Of course Luo Hao made a little joke, and it was harmless.

Liu Yuchen didn't bother to care about it, but instead took a serious look at the design.

It's just that Luo Hao's design is very different from the previous design, and at first glance it seems a bit nondescript.

"Can this work?"

"I don't know, just take it as an attempt!" Luo Hao hurriedly smiled and said, "Anyway, we have already passed this plan, and now it's up to you."

Liu Yuchen frowned as he looked at the brand new design.

It is indeed a whimsical idea, and it can even be said to be a brain-opener.

Liu Yuchen did not express any opinion, and began to convene the scientific research team of No. 1 Middle School to discuss it together.

But at this moment, Liu Yuchen's phone also rang.

Seeing that it was Jiang Yuan's phone number, Liu Yuchen was taken aback for a moment, then answered the phone and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I found a solution!" Jiang Yuan's business was extremely excited. "And I may have found a special dumping method that can improve efficiency."

Liu Yuchen suddenly looked strange.

Exactly, then simply convene all researchers to discuss again.

Jiang Yuan also rushed back from Xin'an Township and informed everyone of her findings.

Luo Hao's non-mainstream design is still within a reasonable range, so Jiang Yuan's discovery has already subverted everyone's perception.

"Funnel dump method?"


Jiang Yuan showed everyone the records of these days, and then began to interpret her thoughts.

Simply put, it is to intervene through the movable funnel after pouring the molten iron through a specific angle and speed.

When everyone heard it, they were a little confused.

After all, the knowledge of casting is basically a layman, and there is no real in-depth understanding.

Not sure if this approach is feasible.

Anyway, try it.

The design plan is facing a major change again, because the dumping method that Jiang Yuan came up with is not very demanding, but naturally it needs to be completed automatically, so the relevant facilities and equipment need to be re-added at the input port.

In this busy work, in the process of constantly solving problems and encountering new problems, the time came to Friday.

The final design drawing of the first-generation machine was finally settled, and then handed over to Wang Xu to start the simulation test.

Wang Xu was stunned when he saw it.

What a mess! ?

It doesn't belong to the heavy press at all, so the modeling has to be done all over again, and even the algorithm has to be re-studied, especially Jiang Yuan has come up with a dumping method.

Wang Xu definitely couldn't do it alone, he could only find Zhou Feng.

Let Zhou Feng support a new algorithm.

When Zhou Fen saw the design drawing, she smiled knowingly.

Luo Hao finally understood what he said.

However, the funnel dumping method that Jiang Yuan came up with shocked Zhou Feng.

Zhou Feng looked at Jiang Yuan's research records, and after checking, he found that this method was indeed effective.

Compared with the traditional input method, the efficiency of the funnel dumping method is greatly improved.

It's just how much improvement there will be, which needs to be simulated first to see.

After some tossing, the algorithm and model were settled, and the simulation operation of the first generation machine began.

Wang Xu saw that the model was running according to the algorithm, and turned to look at Zhou Feng, "Brother Feng, can you do it? Why does it feel nondescript."

"No problem." Zhou Feng's eyes also fell on the screen. "It depends on how much the efficiency can be improved. I made a simple estimate just now. It should be about 240 higher than the Red Star."

"so much!?"

Wang Xu's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it. After all, the simulation calculation of the first-generation machine was just on par with Red Star last time.

"I think there is still room for improvement, but these will have to be improved later."

Zhou Feng had just finished speaking, and the simulation had just ended.

The final data is +24147!

Wang Xu's eyes widened, and he glanced at Zhou Feng subconsciously.


Wang Xu only felt that his scalp was inexplicably numb.

After the final result of the simulation was notified to Luo Hao and others, the crowd naturally cheered.

Excited to be excited, after calming down, there are still a lot of problems to solve.

Simulation is simulation after all, and there is a discrepancy with reality after all.

If you don't build the machine, you don't know what problems you will encounter.

Can't be too happy.

Where to build machines?

Jiang Yuan and Liu Yuchen immediately thought of the Kunhai Foundry, and couldn't help but look at each other, and then Liu Yuchen said, "Tomorrow, Jiang Yuan and I will go to Kunhai to ask."

The next day Jiang Yuan and Liu Yuchen went to Kunhai.

And this time, I also brought the design drawings of the first-generation machine.

Just after arriving in Kunhai at noon, Jiang Yuan immediately called the female clerk.

When the female clerk heard that Jiang Yuan was coming, she was quite happy.

Paid leave again.

He took the initiative to drive over to pick up Jiang Yuan. After receiving the person, Jiang Yuan said that he wanted to see the deputy director.

"Ah? See Vice President Qian?" The female clerk was taken aback for a moment. "Is there something wrong?"

Jiang Yuan quickly took out the design drawing from the bag, "Sister, I want to show this to the deputy director!"

The female clerk was startled, but didn't say much.

After all, Vice President Qian had explained it before, so there should be no problem.

I called and told the deputy director Qian first, saying that Jiang Yuan and Liu Yuchen were here and wanted to see you, and they were holding the blueprints, although I didn't know what blueprints they were.

Deputy Director Qian listened.

design diagram! ?

Um! ?

"I'm in the factory right now, you hurry up and send people over here!"

Deputy Director Qian's tone was still a little excited.

After all, Li Zhenhua told him before that these children were not ordinary children.

Incredibly smart.

Perhaps the opportunity of Kunhai Foundry lies in these children!

The female clerk was still a little excited when she heard Vice Qian's tone. Without thinking much, she quickly took the two little girls to the factory and all the way to the office of Deputy Director Qian.

Deputy Director Qian had been waiting for a long time, and when he saw someone came, he hurriedly invited Jiang Yuan and Liu Yuchen to take a seat.

After Jiang Yuan took out the design, she decisively handed it to Liu Yuchen.

After all, Liu Yuchen is a national defense escort student. Her speaking power must be extraordinary, and she is designated to speak better than her.

Without this, Liu Yuchen took the design and handed it to Deputy Director Qian's table.

Deputy Factory Manager Qian couldn't wait for a long time, so he quickly opened the design and took a look.

Suddenly... stunned.

What the hell is this?

Deputy Director Qian couldn't help looking at Liu Yuchen with a puzzled expression, "This... this is?"

Liu Yuchen hurriedly explained and explained the situation.

"This is a new heavy press that we made together."

"Well, it looks a bit peculiar, but it's really a heavy press."

In addition to this, there are a large number of specific parameter reports.

These have been printed out and presented to Deputy Director Qian.

Deputy Director Qian was completely stunned when he looked at the design drawings and a lot of data.

"So, what you have tossed out is more efficient than Red Star 12?"

"At least the data of the simulated operation exceeds that of the Red Star 12, and is closer to the b2 model just released by the German company Aix this year, and our budgeted machine manufacturing cost is only one-twentieth of the b2!"

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