Let You Invent, Not Let You Build A Star Destroyer

Chapter 10 Zijin Military Region, New Equipment Test Starts

next morning.

Ye Bai followed the members of the Dragon Academy of Sciences to the Zijin Military Region.

"Academician Zhou is here."

A middle-aged man in a military uniform with two bars and four stars on his shoulders warmly greeted him: "Academician Chen and Academician Wei are also here, today the Academy of Dragon Sciences has a heavenly group!"

It is rare to see an academician on weekdays, but three of them came here today.

Zhou Ping laughed and said, "Haha, long time no see, Captain Wang, you are here for the firearms test today."

The person who came was Wang Kemang, the captain of the Yanlong Special Forces, one of the three strongest Yanhuang Special Forces, with the rank of Colonel!

Wang Kemang led the crowd inside and said, "Yeah, the firearms area is very lively today. The 613 Army Equipment Institute and the Beiyang Military Factory have brought a lot of good things. I'm here to take a look and find them for the brothers in the team." Order your equipment and change."

Generally, advanced individual combat weapons will be equipped with special forces first, and they represent the country's cutting-edge forces.

Zhou Ping was a little surprised and said: "This year the firearms area is so lively, but it used to be very deserted."

"No, if it was before, I would definitely go to the armored vehicle area. I came here specially this year."

Wang Kemang suddenly looked at the three metal boxes in the hands of the members of the Dragon Academy of Sciences: "The three academicians came here today prepared, and brought three new pieces of equipment."

Suddenly, he saw Jiang Chen: "Xiao Jiang, a genius from the Dragon Academy of Sciences, is also here. I heard that you improved the Type 88 sniper rifle. I'll have to try it myself later."

He still knows about Jiang Chen, the famous genius of the Academy of Dragon Sciences, who became a first-level researcher at a young age, and then an academician!

Jiang Chen glanced at Ye Bai beside him, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he said with a smile, "Hi Colonel Wang, I brought the sniper rifle today, and I will test it later."

In front of Ye Bai, how can he be a genius, he can't wait to find a crack to get in now.

Soon, everyone came to a large shooting range, and there were already many people inside.

Everyone carried a weapon case, and some had taken out their weapons and adjusted them.

"Three academicians, prepare first, I'll go and get busy, and come back later."

Zhou Ping nodded: "You go."

Only an academician like Zhou Ping could make the senior colonel greet him in person and be so polite.

Seeing the arrival of three academicians from the Dragon Academy of Sciences today, people from other institutions around also looked over curiously.

"With so many people here today at the Dragon Academy of Sciences, there must be some new research."

"I didn't expect the firearms to be fully developed in the first half of the year, and people from the 613 Institute and Beiyang Military Industry also came."

"I heard that they brought a very advanced gun."

There was a lot of discussion.

Zhou Ping told Ye Bai: "In a while, you can never say that it is made according to the game equipment, but that it is developed by yourself!"

Ye Bai smiled and nodded, "Okay, don't worry."

Zhou Ping glanced at him, don't worry, this guy is the most worried thing, and shook his head helplessly: "Let's go, you go to the testing area, we will come later."

Firearms tests are divided into categories, and Ye Bai and Jiang Chen are not in the same area.

Jiang Chen carried two large boxes and followed the guide to the rifle testing area.

Everyone else was one, and he was carrying two, which immediately attracted a lot of attention.

He put the box on the table, opened it and started to assemble it.

Yi Rou'er also saw Ye Bai, glanced at him lightly, then withdrew her gaze, and checked the gun in her hand.

Most people still focus on improving existing models.

It is not surprising that both guns were improved.

She is a representative of Beiyang military industry, and the gun in her hand was developed by her with three years of painstaking efforts. She has absolute confidence to enter the new equipment candidate area.

"Which factory does this guy have? His face is very raw."

"Damn, his gun is so exaggerated?"

"Is this the gun from the movie?"

"What's the use of making such a sci-fi shape, it has to be practical."

"He carried two boxes, could it be two?!"

At this time, there were more than 20 people in the rifle testing area, many of them spotted Ye Bai and talked quietly.

