In addition to coming to see Lu Yang's study, this trip was also a visit to He Cao's house.

Lu Yang's home visit has already been completed in the tea shop, and everything that needs to be understood has been understood, and everything that needs to be explained has been explained, so there is no need to go again.

After a brief inspection of Lu Yang's study, the situation was beyond Chen Chu's surprise.

Lu Yang's theoretical foundation is very solid.

Chen Chu used to help Lu Yang sort out a large amount of study materials before, plus some of the memory he left when using imitation, it can be judged that Lu Yang's current theoretical knowledge level has reached an advanced stage.

Chen Chu had to sigh with emotion how powerful the tens of billions of subsidies are.

This kid's ability to make up lessons is really too powerful, even if he was asked to make up lessons for Lu Yang, it would be impossible to achieve such efficiency.

Although the process of talent awakening has indeed slowed down a lot, a strong theoretical foundation is also very necessary.

The most outrageous thing is that Lu Yang's soil essence talent has already appeared in an evolutionary state.

Originally, Lu Yang's current talent was only D-level, but he began to evolve during He Cao's supplementary course.

If he continued to make up the class according to the current situation, perhaps when Lu Yang awakened, he would start with a talent above C rank.

There are indeed many gain effects for He Cao to make up lessons, but the only drawback is that it is slow.

Right now, Chen Chu doesn't know when Lu Yang's talent will awaken. It seems that this is indeed a very long process.

But it's not bad, at least He Cao helped him save his mind.

Can help one is one.

"What's the fix now?"

Chen Chu asked, and He Cao quickly and respectfully said, "Teacher, now we are making up engineering geology."

"Engineering Geology?"

Chen Chu was thoughtful, but had a new idea.

He Cao's supplementary courses are indeed able to lay a solid foundation, but more emphasis is placed on the theory in textbooks and lack of practice.

This is also one of the shortcomings of supplementary lessons.

Chen Chu himself is more practical than theoretical.

He usually takes practice as the main and the theory as a supplement. He Cao's method is the opposite of his.

Although He Cao is an all-around talent after evolution, He Cao also needs a learning process.

Thinking about it carefully, what if He Cao had laid the theoretical foundation and then handed over people to himself or other students?

Maybe unexpected results?

It was originally an experiment to let He Cao make up the class, so it is better to carry out another experiment.

Chen Chu's first thought was Deng Wei.

Especially now Lu Yang is studying engineering geology.

After thinking about it, Chen Chu decided to let Deng Wei take Lu Yang, let the two communicate with each other, and by the way, they can also enhance the relationship between the classmates.

So the make-up class was temporarily stopped.

Then Lu Yang and He Cao naturally did not dare to have any opinions, and immediately assumed an attitude of relying on the teacher's instructions.

Chen Chu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Since there was no make-up class, Lu Yang went home first.

Chen Chu simply communicated with He Cao's parents as a home visit.

Of course, because He Cao has already completed his awakening a long time ago, there is no need to understand anything.

Chen Chu has always been very satisfied with He Cao's performance, so in front of He Cao's parents, Chen Chu is full of praise.

And He Cao really helped him a lot, Chen Chu must have said it.

The home visit was over, and Chen Chu asked He Cao, "The teacher has always been very satisfied with your performance, so the teacher intends to reward you!"

"Is there anything you want more? The teacher can reward you as long as it is within a reasonable range!"

At this moment, Chen Chu's words are still quite tough.

Whether it is material rewards or spiritual rewards, he can now take them out.

After all, we are the ones with bonuses now!

When He Cao heard Chen Chu's words, he was naturally quite moved. He wanted to open his mouth, but after thinking about it, he finally swallowed the words.

Chen Chu naturally kept observing He Cao's demeanor. In just a few seconds, He Cao seemed to have experienced a very intense psychological struggle. In the end, He Cao shook his head and smiled, "I don't want anything! Teacher, can you praise me? It's the greatest reward for me!"


"It's alright, you can ask, I will try to satisfy you if I can satisfy you, teacher!"

"I really don't need it!"

"You really don't need it?" Chen Chu raised his eyebrows, "If you really don't need that teacher, then you can leave! There is only one chance, and if you pass this village, you won't have this store!"

He Cao's face was tangled. Anyway, his expression was very complicated. After hesitating for a long time, he said, "Teacher, can you really ask for anything?"

"It must be within a reasonable range. If it is unreasonable, I will definitely not promise you!"

"Okay!" He Cao hurriedly turned his head and entered his room. "Teacher, wait a moment, I'll be back when I go!"

Chen Chu had an odd look on his face.

The reaction was a little strange.

But Chen Chu didn't care anymore, he just sat on the sofa and waited. After about ten minutes, He Cao finally came out of his room with a pen and paper in his hand.

Chen Chu felt even more strange.

"What is this?"

Chen Chu took the paper and glanced at it, and it turned out that it was a letter of commitment.

There is a sentence above.

If He Cao makes a mistake in the future, I promise to forgive him three times and let it go

After Chen Chu read it, his expression was very strange.

What the hell?

He Cao hurriedly handed over the pen and said, "Teacher, you can sign and press your handprint."

"What is this?"

"Just the promise!"

Chen Chu narrowed his eyes, "You mean to make a mistake?"

"No, no!" He Cao hurriedly explained, "No one is a sage, no matter how good they are, I am afraid that I will do something to make the teacher unhappy in the future. I hope the teacher will not care about me."

"Then why three times?"

"It's just three things!"

The brain circuits of the seventh class children are sometimes so magical that Chen Chu doesn't even know what these little guys are thinking.

Is this child so afraid of the review?

But since Chen Chu has already agreed, naturally he will not break his promise.

He picked up the pen and signed his name on the promiser, and then He Cao brought the ink pad from some unknown source. Chen Chu shrugged and pressed his handprint, "Is it alright?"

"Alright, alright!"

He Cao took the letter of commitment with excitement, and then quickly took out the paper and handed it to Chen Chu.

I was naturally overjoyed in my heart.

From today, he has a disposable gold medal!

It must be the only one in the seventh class!

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