In Master Li's eyes, Jiang Yuan's behavior may have spoiled things a bit.

But it's all worth it.

Jiang Yuan didn't waste her time. After this day's tossing, she already had an idea.

But for now, she has to continue to check to see if the situation is as she thought.

And what Jiang Yuan is thinking about now... She doesn't know what it's called, so let's call it the dumping method.

Dumping is performed at a specific angle and speed, and some intervention is applied during the falling process to increase the speed of stamping.

Jiang Yuan was looking for the right angle and speed during the day's tossing.

However, the manual method is definitely inaccurate, so it must be recorded every time for later data analysis.

Also, she felt as if she had really found her way.

Maybe it was the dream linkage of the seventh class. At the same time, Luo Hao, who was in vocational high school, also had a very special and bold idea, and it was also a flash of inspiration.

It's just that unlike Jiang Yuan who couldn't think of a way, Luo Hao caught the moment when the inspiration flashed.

Without further ado, I quickly took out the latest design of the first-generation machine, picked up the pen and began to scribble on the design.

Originally, Luo Hao was giving Yang Xinyan a supplementary lesson. Suddenly, when he saw Luo Hao taking out the design drawing, he was quite excited to modify the design drawing.


Luo Hao suddenly circled a lot of things on the design drawing, and then simply and rudely drew the shape of an excavator on it, saying it was an excavator, but only the boom and outrigger links were included, not including the shovel. Bucket and drive part.

Yang Xinran looked a little confused, "This..."

Luo Hao hurriedly began to try to connect various parts of the excavator to the system of the first-generation machine.

The first-generation machine, which was still bloated, was suddenly reduced by most of it.

Just... pretty bald.

Luo Hao excitedly began to gesture with his own hands, "I understand what Brother Feng said."

"Brother Feng asked us not to be bound by the rules and frameworks. As a result, we have tossed for so long, but we are still in the rules and frameworks, because whether it is the Red Star series, or the German Aix and Japanese Semper, because it has become us The reference object, to a certain extent, fixed our thinking again.”

"We didn't jump out of this circle at all!"

"Why do you have to use the red star mode or other modes?"

"No one has ever stipulated it!"

"We're in the horns again!"

Luo Hao looked at the blueprint, and his thoughts suddenly opened up.

"As long as it works, anything can be our design!"

"It doesn't matter if it looks good or not, the most important thing is practicality, cheapness and high efficiency!"

Yang Xinran was stunned for a while, and saw that Luo Hao's worries of the previous days suddenly disappeared without a trace, replaced by... a light in his eyes.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Xinran saw that the design style of the first-generation machine was gradually not right.

A large part was left in the middle, only the front section and the end were connected by the boom and outrigger link. Following Luo Hao, he made a shovel-like thing and fixed it under the boom, replacing the original one. function of that part.

"This... can it work?"

"I'm not sure either." Luo Hao was smiling at the moment, "The principle is the same anyway, you see, the punching hole in the front section is pulled by the outrigger lever, and the punched hole will come out along this groove. The part similar to the shovel is to shovel off the part above the groove, which also has a shaping effect!"

Yang Xinran blinked her eyes. After all, she also participated in the whole research process. She understood Luo Hao's meaning all of a sudden, and her eyes couldn't help but light up, she exclaimed, "Wow! Your idea is amazing!"

Luo Hao couldn't help grinning, but saw Yang Xinran also took out a pencil, and quickly added a protruding rectangle under the shovel, "You just shoveled out, but there is no guarantee that you can shape it accurately, if you use this shovel again Underneath there is a special press and shape that can be adapted to the groove..."

Luo Hao immediately hugged Yang Xinran's face and kissed him fiercely, "This idea is too great!"

Immediately, Yang Xin's face was red and her ears were red. It was a pity that there was no one beside her, otherwise she would be embarrassed.

Luo Hao laughed, and his mind quickly focused on the design.

As soon as the idea is opened, all kinds of whimsy come out.

Luo Hao hurriedly called the elite team of vocational high school.

After waiting for everyone to arrive, Luo Hao showed everyone the design drawing of the new first-generation machine.

Everyone was stunned.

"What's this? Excavator?"

After all, the middle part looks like a part of the excavator, but let's take a closer look.

Um? Wait a minute! ?

"Fuck! Brother Hao, bullshit!"

Li Yunyuan was so excited that he almost jumped out of his seat, obviously reacting, "This idea is absolutely incredible!"

The others were still a little stunned and didn't come back to their senses.

Li Yunyuan took the initiative to explain.

To put it bluntly, simplifying the complex, the middle part was originally very complicated, but it was solved by Luo Hao using a connection between an excavator arm and a telescopic rod and then hanging a shovel.

Everyone reacted and laughed out loud.

There was a bit of self-deprecation in the laughter, and the more I thought about it, the more I felt that this plan was... outrageous!

"But don't be too happy too soon."

Luo Hao hurriedly said, "It seems to be similar at first glance, but in fact there is still a gap, because it is very easy to be interfered by external factors."

"Yes, this is indeed a problem, after all, the base is exposed."

"Come here, let's brainstorm ideas, let's just not study Red Star, Aix's machines, after all, no matter how much we study, they have a strong scientific research team, and they are desperately spending money, we have nothing, so , our purpose is to solve the problem, don't be bound by the rules!"

As soon as Luo Hao opened his mouth, one of them immediately said, "Weld a cover on it?"

"But you can't move the shovel when you weld it on!"

"Not necessarily! As long as the moving path of the shovel is determined, then make a square cover and lay the movement trajectory on it differently?"

"Then how to solve the problem of sealing?"

"Metal activity patches! Didn't you have them when you were studying welding?"

"Fuck, this seems to work too!"

"I'll leave this to you. You go and get this kind of metal movable patch first and see if it works or not!"

"Okay, go now!"

After a day of discussions, when the new design of the first-generation machine was delivered to Liu Yuchen the next day, Liu Yuchen was stunned. The machine was hollow, and there were two extra arms, which felt like a robot arm.

"What the hell is this? It's gimmicky!"

Luo Hao raised his head, "Gundam!"

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