It's still a critical moment now.

Although Nishang is popular, its production capacity is insufficient, and it faces the risk of being out of stock at any time.

The fundamental reason is that Nishang does not have its own factory, and now it all relies on the contacts accumulated by Zhao Yafang in the past, and those factories that she knows do OEM processing, but the cost of OEM is naturally high.

It was originally planned to be acquired, but the price has not been negotiated, so Nishang is now ready to start building its own factory.

But the construction of the factory building is not a one-time thing. The land has to be discussed, and the municipal government has to talk about it. Even if it is negotiated, it will take half a year to build the factory. And now, the matter of machinery is also a troublesome thing. Which type of machine to buy is something to consider.

But now the company is just starting up, and there are only ten people in all, and talents from all sides are urgently needed.

This time Zhao Yafang came back to recruit people, and he has set up a poverty alleviation project with the official side of Luchuan. It is also to gain local support to a certain extent, and set up training courses to recruit people from poor families from various towns and villages in Luchuan. For female workers, basic skills training is carried out before the new factory is built.

It can also be regarded as a little contribution made by a Luchuan person to his hometown.

Although Zhao Yafang had long thought that this day would come, it just didn't come so soon.

Being targeted by uk is not good news.

Of course, if it is acquired, it can get the financial and technical support of the big factory, and even make Nishang bigger and stronger in a short time, and the purpose of this group of sisters at that time is to make money.

The price offered by the uk factory is indeed satisfactory.

However, Zhao Yafang can't be the master of this matter, and Ye Zitong can't be the master.

It is Feng Qian and Feng Qian's parents who can really call the shots, because Feng Qian is the true founder and core of Nishang.

It's just that Zhao Yafang feels that this matter is more fortunate than fortune.

Because uk has acquired domestic women's clothing brands more than once, including but not limited to Huamei in 2007, Qingya in 12 years and Adolescence in the previous year.

These three domestic women's clothing brands all set off a certain wave in the country with their excellent designs in the past, and they were all acquired by uk in the final fate.

On the surface, it is the result of market competition, the survival of the fittest, the big fish eat the small fish, but in fact it is the control and suppression of domestic capital by foreign capital, preventing domestic production from standing up.

Although many domestic brands have survived and have now become the backbone of domestic brands, they have even entered the international market, but on this battlefield without gunpowder smoke, I don’t know how many domestic brands have perished.

The so-called acquisition, in Zhao Yafang's view, is tantamount to a declaration of war.

uk has already pointed to Nishang and said something.

Either get the money and get out, or I'll kill you!

It is strange that Zhao Yafang is not nervous.

She knows how cruel this market is, and she also understands that the energy of uk is not something that a neon clothes just born today can resist.

The mountain and rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings.

Zhao Yafang had to go back to Jiangnan immediately and discuss the next challenges with everyone.

As soon as Zhao Yafang left, Chen Chu at the dinner table immediately let go.

Followed by everyone talking and laughing, the cups were staggered.

Of course, Zhao Yafang's unrequited love for Chen Chu is basically known to everyone.

And now even if Zhao Yafang has become a big man, looking at the posture, it seems that the old love is over.

You Chen Chu are also single, so you don't think about it?

Could it be a good thing?

Don't say it, even Mr. Li couldn't help but say, "You're an adult, you don't need to be shy. If you have any idea, just go after it boldly. Don't leave any regrets, you won't regret it."

Chen Chu just catered to with a smile.

He really doesn't have much thought about these now.

However, he did not deny it.

He won't say that I will never be with Zhao Yafang, it's not a world at all.

Or Yuan Wen, or even Hu Yao, every woman in the past may have an intersection with herself in the future.

Fate is too mysterious.

What's more, he is a person with a system, and he is even more uncertain about the future.

It is not certain that he may marry one of them, or there may be someone else, and he may not even be married in his entire life.

He himself can't say for sure.

It's not that Chen Chu didn't take the initiative. Before Hu Yao, he was moved and actively pursued it.

Not to mention the final result, in the process, Chen Chu also discovered many problems.

He was giving Deng Sijia make-up lessons at the time, and he didn't have much time to develop a relationship with Hu Yao.

And Chen Chu himself noticed it, and his attention was obviously focused on the students.

In this case, what if Hu Yao chose to stay and associate with him instead of going to graduate school?

How to coordinate students and their feelings in the future?

If I have a date with Hu Yao and suddenly call to inform the students that something has happened, should I go by myself?

Once or twice, Hu Yao will definitely understand.

But the number of times is more, and the contradiction will come out immediately.

Not to mention the woman, even if Chen Chu was having a meal with his girlfriend, the girlfriend suddenly said that the student had run away.

After a long time, Chen Chu himself couldn't stand it, and it was a strange thing not to break up in the end.

Besides, Chen Chu himself is also ambitious.

He is only the head teacher now, but he also wants to be in the position in the future.

The more students he can manage, it will benefit both public and private, and it will be a great benefit.

If you want to be on the top, you have to have grades and connections.

It was destined that he would not be able to spare more time to solve his personal emotional problems during this period of time.

Anyway, after some reflection, Chen Chu set a clear goal for himself.

Before graduating from the seventh grade of high school, personal issues were basically not considered.

Exercise your teaching ability and management ability, spread out your contacts, and lay a solid foundation for yourself and your students in the future.

The age group of 27 years and 30 years old focuses on solving personal emotional problems.

This is Chen Chu's life plan before the age of 30. At present, it is also implemented according to this plan, and the students in Class 7 naturally have their own life plans.

Luo Hao's life plan is to walk with Yang Xinran, graduate and work.

Liu Yuchen's life plan is to create conditions in the future to complete the few fantasy plans that Lao Chen gave him.

Jiang Yuan's life plan is to buy a lot of casting machines to be her new friends when she has money.

And Wang Xu's life plan is to go to National Defense University, marry Liu Yuchen and have children...

"Then lead the children to burn paper for Lao Chen's grave"

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