Yi Rou'er frowned and looked up at Ye Bai again, only to see that he was taking out the widowmaker and assembling it.

Because it is a modular gun body, it is very fast to assemble.

Suddenly, her eyes lit up, and she seemed to see an energy device!

Isn't it a powder propelled gun? !

From the appearance point of view, this gun is too sci-fi.

At least it is definitely not the route of existing firearms design.

Strange scope, plus thick barrel, more than one.

Is this a real gun or a toy model?

Since it can come in, it must be a real gun, but this shape is too advanced.

Yi Rou'er secretly remembered Ye Bai in her heart.

The representative of Institute 613, Li Si, also noticed Ye Bai, and he shook his head. The firearms test is not about appearance.

It is the effect of real combat!

Soon, new gun testing will begin.

The main thing is to shoot targets, test the accuracy and stability of firearms.

The rifle shooting range has four targets of 100 meters, 200 meters, 300 meters and 500 meters respectively.

Zhou Ping and the others arrived at the viewing area on Ye Bai's side.

Zhou Ping was a little worried and said: "Xiaoye's widow maker is not suitable for shooting."

Chen Wei nodded: "Really, his gun is a bit special."

Wei Chen was looking forward to it: "Finally I can see the complete test, whether it is suitable or not, the gun is so good!"

They waited for ten days abruptly!


After Wang Kemang finished his work, he came to the sniper rifle testing area where Jiang Chen was located, but Zhou Ping and the other three were not found: "Xiao Jiang, where are the three academicians?"

Jiang Chen pointed in Ye Bai's direction: "They went to the rifle testing area."

Wang Kemang was stunned for a moment. The three academicians were not looking at Jiang Chen, but went to the rifle area. Could it be because of the 613 Institute and Beiyang Military Industry?

"Oh, oh, okay, I'll go then."

Jiang Chen was helpless, he wanted to throw away his improved gun and go to see Ye Bai's test.

That is a real new gun, a weapon that crosses the era!

Wang Kemang hurried to the rifle testing area, and sure enough, all three academicians were there.

"The three academicians are all here, which one do you like?"

Zhou Ping smiled and said, "The Xiaoye we call is the one with two guns."

two guns?

Wang Kemang had a little impression. When he first came, there was indeed a handsome guy with two boxes. He thought it was the person who was responsible for carrying things.

Wang Kemang looked over and found Ye Bai easily.

He was the only one with two guns.

"Those two exaggerated guns were developed by him?"

Zhou Ping nodded and said, "That's right."

Wang Kemang was a little puzzled. The comparison of firearms is not about appearance, but comprehensive performance and popularity.

Testing has started.

The test officer asked the testers to show their firearms one by one.

"this is not OK."

"This almost means something."

"This is too crude."

Wang Kemang sighed with disappointment: "Most of them are still focused on improvement, the performance is not enough, the firearms are more complicated, the reliability is lower, and the improvement is of little significance."

As a special soldier, he has extremely high requirements for equipment.

The three of Zhou Ping also nodded. For so many years, the update of firearms is indeed very slow, which is incomparable compared to other equipment in the army.

Not to mention the navy and the air force with various new types of aircraft.

Most of the officers in the military area are in the tank area and armored vehicle area, and there are only Zhou Ping and a few people in the rifle area.

Soon, it was the 613's turn, and Li Si walked to the shooting area with a gun.

Everyone looked over.

The 613 Institute is a well-known army equipment research and development center, and Li Si is a top-notch talent in the institute.

"My gun is inspired by the 95-style assault rifle, a rebuilt new gun, I call it a scorpion-style assault rifle!"

Li Si glanced at Zhou Ping and the others in the viewing area, and took out a rifle that was slightly similar in shape to the Type 95. He said confidently, "I absorbed the advantages of the Type 95, and at the same time redesigned the shape, aerodynamics, and structure. It makes its shooting more accurate, with less recoil and more reliable performance."

The Type 95 assault rifle is an excellent rifle. If Li Si's redesigned Scorpion can go a step further, it will indeed be a very good gun.

Wang Kemang looked at it attentively, he hoped that a good gun would appear!

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