Deputy Director Qian doesn't know what's going on at the moment. Anyway, with the support of the old director, Deputy Director Qian has no worries at this moment, and can focus on the first-generation machines with peace of mind.

At present, the old director obviously attaches great importance to the first-generation machine, and even has high hopes.

Deputy Director Qian is a man of gratitude.

This time, the design of Liu Yuchen and others can be said to have completely changed his current predicament, showing him a clear road to the future, so he naturally has to do something for Liu Yuchen and others in return.

But having said that, if the machine is really brought out this time, the old director will definitely take good care of these children, and the return he can give is quite limited. After all, he is currently only a deputy director.

But doing it and not doing it are two different things.

After thinking about it, Deputy Director Qian immediately had an idea.

Jiangnan Vocational High School!

In the past, Kunhai Foundry had only cooperated with the vocational and technical college in Kunhai, but the cooperation lasted only one year before it was disturbed by the surnamed Ke, and the latter matter was over.

This is actually a good thing. If schools and enterprises can cooperate with each other, students can get internship opportunities, which can be regarded as a stepping stone to enter the society in the future, and enterprises can also select outstanding talents from these students. Inject fresh blood into the enterprise.

The performance of Luo Hao and others this time made Deputy Director Qian glance at this Jiangnan Vocational College.

If you can raise such excellent students, the school is definitely not far behind!

Deputy Director Qian immediately asked someone to contact Jiangnan Vocational High School to talk about future cooperation.

It wasn't long before Jiangnan Vocational High School received news from Kunhai Foundry.

The school leaders of the vocational high school are all stunned!

They really thought about contacting Kunhai Foundry to cooperate with Luo Hao, but this matter must be considered in the long run. After all, Kunhai Foundry may not be able to look down on their Jiangnan Vocational High School.

As a result, what they didn't expect was that Kunhai Foundry actually came over to cooperate!


This matter can make the school leaders of vocational high school happy!

If you think about it, you know that Luo Hao must have played a key role in it.

It really doesn't hurt this kid at all!

The cooperation thing immediately entered the negotiation stage, and the deputy director Qian has already sent someone to Jiangnan to negotiate with the school on the follow-up matters.

Anyway, this week is of great significance to Kunhai Foundry and Jiangnan Vocational High School, and to Chen Chu, this week is also of great significance.

On Friday, he took Li Qingfeng to Deng Yuhan's home for a second visit.

Li Qingfeng was embarrassed at first, but after thinking about it carefully, he went with Chen Chu.

The face is something that has to be practiced.

Now is an excellent opportunity.

Although it was a little early, Li Qingfeng recognized Deng Yuhan in his heart, and he didn't care so much, he just went ahead.

Before the two came to the door of the house, Deng Yuhan was dumbfounded when he opened the door.

She really didn't expect Chen Chu's face to be so thick!

It's really coming!

What's even more outrageous is that Li Qingfeng actually followed.

However, Deng Yuhan still felt very happy after regaining his senses, because Li Qingfeng took the initiative to visit at home, which proved that Li Qingfeng took himself very seriously.

When Deng Yuhan's mother saw the two coming, her mood was quite complicated.


Hurry up and call Deng Rongmao.

Deng Rongmao was reading in the study. When he heard that Chen Chu was coming, he hurried out the door and pulled Chen Chu to the tea table with a smile. Chen Chu quickly gave Li Qingfeng a wink, and Li Qingfeng followed without a word. come up.

After all, a network is a network, and Chen Chu's ability to match is naturally a match, and by the way, cultivate the relationship between the future husband and uncle.

During this time, Li Qingfeng also made up for current affairs and politics. In addition, he read a lot of relevant analysis, and he was waiting for today.

Otherwise, when Chen Chu and Deng Rongmao were chatting later, he would not be able to blend in.

Anyway, the relationship between Chen Chu and Deng Rongmao is getting closer and closer.

Chen Chu felt that if he came here a few more times, he would mention Wang Yuanxin at an opportunity, and the matter should be considered stable.

Most of the Friday nights were spent at Deng Yuhan's house, and the chat was about 11 o'clock in the evening before leaving with Li Qingfeng.

"This time it's obviously not as nervous as last time, it's an improvement!"

"Yes, yes, thank you teacher for your teachings!"

"But your analysis of current affairs and politics is really messed up!" Chen Chu said dumbfoundedly, "You should have read a lot of people's analysis, so your views are rather vague, this also needs to be changed, and you have to follow Deng Uncle's tastes come, so when you go back, you can specifically watch the videos of these people and learn to look at problems from their perspectives, Deng Uncle prefers the current affairs and politics of these people."

Li Qingfeng nodded again and again, and took out his phone again to record.

Yes, this thing is busy, and tomorrow will be even more busy.

There are too many things to work on and prepare for to treat guests to dinner.

This Saturday morning, Chen Chu set off for the farmhouse that Director Sun had ordered.

Drinks and dishes must be ordered.

When it comes to cooking, Chen Chu doesn't intend to toss himself, it's almost done. After all, the whole thing is mainly for human feelings, and food and the like are almost enough.

Also, decide on the number of tables.

Director Sun gave a list.

Fortunately, Chen Chu's work efficiency is not slow, and he has done everything that should be done this morning.

I'm not idle, I can't be idle if I want to.

After all, Lu Yang was still under He Cao's custody, so Chen Chu had to hurry over to see what was going on.

During this period of time, Lu Yang's performance was very calm, because after the frenzy state was replaced by the scholar state, there was no other students' excited state.

Peace of mind is indeed very worry-free, but the speed of awakening really makes Chen Chu feel outrageous.

After such a long time, it is still in the awakening of talent, and the awakening has not been completed.

It didn't take long for Chen Chu to come to He Cao's house.

At this moment, He Cao is making up lessons for Lu Yang.

As soon as they entered the door, the two saw that the teacher who was not angry and arrogant came, and immediately stood up respectfully.

Chen Chu was a little bit dumbfounded, because after Lu Yang was infected by He Cao, he also appeared in a very special state of mastery and majesty.

But you two don't do this!

After all, He Cao's parents are at home now. Seeing He Cao and Lu Yang like this, it is very likely that they misunderstood what the head teacher did to them.

"Okay, okay, sit down first."

Chen Chu reached out his hand subconsciously.

As a result, at this moment, Lu Yang and He Cao both subconsciously took a few steps back, and a trace of panic flashed in their eyes.


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