Jiang Yuan felt like she was about to remember it, but Wang Lebang suddenly smashed it away, and Jiang Yuan gritted her teeth in anger, "What are you doing! I almost figured it out!"

"I thought you were going to lick it!"

"Crazy! Why am I licking the water on the ground? I'm not crazy!"

"e... Not sure."


Seeing that Deng Sijia was about to quarrel, she quickly pulled Jiang Yuan and said, "Okay, why are you angry! Wang Lebang didn't provoke you!"

"He He……"

Jiang Yuan pointed at Wang Lebang and got angry. After thinking about it, she couldn't help but glared at Wang Lebang and returned to her seat angrily.

Wang Lebang scratched his head and looked confused.

Deng Sijia said that it was all right, and Wang Lebang didn't care.

After all, everyone felt that Jiang Yuan was abnormal at the moment, and no one cared about it.

Just be less provocative.

Jiang Yuan couldn't help frowning when she returned to her seat.

Something flashed in my mind just now, but I just couldn't remember it.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yuan quickly took out her water glass, turned her head and went to the women's toilet.

When she got to the toilet, Jiang Yuan came to the corner, picked up the water glass and dumped it down.

Immediately, water splashed all over the place.

However, the floor of the toilet was too bright to be seen at all.

So Jiang Yuan picked up the water from the toilet, walked out of the teaching building to the dry concrete floor, and started dumping again.

Water splashed all over the ground, but the traces were clearly visible.

Jiang Yuan frowned for a while, staring at the water stains on the ground for a while.

It seems to have caught something, but the mind is empty.


Jiang Yuan decisively ran to the bathroom again, took a glass of water, and found another dry place to pour it again.

over and over again.

So much so that the students in several classes on the first floor were too frightened to leave the classroom.

Class Seven's neuropathy!

In the big night, you dumped the water glass there alone, and occasionally showed a weird smile, which scared people to death, okay!

Not only the one on the first floor noticed the anomaly, but also many people upstairs noticed the anomaly.

Even the people from Class 7 lying on the edge of the guardrail could see Jiang Yuan constantly going back and forth.

Immediately pretend not to know.


At this moment, Chen Chu didn't know what was going on. He was still busy in the office. Suddenly, a teacher came and said, "Mr. Chen, there is a little girl downstairs who is sprinkling water. Seeing that the situation is not right, talk to me. It looks like I've been smitten, I look like a student in your class, why don't you go and take a look?"


Chen Chu was stunned, suddenly stood up, and hurried out of the office, came to the edge of the corridor and looked down.

Forehead, a mother-in-law!

Looking downstairs, Jiang Yuan really was sprinkling water everywhere with a water cup.

If it was just watering, it would be fine. At most, everyone thought it was removing dust, but Jiang Yuan laughed while watering.

And that smile wasn't a normal smile.

It is indeed like a middle-aged.

Chen Chu was also dumbfounded, but he was not in a hurry to lead people.

Children in Class 7 will not do things inexplicably that ordinary people cannot understand.

There must be something different.

Could it be that the talent has been fully awakened?

Chen Chu glanced at Jiang Yuan's attributes from a distance, but he did not see any changes in the attributes. He was still in a state of double fanaticism, and in this case, Chen Chu would not stop it.

It's just a sprinkle of water, as long as it's not swaying around with a hammer. "Sprinkle the water~"

So Chen Chu didn't stop this matter, and then went back to the office and continued to sit down.

On the other hand, the teacher who notified Chen Chu saw that Chen Chu was not planning to go down, and was taken aback for a moment, "Mr. Chen, don't you plan to go over and ask what's going on?"

"No, no!" Chen Chu waved his hand and said with a smile, "Adolescence! It's normal!"

? ? ?

Which little girl is still sprinkling water and laughing at her puberty night? ? ?

Because no one cares at all, Jiang Yuan doesn't know how many times she has gone back and forth.

Finally, after I don't know how many attempts, I caught that hint of inspiration.

Moreover, Jiang Yuan is also constantly thinking about whether this plan is feasible.

She herself is not quite sure.

If you're not sure, just check it out in the past!

The next day, Jiang Yuan asked for leave to go to the iron shop in Xin'an Township, because she had very important things to do.


Last night, Chen Chu found that Jiang Yuan's behavior was particularly abnormal. Today, he asked for leave, maybe he was enlightened.

After Chen Chu approved the leave, let the pen master focus on it.

But don't let anything happen to Jiang Yuan.

After arriving in Xin'an Township, Jiang Yuan plunged into the blacksmith shop.

Of course, I said hello to Master Li.

Master Li didn't take it seriously, and concentrated on his work. Anyway, there were two forging rooms, so it wouldn't hinder him.

However, Master Li felt something was wrong with the movement next door. He stuck his head out and glanced at it, and found that Jiang Yuan was constantly going back and forth between the forging room and the warehouse. Every time he came out of the warehouse, he had to take a lot of pig iron. Then he got into the forging room.

What is this kid doing?

Although Master Li was puzzled, he also knew that Yan Mao's classmates could not be treated with ordinary people's eyes, so he didn't ask more questions and went back to work.

This busy work is busy until the afternoon.

When it was time to eat, Master Li was ready to cook.

When I heard the movement next door, I knew that Jiang Yuan was still busy. Master Li shook his head and smiled bitterly. Why does the little girl like this stuff these days?

Even more addicted than Yan Maodu.

Forget it, Master Li didn't want to disturb others, so he turned his head and went to the kitchen.

Next to the kitchen is the warehouse, and the door is also open. Master Li glances at it and prepares to enter the kitchen.

Hey? wrong!

Master Li suddenly came back to his senses and hurried into the warehouse to take a look.

good guy!

The entire warehouse is empty!

Master Li's first thought was that there was a thief in the store, and he subconsciously took out his mobile phone and called the police.

However, as soon as the phone was taken out, he suddenly regained his senses and looked at the forging room where Jiang Yuan was.


It should have been moved by Jiang Yuan.

But what is this little girl doing?

So much pig iron, what to do with it?

Master Li was about to knock on the door in the past, but the door was open. Master Li pushed the door open and looked inside, stunned.

Seeing Jiang Yuan dump the molten iron that had just melted from the blast furnace directly on the sand pile on the ground, on Jiang Yuan's side, all kinds of odd-shaped metals were already piled up.

Jiang Yuan was pouring the molten iron, and after pouring the molten iron all the time, she watched from the side, and took the book and pen and paper from the seat next to her, not knowing what was written there.

The inside of the mouth is even more godly.

Master Li was confused, what was the angle of the tipping, the location of the landing, and so on.

Although Master Li was distressed, he didn't say a word and quietly withdrew.

It's not his own fault.

Otherwise, such a waste of things and legs will be discounted...

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