is when Chen Chu eats the most delicious food when he is not on the table.

One bowl of rice after another.

The wine is also correct.

In fact, Chen Chu's appetite was not small.

In fact, none of the three kings of dry rice in the seventh class can eat them together.

After Chen Chu's body was baptized by the Body Pill, his hunger was very strong, and his digestive ability was also very terrifying.

After all, to maintain a strong body function, the energy required is extremely terrifying.

This is also one of the side effects of Physique Pill.

Although Chen Chu eats on weekdays, in fact, the food is not enough to stuff his teeth.

But this is not a problem for Chen Chu.

Because you can replenish your own energy by consuming teaching points.

One of the newly opened functions of the system.

It is possible to maintain one's own bodily functions not through food, but through the consumption of teaching points.

At present, the teaching points that Chen Chu needs to consume every day are about 70,000. This is under the premise that Chen Chu did not continue to take the physical pill after taking it for a period of time, and even used imitation as little as possible.

And Master Pen is now patrolling around the clock, but it only consumes 100,000 teaching points every day.

If it goes on like this, the consumption of physical functions will become more and more terrifying, and he himself has to grow into a bottomless teaching point.

But Chen Chu can accept it.

After all, if he really used food in reality to replenish his energy, his salary might not be enough for him to eat at all.

Anyway, Chen Chu ate four bowls of rice in a row, and he really didn't eat less food at all.

Give enough face.

If it's the way it used to be, Ma Jiayang's mother will definitely say, how can you eat so much? Eat more, eat more, etc.

I was stunned for a while.

I didn't expect Chen Chu to eat so much.

In a pot of meat, Chen Chu himself was afraid to destroy half of it.

Of course, Chen Chu also meant it on purpose.

Next time I see if you dare to cut me...

After eating and drinking enough to save face, Chen Chu was finally able to leave Ma Jiayang's house.

Go home and have a second meal.

Seeing Chen Chu coming back, a family of relatives hurriedly greeted Chen Chu to the table.

Even more so at home.

Chen Chu took up his rice bowl and went to work, and chose leftovers to eat.

The moment he lifted the seal at Ma Jiayang's house and paused to maintain his body functions by consuming teaching points, the hunger surged instantly, and it was very strong.

Chen Chu can eat everything now, and there is no taboo at all.

The relatives of the family were stunned when they saw that Chen Chu had swept all the leftovers on the table.

If Chen Chu hadn't controlled his sanity, seriously, the plate would have been licked brightly!

Ms. Zhu Chuhong took a look, didn't Chen Chu come back from Ma Jiayang's house?

Then it should be eaten, how can it be eaten so much?

I must be embarrassed to eat in someone's house, just eat a little bit of that.

The leftovers on the table were completely wiped out, but the hunger was still strong.

Chen Chu had to switch to teaching points to consume, and his hunger disappeared instantly, and his satiety came up.

"Are you full? If you're not full, Mom will get you some more?"

"Full, full."

Chen Chu hurriedly smiled and waved his hand, "Isn't it a long time since I ate the food you made?"

After eating and drinking, we chatted with relatives for a while.

As for Teacher Li, Rao is thick-skinned, and Chen Chu is really embarrassed to go.

Especially when Zhao Yafang is still there, how embarrassing it has been!

It was almost nine o'clock in the blink of an eye, and Chen Chu felt that it should be over there, and this matter should be turned over.

Thinking of finding time tomorrow to visit Mr. Li.

As a result, at half past nine, the phone bombed wildly.

All of them were classmates from class 153 in junior high school. They said that the head teacher came, so you didn't come and didn't give face, or something like that.

It is estimated that he drank a lot of wine, and his voice was a little floating.

There are also many people who play emotional cards.

Old classmate, I haven't seen each other for many years. I finally came back. It's impossible not to have a meal together, right?

This call after call naturally caught the second old man's attention.

"what's up?"

Chen Chu laughed dryly, and said that it seemed like a junior high school class reunion today.

"Then why don't you go?"

"Don't you want to accompany you two?"

"No need." Chen Jianhua on the side said, "You still have to eat what you should eat. Your teacher Li is so kind to you, so don't go to cold his heart."

"Yes, yes, then I'll go there and come back later."

"Drink less wine."

"Well, I see."

Chen Chu just went out the door and walked directly.

The place to eat is not too far away, just walk two kilometers up in Yizhong.

Don't drink while driving, don't drink while driving!

Riding a small yellow car is also considered...

At the door of the hotel, when Chen Chu was about to go in, he saw Zhao Yafang.


Too late to hide, Chen Chu smiled awkwardly and raised his hand to say hello.

"Let's go and eat!" Zhao Yafang couldn't see anything out of the ordinary, and said that I answered the phone and went out.

Chen Chu hurriedly stepped up and came to the private room. There were quite a few people. He hurriedly invited Chen Chu to be seated, and asked the waiter to add a new set of tableware and poured wine for Chen Chu.

Then... lift the seal and continue eating.

Focus on eating and you won't be too embarrassed later.

It didn't take long for Zhao Yafang to come back, but in a hurry, she came back to say goodbye.

"Everyone, I'm so sorry, I can't accompany you to the fullest. If something happens, I have to go and deal with it."

Zhao Yafang hurriedly said apologetically, then picked up her teacup and toasted her with tea instead of wine.

Everyone knows that Zhao Yafang is a very busy person. Everyone said that if there is something to do, hurry up and don't delay.

Zhao Yafang smiled apologetically and glanced at Chen Chu, but didn't say anything and left quickly.

Something really happened.

Zhao Yafang is a little panicked now, and the last thing she wants to see has finally come.

The popularity of neon clothes has attracted the attention of foreign manufacturers.

Just now, the person in charge of the southwest region of the well-known foreign brand uk called and wanted to acquire Nishang...

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